Ch. 11 - Pretty

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"Yes?" Jimin answered the phone,  while he's scanning the fingernails of his other hand.

"Where are you?" Jungkook snarled at him on the phone. "Is Jin with you?"

Jimin giggled on the line, like a laugh of mockery. "Why don't you check in the storage room if Jin is still there? Try to check the boxes, maybe he's inside?"

Jungkook clenched his jaw, raked his fingers through his hair as he tries to resist his anger. "Can you just answer my question? I'm serious here."

Jimin chuckled once more, he loves it whenever he made Jungkook angry. He looked at Jin who is currently sleeping on the massage chair, having his feet and legs spa while hugging a bag of potato chips. "And why are you so concern? Anyway, yes, he's here with me and we're spending your money."

A line appeared between Jungkook's forehead. He immediately checked on his wallet and he sighed once he confirmed that his cards are intact. "And what the hell do you mean by that?"

"You will pay for all these since you're the one who needs Jin. Right, Kookoo?"

"Can you stop calling me that?" Jungkook complained. His voice is obviously at the edge of going angry. "I will not pay for whatever you two bought and I am certain that I don't need that fish."

Jimin laughed, leaned his back comfortably on the massage chair while getting a foot spa. "I am also certain that you will retract your statements. I am also certain that you will regret calling him a fish. I would agree if you will call him a merman. A pretty merman."

"Where the hell are you?"

"You just said it. In hell." Jimin laughed.

Jimin heard a deep sigh from the other line. "Okay, sorry. Why are you so annoyed? We are here in Sense Salon and Spa. So for now, try to compute everything. Haircut, hair color, clothes, manicure, Pedi-- hello?"

Jimin looked at his phone and he smiled in satisfaction as he knows that he annoyed Jungkook. He then looked at Jin who just woke up. "Hey! You fell asleep with the potato chips in your arms."

Jin smiled as he shifts in his seat and eats some more chips. "This is delicious. We don't have this on the island."

Jimin gave Jin a small smile. He felt a pinch of pain in his heart as he gets to know Jin more. It hurts him that Jin was deprived of the simple things in life. While he and his friends are living their lives luxuriously in Seoul.

"Do you want to earn money?" Jimin asked making Jin turned his head and face brightened. "But this is not an ordinary job Jin."

"I can do anything. I've been diving since I was 12 years old. Swimming in the deep ocean."

Jimin looked at the two attendants scrubbing their feet. The attendants, knowing Jimin for a long time, stood up and leave the private room. "Your salary here is over the top. And I am telling you that you can buy a car or a small apartment and you can study too."

Jin's eyes flickered. Hearing that he can buy a home and he can study caught his attention. The offer is too good to be true. "Really?"

"Two million dollars."

Jin's mouth fell open and his eyes widened like a saucer. He looked at his fingers, trying to figure out how much money he can get.

"A-are y-you serious?" Jin looked at Jimin as if he wanted to cry. Never in his dreams, he thought of earning that much money. Thinking about his past, he only ears seaweed soup and rice every day. He only has a few pairs of clothing and he only slept in a makeshift three-decker bed.

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