Part 10 - Terrible Nightmare

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WARNING !: A very terrible nightmare of Loki's !! Mention of blood, corpses, torture and a lot of fear !! You have been warned !!

No ones POV...

In the middle of the night, Loki opened his eyes as he felt cold. He tried to snuggle deeper into Dexter, but he soon realized that Dexter wasn't beside him anymore. He grew worried and stood up, pulling the blanket over his shoulders and back to stay warm. He slipped on his shoes and then went out of the suite. Everything was dark in the hallway, not even one single light.

"LION ? Can you please turn on the lights ?", Loki asked.

Silence. LION didn't respond, nor activated the light.

'Maybe the power went out...', Loki thought and kept moving.

It was dead silent. Not even one footstep was heard. Loki grew slowly nervous and panicked.

"Dexter ?! Fox ?! Wolf ?! Where are you ?! This isn't funny !", Loki yelled, his panic is clearly to hear.

Silence. Not even one peep. Dexter would never do this to him. No one would. Something wasn't right.

Drip !

Loki stopped dead in his tracks. He heard something dripping.

Drip !

Loki sprinted after that sound, which got with every step he took louder and quicker.

Drip ! Drip ! Drip ! Drip !

Loki pushed open the door and gasped loudly.

"NOOO !! DEXTER !!", Loki screamed out.

Dexter hung on a rope, head held up so he looked directly at the entrance of the door, where Loki just came in. His face looked like a nightmare. His mouth was sewn shut, into a smile that went almost to his ears, his eyes were missing and on his right cheek, you could see his cheekbone. The flesh was torn away there. His chest and back was exposed and his chest and stomach was slit open, showing his ripcage and lungs, like his hung out organs, bleeding out. It suddenly started to smell like rotten flesh and Loki realized that he must have hung here a few hours or even days already. Dexter's back had scars, deep angry scars. As Loki looked around, he saw that the house was very dusty, like no one lived here for like 5 years or even longer. On the floors were ashes and not little, the whole floors were covered in it, like a carpet. Loki followed a blood trail, to a door that said 'Corpse room' and opened the door hesitately. In the middle of the room stood a table and on the table laid something, covered with a white sheet. Loki crept to it, grabbed the sheet carefully and then tore it down. Loki screamed, he had to scream, because under that sheet was his dead body. Bloodshot eyes, purple neck in an angle that not even he could do, without having it broken and some open wounds. His hair was longer and a disaster, different clothing and the purple mark looked like a big handprint, like someone choked him.

Loki opened his eyes with a startle, screaming his lungs out. He was in his room, in Asgard.

'Was it all a dream or is this still a dream ?', Loki asked himself.

Suddenly Thor and Frigga came inside.

"Loki dear, what happened ?! Are you okay ?!"

"Brother was happened ?!"

Loki stood up and went to his mirror, looked inside and widened his eyes. He was still young ! He looked like the day before he left Asgard and came to Thanos.

"This is not real...", Loki said.

"Brother ?"

Loki looked at Thor with a serious expression.

"Hit me with lightening, Thor.", Loki said coldly.

"Wha-No !"

"Thor this is nothing but a dream !! You are not real ! Mother is not real ! None of this is real !!", Loki screamed.


"I caused chaos on Midgard and someone broke me out of prison. You and the Avengers went after me, but didn't find me yet. I changed my mind with ruling Midgard and found love. I had friends. I am still in Midgard next to...Dexter. I am dreaming !! I am bloody dreaming !! I don't feel pain !!"

Loki stabbed his hand multiple times, no pain afterward. He looked at Thor and Frigga, who suddenly looked like Dexter's corpse.

"What are you saying. Loki ?", Frig-no...that thing said.

It had a demonic voice, like the other one.

"You should see a healer, brother."

Loki ran past them, down the hallways, everyone he saw was just like the others. He started to cry and scream.


A body appeared right infront of him with clothes of Midgard...Dexter. Without looking up, Loki threw himself on Dexter's body, glad that he was there...until...

"Why are you screaming, love ?"

Loki screamed in shock and pushed himself away from Dexter's body. He was the same as the one who hung before. That thing, that looked nothing like Loki's Dexter, chuckled.

"Don't you wanna be one of us ? Don't you want to be in our family ?", he asked.

Loki backed away from them all, while they came closer to him. They had knives, needles, thread and ropes. Loki was cornered, his back on a wall, he could go nowhere now. They all laughed at him and Dexter came near him, making him blind and still, Loki felt the pain and screamed. His mouth was next, then his shirt got torn open and he felt someone slice his torso open. He screamed with shut lips. Suddenly everything disappeared and he was infront of Thanos' servant, The Other.

"If you won't do as we told you, Loki, we will make it come true. Every single thing in your nightmares. Don't you dare, playing us for fools.", it warned.

Loki awoke screaming. Dexter jumped and fell out of bed.

"OWW !! Fucking shit !! What the shit is going on ?! Who bloody killed who ?! Who the fuck broke into my house this fricking time ?!", Dexter yelled in panic.

Loki sobbed. As Dexter heard that he stood up and looked at him. Loki looked tormented. Dexter sat down on his bed and hugged Loki from behind.

"NO !! NO MORE PLEASE !! DON'T HURT ME !!", Loki screamed.

"Hush Loki...It was just a nightmare. You are safe. Look around you, you are still in my room, with me. No one will hurt you."

"D-D-Dexter ?", Loki whimpered.

Dexter stood up, went around the bed and knelt down infront of Loki, taking his hands into his and looking Loki deep in the eyes.

"Yes it's me, Loki. You're fine."

Loki grabbed Dexter's face and foundled with it. Eyes ? There. Normal mouth ? Check. Closed chest ? Check. No rope on him ? Check. Loki gulped.

"LION ? Can you please turn on the lights ?", Loki asked scared.

"Of course Loki."

And with that all the lights went on. Loki saw Dexter. His Dexter. He tackled him down and cried.

"Woow !! Easy there...What happened ?", Dexter asked worried.

Loki sat up and told him everything. He couldn't stop crying, no matter how much he tried to. Dexter wiped away his old tears, just to wipe away the other coming ones. As Loki was finished, Dexter was frozen in place and mad as fuck, but didn't show Loki any signs. He hugged Loki as tight as he could, calming him down. After that was done, they both went back to sleep, what Loki didn't know was that Dexter blocked Thanos out of his head together with his minions, they will never bother him again. If Loki ever gets another nightmare, Dexter will have it.

'I will keep you safe, Loki, my love...'

Loving someone is hard, to keep them safe is even harder (Loki and Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now