Ch. 12 - Favors

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Jungkook woke up to the smell of food coming from the kitchen. Indeed, Jimin stepped up and transferred Jin to one of the vacant bedrooms upstairs. And when he took a peek, Jin was nowhere in the bedroom.

He stepped back as soon as he entered the kitchen. His eyes widened in shock when he saw Jin, not because he was cooking, but because of what Jin was wearing.

"Why the hell are you wearing those?"

Jin turned around to looked at the man yelling at him. With a spatula on his right hand and a potholder on the left, he then scanned his clothes and pouted. "Minnie said it looks good on me. Is it ugly?"

Jungkook sighed, poking the insides of his cheeks with his tongue, and trying to avoid looking at Jin who was wearing a crop top and dolphin shorts. "I don't like you wearing that kind of clothes in my home."

"Good morning!" Jimin greeted the two. He was wearing an apron and looking at Jungkook with a smile.

"What time did you arrive?" Jungkook asked while looking at his watch.

"Jeon Kookoo, FYI, I am already awake at 4 in the morning, every day. I am a productive person who hates spending a day with nothing to do. I came here at 6, wake Jin up and now, we're preparing breakfast. Taehyung will come any time now."

"I just asked what time did you arrive," Jungkook muttered as he prepares a cup of brewed coffee. "So you bought him those clothes?"

"Yeah and why not? Look at his legs and his tiny waist. One should always highlight their best features. You like it, don't you?" Jimin teased as he places the pancakes that Jin prepared.

Jin sat across Jungkook and gave him a cheeky smile. "Good morning Boss Kookoo. I hope you're not angry today."

Jimin covered his mouth, avoiding not to laugh. "Jungkook, please give this plan a chance. I know Jin is hard to handle but you are sure that he has nothing you're afraid of. And I am pretty sure he will not run after your wealth or denied a divorce. Come on, look at the brighter side of things!"

Jungkook looked at Jin who just stuffed a big chunk of pancake in his mouth, followed by pieces of bacon then the egg. Then Jin smiled at him with full cheeks.

"Jimin, I understood what you want and that's what I want too. But does he even understand what he's getting into?" Jungkook leaned closer so he can whisper to Jimin. "You know I need sex. I need to have a child. I can't imagine myself sleeping with him."

Jimin nibbled his lower lip. Jungkook had a point and he already thought about it. He knew that Jin was so pure and he also cannot imagine Jungkook tainting Jin's innocence.

"Hi! I'm here." Taehyung arrived with a laptop in his arms. Placed it on the table and got his own servings of breakfast. "Good morning, Jin."

"Good morning Taetae," Jin said cutely causing Taehyung to smile in fondness. "I cooked the pancakes. Jimin taught me."

Taehyung acted as if he just tastes the most delicious pancake in the world. "Mmmmm! It's delicious!"

Jin smiled widely. "Really? Jimin is a great teacher."

Jungkook snorted. "I bet."

"He will teach you a lot of things in the future." Taehyung waddled his eyebrows while opening his laptop. "So, let's start?"

"Look, I guess my opinion matters right? You explain to him what he's getting into. Now, if he understands, which I doubt, then I don't have problems with him being my fake husband."

Jimin and Taehyung looked at each other. Jimin cleared his throat before talking to Jin. "Jin, remember what we talked about last night?"

Jin looked at the ceiling thinking. "Which one?"

"About Kookoo needing help?"

Jin nodded. "You said I will earn two million dollars. And that Boss Kookoo needed to get married and have a child."

"And that Jungkook needs it because they have tall buildings and a large company. And you said Jungkook is like a prince. Right?" Jimin added with a smile.

Jin nodded frantically. "Yes! An asshole prince."

Jimin giggled and Taehyung pursed his lips avoiding not to laugh. Jungkook's mouth fell open as he breathes heavily with eyes closed. "Did you even know what an asshole means?" Jungkook snapped at Jin.

Jin being so innocent nodded at Jungkook. "Yes! That's where our poop coming out."

Taehyung and Jimin laughed while Jungkook's hand balled into a fist.

"But I don't know why a prince should be an asshole," Jin said in a pout causing Jimin and Taehyung to laugh more.

"Where did you hear that?" Jungkook angrily questioned Jin who didn't even get scared.

"Stop it, Kook! I said that. And who do you think will say that to him? Stop it. It's just so childish," Jimin felt that he needed to end the conversation as he doesn't want to spoil the plan.

"Jin, I want you to listen to me again. If you have questions or you have something that you don't understand, don't hesitate to ask me. Okay?"

Jin just nodded.

Taehyung positioned his hand on the laptop, preparing to type whatever they agreed upon.

"I will tell you first the benefits that you will get when you accept this offer so you have a background on how good this is.

First, you will attend an online school and personality development course. I know that you came from an island and you're a bit off your age so this will be an advantage. Especially in the future when you decided to stay here in Seoul and work.

Second, you will live your best life. Can you see Jungkook's home? Big, spacious and so pretty. There's a pool so you can swim if you miss diving.

Third, there are flowers in the garden. You can water them and pick them whenever you want.

Fourth, you can ride an airplane, go to different places, go to malls and shop, you can buy whatever you want. Drink Starbuck morning, noon, and night.

Fifth, two million dollars will be all yours."

Jungkook but in. "I can't remember saying those benefits Jimin."

Jimin signaled Jungkook to stay quiet and looked back at Jin. "Do you like the benefits, Jin?"

Jin went quiet. He loved everything that Jimin mentioned but he didn't know what he should do.

"What will I do?" Jin asked. His eyes are a bit misty.

Jimin looked at Jungkook who was glaring at him. "I will go straight to the point. You need to marry Jungkook and have a child with him."

Jin looked at his fingers that he had been playing since their discussion started. "I am okay with that but, can I ask for a favor?"

Jungkook's brows met and he was ready to snap at Jin but Jimin held his palm up at Jungkook to silence him.

"What's your favor Jin?" Jimin asked.

Jin took a deep breath. "I want to find my parents."

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