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    "Blackwood", a male voice said, shaking my shoulders. "Stella, get up"

    I forced my eyes open and looked around my dorm room. It was still dark and the only light coming into the room was from the moonlight hitting the Black Lake. I turned to my nightstand to check the time and I saw that it was midnight. Standing right next to my nightstand was Draco in his sweatpants and a hoodie. He had a cheeky smile across his face and the tip of his wand was lit.

    "Well, are you coming or not?", Draco asked pulling my duvet off my body.

    "Draco, it's late. What are you doing here?", I asked pulling the duvet back up.

    Draco rolled his eyes and quietly looked through my dresser, throwing a pair of sweatpants in my face. "Put your sweats on and let's go", he said sternly.

    I groaned and sat myself up in bed, trying to wake myself up. Draco grabbed my legs from under my duvet and pulled them towards him. He grabbed my sweatpants and slid each of legs into my sweats, pulling the waistband up to my hips. I got up from bed and followed him out of my room. I'm too fucking tired for this.

    Draco reached behind him and grabbed my hand, rushing me out of the common room and up the stairs. I followed him all the way up to the seventh floor, stopping right at the stairs to the Astronomy tower.

    "Alright close your eyes", Draco demanded, pulling his tie from the pocket of his hoodie.

    "I'm pretty sure this is considered kidnapping"

    "Just shut up and shut your eyes"

    "Fine", I sighed. I closed my eyes and Draco wrapped his tie around my head, completely blacking out my sight. He took my hand and then carefully led me up the stairs.

    Once we reached the top of the Astronomy Tower, I could feel Draco undoing his tie and then covering my eyes with his hand. He continued to lead me across the tower and then pushed down on my shoulder, making me sit down on the ground. I sat down on the ground with my legs crossed and placed my hand on both sides of my legs, feeling the soft blanket beneath me. Draco finally took his hand off my eyes and I kept my eyes shut until he tells me to open them.

    "You can open them now"

    When I opened my eyes, I saw a chess board placed in front of me with a telescope and a pack of Liquorice Wands. Draco was grinning from ear to ear when he saw me look around and then pulled a joint and a lighter out from the pocket of his hoodie.

    "You woke me up at midnight for a date? That's sweet", I said reaching for a Liquorice Wand.

    "Sweet? It's fucking romantic", he said placing the joint in between his lips and then lighting it with his lighter. "By the way, don't tell Blaise I stole one of his joints"

    "Cross my heart hope to die", I said drawing an "x" over my heart with my finger. "So, are you prepared to get your ass beat in a game of Wizard's Chess?"

    "Game on", he said taking a hit and then blowing out the smoke.

    "Thank you, for this. It was very romantic of you"

    "Anything for you, Stella", he said leaning over the chess board and kissing my lips. "I wanted our first date to be romantic and not at Madam Puddifoot's obnoxious tea shop"

    "I love all the pink and frilly decorations, though. It makes everything so romantic", I teased. Draco's smiled dropped and his faced started to turn red out of embarrassment. "Draco, I was just teasing", I laughed. "I hate Madam Puddifoot's. The amount of people snogging over their teacups is just sick"

endgame ✦ draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now