Ch. 43 - Past

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I edited this chapter, five times. 😩 This chapter and the next ones are not the usual light ones, but not angsty as well. But we will go back to light ones soon. Also, this book will end soon. I hope you're all well and safe.


"Mom wanted to be a Psychiatrist. But being the only child of a wealthy business clan, mom had to follow traditions. I know you can relate as you belong to a wealthy clan too. Like any other business clans, nothing is more important than wealth, name, and power. Following her father's order, mom took a business course at a prestigious business school.

While working for my father's company, she took a psychology course. Working in the mornings and studying at nights. My grandfather found it as a waste of time. She said, she already held back her dream of being a doctor. But still wanted to pursue her passion, and that's to understand people.

She was in a secret relationship with a man working as a truck driver. Obviously, her family wouldn't accept the man. So they kept their relationship. Until her dad announced she was marrying another businessman's son. Part of their tradition was fixed marriage or forcing you to get married.

I was the son from that marriage. I was created without love. As you know, they marry each other by force and they conceived me because they had to. My father was a good man. Mom and dad were living in a same house but were not sleeping in the same bed. They understood why they were together. And surprisingly, it may sound weird, dad was aware of mom's affair and he's cool with that.

Mom got pregnant for that man. She was happy but worried at the same time. My dad was willing to stand up for mom, but mom was hesitant. She wanted a divorce. She said she couldn't use my dad's kindness all the time as it was unfair. She wanted for my dad to find his own happiness too.

Just a week before giving birth, my grandfather learned about the situation and he was so angry. My mom had to escape with the man. They went to an island together with the man's mother. And there, due to too much stress, she gave birth to a baby boy earlier than expected.

Feeling unsafe and knowing my grandfather's capability, after giving birth, the very same day, my mom and his man left the island. Leaving the child with his grandmother.

I won't detail what happened to the man, but he was beaten by my grandfather's men. Because of his injuries, he died some weeks later. My mom was so enraged she gave up her rights as an heir. And that's how the school was built. My mom and his father were not in good terms until grandfather's death. He eventually apologized and mom accepted it. He still made my mom his heir, but she did not continue my grandfather's business and she sold it.

Then we started looking for my brother. Apparently, since no one knew them on the island, the old lady changed her name to be safe and to protect the child. My mom wanted to name the child Haejin but  it wasn't documented, we didn't know my brother's name. Most probably, his grandma changed his name too.

That is why it was very difficult for us to look for him. We don't have any more traces than knowing my mom left them there. We are completely clueless. We don't know who to find. We don't know if the grandma is still alive. Even my brother. Was she able to send my brother to school? We've been struggling and mom kept on blaming herself."

Jungkook was in awe after hearing Yoongi's story. He felt bad about Mrs. Min. He couldn't imagine the pain of leaving your child to an unknown place. He felt sad about Jin too. Jin lived his life without knowing his parents. He wasn't able to enjoy his teenage years. He wasn't able to go to school and instead, he worked as a diver to survive.

He could relate to Mrs. Min's story too, as he was also being forced by his father to marry to get hold of the company. Though, he wasn't a fixed one, still, he couldn't grasp why he needed to marry and have a child just to prove he's responsible enough to handle their company.

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