Ch. 45 - Invite

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"I hope you did not resign. Your father will get angry. I'm here because you wanted the company. Why did you choose me? I don't understand, " Jin could not move on from what happened. He could not understand Jungkook's reasons. And the scene in the office shocked him. "I know you're sad. I may be lacking in some things, but I know when someone I love is sad."

Jungkook smiled as he slowly removed Jin's seat belt. They will know the gender of their baby today. Jin was excited before they left and now, Jungkook felt guilty because Jin worries more for him now.

"Jin, I'm not sad. I am okay and happy, believe it or not. I will explain it to you in the simplest way. If you have questions, ask me.

I grew up to be my dad's heir. Actually, it felt more like I was born to be my dad's heir. I studied business because I need to be that someone who could handle the business. My dad always imposes things even if it's against my will.

It's true, you're here because I 'want' the company. But the truth, my mom and dad want the company more than I do. I would like to hold on to my belief that being responsible and passionate to run a company are more important than marrying and having a child.

Before I met you, I am okay with being alone. I only want to get married for convenience. I know you are aware that you are pregnant because of the same reason. But still, my belief is still the same. I don't want 'business' to be the only reason to marry and have a child. For me, it's not the basis of being a great businessman.

My cousin is a responsible father and husband. But he doesn't have enough credentials to be the next chairman. What he has? Family and being a Jeon. How can your last name run the company? You see what I'm trying to say?

I did my best for the company. I finished a lot of projects and gave them earnings. That's why the sense of fulfillment is there. I have proven my worth. It's their loss not mine. I am just worried because my cousin is greedy. He has a personal agenda. But I'm leaving that for my father to discover. He may be successful in putting me down now, but it also has an end.

Don't worry because I and Jimin are planning to run a business. Yes, I am sad because I left the company, but I'm happy because I know I only did the right. And one of the right decisions I made is being with you.

My cousin used his money to bring me down. My lawyer betrayed me. My father sided them. He wanted me to leave you so I can redeem myself. And then what? Look for another one whom I can marry? No. If I will marry someone, that would be you. And I will marry you because of love, not for convenience.

Because of that, I would like to correct your statement. You're here not because I want the company. You're here because I want you to stay with me. I want us to take things slow. Let's enjoy each other because we started it wrong. I love you, Jin. I love you and our soon to be baby."

Jungkook wiped the tears that fell on Jin's cheeks. He knew Jin was worried from the moment they left the company. He knew as well that Jin got scared when he confronted his cousin. But now, he felt better because he said what he wanted Jin to know.

"Thank you Kookoo. Please be okay," Jin smiled even though in tears. He was still worried, but at the same time, his heart was filled with joy that his Kookoo loves him like he do.

"I am. I talked to Yoongi and told him that I will bring you there. So you can spend time with your best friend. What about that?"

"Really?" Jin's eyes widened in glee. It's been a while since the last time he saw Hoseok.

"Yes. Mrs. Min wants to see you too. She hasn't seen you since you started home schooling. But for now, let's get in, the doctor is waiting for us."


Jin kept on rubbing his belly. The smile never left his face. He was overwhelmed with all the happy feelings he was feeling. First, he's going to see his best friends and friends, and second, with everything Jungkook had told him. He never felt so loved and important until Jungkook came into his life.

"I wish my parents would be here when I give birth. I want them to see their grandchild," Jin smiled. A spark of hope in his eyes and it did not go unnoticed from Jungkook's eyes.

Jungkook held Jin's hand and smiled with him, "Don't worry, I'll do my best to make it happen. In the mean time, what do you want, girl or boy?"

Jin loses his eyes when he smiled. He was anticipating the gender of his baby. Everything was new to him. Jungkook indeed gave him almost all his firsts. "Any gender is okay. As long as he looks like his daddy Kookoo."

Jungkook chuckled. He found it endearing whenever Jin calls him like that. Boss Kookoo, boyfriend Kookoo, and now daddy Kookoo.

"Hello, how are you Jinnie? You look amazing," the doctor greeted as he placed a gel on Jin's belly. "I bet you're doing great on your pregnancy."

"Yes, doctor. Kookoo always buys me healthy foods. And he always encourages me to exercise," Jin said with a proud tone in his voice.

"That's great! Jungkook should always give you nutritious foods. Because that's the main source of nourishment of your baby," the doctor said as he prepares the machine to determine the gender of Jin's baby.

Jin smiled even more hearing what the doctor had said, "Kookoo always do that. And doctor, since my baby eats what I eat, is cum nutritious?"

Jungkook thought his heart fell on the floor. He froze in his seat and he felt as if his breathing stopped.

"Uh, what was that again?"

Jungkook finally came back to his senses and interfered. He held Jin's hand tightly to stop him from asking, "He loves eating canned fruits, doctor. I told him fresh ones are better. Right, Jin?"


"We're excited to know the gender of our baby, doctor. Can we start now? " Jungkook widened his eyes at Jin and Jin pouted. But Jin's question now turned into excitement when the doctor began to check on his belly.

"Jungkook was right Jinnie, you should eat fresh fruits. Avoid canned or preserved foods," After a moment, the doctor smiled, "Wow, congratulations, it's a baby girl."

Jin gasped as his eyes tried to understand the monitor. Though he could not see from the screen the gender, it still amazes him that the baby growing inside him was a girl. "We will have a baby girl."

Jungkook tried to hold in his tears. He could not believe that he would be a father soon, a father to a baby girl. "Yes, baby. We will have a girl soon."


Mrs. Min was the one who opened the gate for Jin and Jungkook. Upon laying his eyes on Jin, Mrs. Min had to swallow several times to contain the tears that wanted to fall. "Hi, Jin. It's nice to see you again."

Jin smiled his signature smile and that alone made Mrs. Min to throw his arms around Jin and hugged him tightly. Mrs. Min looked at Jungkook, mouthing the words 'thank you.' The truth, it was Mrs. Min who requested for Jungkook to bring Jin to her. Though it wasn't confirmed yet if Jin was her missing son, she still has a soft spot for Jin.

"I will pick you up at 7. I'll be meeting Jimin. Just give me a call if you need anything," Jungkook reminded Jin and Jin quickly turned to him and gave him a long kiss on the lips. "Thank you, Koo. I'll see you later."

"Why don't you join us for dinner? I will cook. I would appreciate it if you two could join us," Mrs. Min invited and Jin nodded as he looked at Jungkook. Just the word food always makes him excited.

"Okay, Mrs. Min. Thank you for inviting us. I'll be back for dinner."

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