Ch. 23 - Hug

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Jin went back to his bedroom last night. He's not on my bed after I shower. Part of me wanted to talk to him to apologize but I don't know why I could not lower my pride.

What made it worst, and I don't know why I am extremely embarrassed to face him. Knowing him, he will ask a lot of questions. And I don't know how to answer them. How would I say that I'm just horny? He will ask what horny is. I could visualize his face while asking those and it's making me sick already. Typical Jin.

That morning, he's already inside the kitchen preparing my lunch box. It's already rainy that morning and Yoongi has already called to cancel Jin's class for today. The weather report said the night will be stormy so I woke up early so I can go home early.

"Good morning! I already prepared your lunch box. Here's your umbrella and your raincoat just in case the rain goes heavy," what I hate about him is that he's always nice even if I am treating him badly. He should be angry at me for leaving him like that last night.

"I will never wear a raincoat,"

Jin looked at the coat then back at me. "Then why did you buy it if you will not wear it?"

"It's for my security not for me. Stop asking."

Jin just ignored and placed a cup of coffee on the table. "Here's your breakfast ungrateful dickhead."

I dropped the fork on my plate after hearing what he just said. I think if eyes can kill, I am already a murderer. I stared at him and he just stared back. "What did you say?"

"I said here's your breakfast ungrateful dickhead," the way he said that it's obvious that he doesn't know what he's talking about.

"Who told you to say that to me?!"

Jin seemed startled after I raised my voice. He shook his head in horror when I slammed my hand on the table.

"Jimin! He taught you that, right?! Right?!"

Jin went silent. He's scared. "He said that I should say that to you the next time you ignore the things I prepared for you."

I snorted. I knew it. Jimin is the only person who will teach him those words. "Did you even know what it means?"

Jin unexpectedly nodded. "You're not thankful. You do not appreciate what I'm doing for you. That's what it means."

I could only laugh. Well, sarcastically of course. Honestly, I couldn't' believe that someone like Jin would say that to me. That was brave. "I don't need to be thankful. You should. It's your responsibility because I gave you a roof on your head. The only thing that I should be thankful for is you pretending to be my boyfriend which as of the moment is what you're really bad about.

And don't you ever think that I will like you when you don't even know what a dickhead means. I will not like someone like you. You're stupid. You're extremely annoying. You've got a fish brain. What happened last night was a mistake and it didn't mean anything to me. Don't you ever think that I did that because I like you? Keep that in your fish brain! Understood?"

I saw how his eyes turned red. Before he could even cry, I grabbed the lunch box and stormed out of the kitchen. Making my way to the driveway, with tears still on his cheeks, Jin called my name with the umbrella in his hand.

"Y-you forgot your umbrella," he just handed it to me before turning his back and walking away.


Jimin laughed on the other line as I talked to him about what Jin told me. Jimin loved it. He loved it when I am pissed. He loved it when someone annoyed me. "You're not always the winner, you brat! How could you do that to Jin? Are you going to taint his innocence? For real?"

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