Ch. 17 - Boyfriend

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Jimin glared at Jungkook as he noticed that his attention wasn't on the road.

"Do you want me to drive?"

Jungkook looked at Jimin confused.

"I know Jin looked incredibly handsome today and you keep on glancing at him through the rearview and I will kick your ass if you will deny it."

Jungkook smirked as he shook his head. "I was looking at the cars on the back. What the hell are you talking about?"

Jimin scoffed. "Uh-huh. I know you like how I know the shape of my beautiful lips that even with eyes closed, I can put the lip balm perfectly. Why don't you just bring us to Starbucks? I think I need some coffee."

"Jimin, we have an appointment with the school director. Can we just pass by after?"

Jimin tapped the digital clock of the car. "I will not ask you to go there if we are running late. We still have over an hour and besides, it's Jin's first time going to Starbucks. You like to go to Starbucks Jin?"

Jimin looked at the back seat and from the rearview, Jungkook could see Jin smiling so widely and nodding frantically as if he was asked if he wanted a toy.

"You always do this. Why did we go early if you are aware that we still have plenty of time?" Jungkook snarled feeling annoyed. He disliked being out in the daytime. He hated being the center of attention when he's inside an establishment.

"The same question why you will ask us to go home when I'm still enjoying a movie only to be informed in the middle that you wanted a drink and then you will end up going somewhere with some random guy to fuck and me, the famous Park Jimin, had no choice but to ride a cab. Did I complain? No, just now so you stop complaining and bring us to holy shit!!"

Jimin stopped ranting as Jungkook drove fast that he needed to gripped tightly on his seat.

"You really want to die?" Jimin continued to rant as they went out of the car.

"Stop bringing what happened before. That was me. When was the last time it happened? Six, seven months ago? I am different now, you know that!" Jungkook snapped back.

Jimin pulled Jin inside the Starbucks with Jungkook trailing behind them wearing his bucket hat making sure half of his face was partially covered. Jimin took the corner table where the couches were placed and had Jin seated. "What do you want to drink, baby?"

"Starbucks!" Jin exclaimed causing Jimin to softly touch Jin's cheeks. "Quiet, honey."

Jungkook snorted with an insulting look on his face. "Why don't you just order something for him? You know he's clueless. Do you think he knows what a Macchiato is?"

"Hot or cold?" Jimin asked Jin ignoring Jungkook's comment.

"Cold," Jin smiled feeling excited. His eyes kept on wandering around the store. "It smells like the coffee here. I like it."

Jimin tapped Jin's head before heading to the counter. Jin continued to look around. His eyes were amazed by the new things he's currently seeing. And he kept on breathing in, smelling the smell of coffee inside the cafe. His mouth hanged open. Until he started to smile more.

Jungkook ignored Jin's reaction until he overheard someone spoke his name. He tried to listen more and he just realized that they were talking about him and Jin.

"Is that Jeon Jungkook's boyfriend?"

"Positive! That's the guy with him inside the car."

"Why he's not sweet to him?"

"I noticed it too. But the guy is handsome. You mean the article is not true?"

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