Part 39 - Welcome to the living Nightmare 3

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Loki left Dexter's room in despair. He felt rejected.
Why ?
Because Dexter said he needs to think about it. Rat told the rest.

As Fox had decided to take the rest into his own hands and searched for Dexter, Loki went to his room and Black reminded him of the letter from his little group to look for Melanie's family.

With Loki...

He was in his room and went to his bed, there laid a letter. He opened it and decided to read it.

We found them ! There was a HYDRA basis near by the house, Melanie lived in. They must have built that one newly. They torture them mentally. We also found out, that Melanie is brainwashed. She believes that her Husband is one of Dexter's men, one of us. But that isn't true. We never saw him. She believes that he forced her to be having children, like rape. No matter what he will try and tell her, she will not believe him. Dad is in grave danger. Melanie is also an Angel. She is a born Angel, but doesn't know that. She just thinks she is "Special" in some way. What should we do ? Shall we rescue them now or observe more ?

Nightowl, Wolf, Black Fox, Invisible, Light, Life and Drone.'

"Shit...", Loki cursed.

He got letter and paper after that.

'Dear little group of mine,
I hope you are well and alright. I almost would say rescue them now, before it gets even worse, but maybe then there will be the danger that you get caught. You will surely need backup observe everyone of HYDRA. When you think you don't need to, then just get in there, kill every Agent you see and get the family out of there. If you can, destroy the basis too. I don't know where, but you need to hide them somewhere safe. I think for that step you need to ask Fox. He is with us in the whole plan and we also try to get Dexter back. He is slowly falling for Melanie again and we need the right Spell to get it off from him. We are trying right now to get Dexter and myself away from here, so he won't distract us. Wish us luck on that.


'Black ? Can you send the letter to the group ?'

'No problem.'

Then the letter was gone in a poof.

'Thank you.'

'You are very welcome, Loki.'

Then Loki went into his Bathroom, deciding to soak his sadness away.

Meanwhile with Fox...

Fox soon found Dexter, smoking and looking at the ocean from a cliff.

"You really should stop smoking, Dexter.", Fox said from behind him.

Dexter jumped in fright, not having heard Fox's footsteps.

"Oh it is just you, Fox. Sorry I was deep in thoughts.", he said a bit stiffly.

"What seems to be troubling you ?"

"Loki and Melanie..."

"What is with them ?"

Dexter puffed out a claude of smoke, then looked to the blue sky.

"Loki asked me to leave with him, to somewhere else. Somewhere isolated and nice. But I feel a great threat, since Melanie is here. Like a big storm will come and destroy us..."

"You are not sure, if you really should leave, in other words.", Fox concluded.

Dexter nodded. Fox smiled underneath his mask. Dexter can be such a dork.

"We aren't kids anymore, Boss. And it's not my first time, being in charge here. We will be just fine, while you and Loki have a little time out. You deserve it most. The only times you are gone, are for missions. Go with Loki somewhere for now."

Dexter looked at Fox, unsure.

"Are you certain ?", he asked.

"I am.", said Fox.

Dexter then threw his cigarette away and into the water it fell. Then he turned to Fox fully and smiled.

"Thank you, Fox.", was all he said.

He rushed to the Mansion and then to Loki's suite. He opened the door with a spare Keycard and went inside.

"Loki ?", Dexter called.

"Bathroom !", he called back.

Dexter went to the Bathroom and soon found Loki, soaking in the bathtub. Dexter scratched his neck in nervousness.

"Bad timing ?", he asked Loki.

Loki looked at Dexter, bored.

"You made love to me, more than once, and ask me NOW, if this is a bad timing ?"

Dexter looked away in guilt.

"I meant it differently. Ten minutes ago, I told you, that I will need time to think about your request, hurting your feelings. And now I stomp in here, with the same topic."

Now Loki looked away.

"It's alright. Just...just forget that I even asked...I just...really wanted to spend time with just you, some place nice and isolated. I see that you don't want the same."

Dexter frowned, came closer to the bathtub and knelt down. He grabbed Loki's chin softly and turned his face towards his own. He looked deeply into Loki's eyes, Loki tried to pull away again, but Dexter just held his chin and made him hold their gaze.

"No I will not forget about it. I wanted to inform you, that I search for a place already.", Dexter told Loki softly.

Loki's eyes widened in shock.

"Really ?! We are going ?!", he asked excited.

Dexter grinned and nodded his head.

"Yes we are going."

"Can I pick ?", Loki asked Dexter excited.

"No. I want to surprise you.", Dexter chuckled out.

Loki pouted. Dexter broke into a laughing fit.

"I promise it will be great. No worries.", Dexter assured.

Loki lifted his arm and pointed at a green big towel.

"Can you please give me my towel ?", Loki asked.

Dexter smiled softly and stood up. He grabbed the towel and Loki stood up, Dexter gave Loki the towel and Loki wrapped it around himself, stepping out of the tub now. He dried himself and then let the towel hang loosely around his waist, while he walked into the Bedroom and sat in his bed. Dexter followed him.

"Come here, Dexter.", Loki said, patting his right side of the bed.

Dexter went over there slowly and sat down. The next thing Dexter knew was that he yelped as Loki pulled him down on his bed.

"I believe you have a few minutes for me...", Loki mumbled.

He snuggled his head on Dexter's dressed chest and cuddled him tightly. Dexter smiled and hugged him tightly too.

"For you always. I love you, Loki."

"I love you too, Dexter.", Loki said sleepily.

Loving someone is hard, to keep them safe is even harder (Loki and Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now