Ch. 32 - Tears

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Jungkook kept on tapping his fingers on the table at the porch. It's already seven in the evening and there was no sign of Jin.

The worst part of it, Jin's phone and wallet fell on the car floor and he just noticed when he arrived home. Now, he was worried and annoyed. To add more to his predicament, his pride was stopping him to call Yoongi and ask for Jin's whereabouts.

Feeling hopeless, but he still didn't want to admit it, he called Jimin.


"Hmmm... You're always calling when I'm having my beauty rest," Jimin whined while fixing the face mask on his face.

"Can you call Yoongi?"

"I'm fine thank you. Thank you for asking how I am," Jimin answered sarcastically making Jungkook sighed. "Jimin..."

"So what's your problem this time? Why do you want me to call Yoongi?"

Jungkook hesitated at first. He knew Jimin would whine but he wanted to at least try. "Jin is with him."


Jungkook narrowed his eyes, though slightly expecting the answer from Jimin, but still not liking Jimin's reaction. "That's all you can say?!"

"Omg! For real?! I'm glad Jinnie finally woke up from his sleep and is dating Yoongi and not an asshole like you! Wow! Is that what you want to hear? Because that's what I want to say but since I care for your feelings, I chose to shut up but since you're looking for a reaction, then I gave you that!"

There was a long silence after that. That was the reason why he loved talking to Jimin. He was saying the right words even if it would hurt him. Somehow, it was rousing something from him.

"Jungkook, I will not apologize for what I said. I know you're annoyed. To tell you the truth, I can't understand you. Before, you were so easy to deal with and cool. You can be a pain in the ass but tolerable. But lately, you are so whiny.

You're calling me for small reasons. Jin is with Yoongi, why Jin is saying this or that, or what I taught Jin. I mean, why do you care? Why are you worried? You said you don't like him. Then so what if he goes out with whoever? He can date whoever he wants and enjoy their company because you don't like him. I can't see the big deal to that. I'm happy he's not making it as if his world revolves only around you.

Your reason is the prying people, I mean, they are prying your life since the beginning. What's new? What's important, in the end, you will get married, have a child, you'll have the company for yourself, and then bye. I mean, why worry when he's tied to you because of a contract? If you want to know Jin's whereabouts, then why don't you call Yoongi yourself? Why me? Swallow your pride and grow up for fuck's sake!"

Jungkook let out a long breath. Jimin was right. Why would he care? "I'll call you some other time," Jungkook buried his face in his hands irritated. Not like that in the end, it was all his fault.

A thunder made him stood up and checked the sky. It was a cloudy night and he began to worry. He left Jin at school at three in the afternoon with no phone or cash and now, it looked like it's going to rain.

His eyes widened when he saw Jin's phone ringing and it was Yoongi calling. His hand trembled as he answered the phone. "Where is Jin?"

There was silence before Yoongi spoke. "What do you mean where is Jin? Our class ended at 3 pm. You picked him up in school earlier didn't you?"

Jungkook gritted his teeth. He hated it when Yoongi wanted him to look stupid. "Stop it and what time is your plan to drive him home?"

Yoongi chuckled sarcastically. "I am still at the airport waiting for my flight to Busan. It is three hours delayed and I am so damn frustrated. Jin knew it and I told him I will call him if I needed to cancel our class tomorrow. I called him when I arrived at the airport but he did not answer my call. And now you just informed me that you left Jin somewhere without his phone and you're thinking he's with me. What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you really that close-minded? Is it the flowers? It has no malice if that's what you need to hear. When will you start to grow up, Kook?"

Jungkook cut the line, slamming his hand on the table. He just noticed that it started to rain. Cursing himself, he grabbed the car keys and rode his car.


Jin ran under the canopy of the bus stop. The rain almost soaked him wet. His hair was already dripping and the flowers in his arms weren't as pretty as before.

Sitting down on one of the benches, he massaged his leg. He could feel the strain from walking. He didn't know how far he had walked. He thought he lost his wallet and phone while walking and he didn't know how to get home fast. With no choice left, he just walked.

Somehow, he was thankful that it rained. At least, people wouldn't notice the tears in his eyes. He was terrified remembering what happened to him the last time he walked alone at night. He was blocked by some men and he was scared something might happen. He was thankful that Jungkook came. From then on, he considered Jungkook as his hero.

But tonight was different. Aside from fear, he was worried because Jungkook was so angry at him. He didn't know if Jungkook will come for him. His feet and legs were already tired and he felt he couldn't walk any more further.

He looked at the faces of the people at the bus stop. Most of them were looking at him. He knew as he already heard someone mentioned his name and Jungkook's name. 'He's Jungkook's boyfriend', 'where is Jungkook', 'i'm sure they break up', 'Jungkook is single again', 'maybe Jungkook threw him out'. Jin looked away as he noticed someone took out a phone. Even he wanted to run away, he couldn't. The rain was heavy.

He heard some people gasped and some giggled as if they were so excited. And his eyes widened in shock when he saw Jungkook approaching him. Jungkook, with teary eyes, pulled Jin's hand and wrapped him in his arms. The flowers on Jin's lap fell on the ground.

"I'm sorry, Jin. I'm so sorry," Jungkook whispered as he tightened his arms around Jin. Jin's face was buried against his chest. Jungkook kept on kissing Jin's head as his arms tightened even more around Jin. "I can never forgive myself if something happened to you."

Jin tried to say something but couldn't. Jungkook's embrace was so tight he couldn't even move. Finding some space to move his face, he looked up at Jungkook. "I... can't... breathe,"

It was then Jungkook loosened his arms. "Oh. I'm sorry,"

Jin smiled lazily. Jungkook's hug gave him some heat. His wet shirt was clinging to his body and the wind making him feel cold. "Thank you for coming for me," Jin's voice was low and quivering.

Noticing that too many eyes were on them and Jin was cold, and perhaps, those who loved attention were shooting them live, Jungkook glared at the nosy people making them lower their phones. Removing his coat, he covered Jin's head as he guided him towards his car.

As he sat on the driver's seat, Jungkook noticed the flowers that were left sprawled on the ground. Hopping out again to retrieve it, he gave it back to Jin who was surprised and confused.


"It's okay. It's a gift for you," Jungkook tried to smile. The flowers still annoyed him but he wanted to cheer Jin up.

Driving through the heavy rains, Jungkook glanced at Jin. "Jin, I'm sorry you needed to walk that far. I should have listened to you."

Jin stared at Jungkook whose eyes were on the road. Jin couldn't help to cry. He didn't know how to break it to Jungkook that he lost his belongings. He was tired from walking and he was worried. He couldn't understand the emotions inside him.

"Please, don't cry," Jungkook's eyes glistened as he tried to make Jin feel better while stifling the tears that wanted to fall.

Jin finally broke down and cried hard. "I lost my wallet and phone. I know I'm stupid. I know I'm not smart. I know I have a fish brain. But I have feelings too."

Jungkook pulled the car to the side. He had never heard Jin cried that hard as if Jin couldn't breathe. And it made him extremely worried and bad. Removing his seatbelt, he pulled Jin again in his arms. "No Jin, no. I'm sorry. It's my fault. I'm so sorry,"

And for the first time after a long time, Jungkook cried.

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