Part 57 - Shocking Discovery

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"So... How am I supposed to tell Loki what is going on ?", Dexter asked the shadow, flipping another pancake.

"I am not quite sure... Maybe by you being you ?", the shadow said.

"Me ? I am me !"

"I mean with listening to music. You normally always listened to it and sang with it. 3 different ones ? One describes you, one Daniel and one me. Or one song, where we are all in it."

"I am terrible at singing and you know it."

"Bullshit ! You were a very popular singer once back 100 years ago ! and before that 500 years ago ! You are talented with it !"

"I didn't sing in front of people often though and Loki is from Asgard. There everything is different..."

"Come on, Dex ! Loki will love it ! Your and my voice were always the best ! Give yourself a push !", the shadow encouraged and punched Dexter's shoulder.

Dexter chuckled softly.

"Fine... I will just have trouble in knowing when the time is right... Daniel will try to scare Loki off..."

"I will make sure that it won't happen.", the shadow assured.

"Thank you, my friend.", was all Dexter said to the shadow, smiling.

Loki just listened and peeked around the corner one or two times. He was confused. The shadow, which is actually the Demon part of Dexter, is so nice. Why ? Shouldn't it be the other way around that the demonic part is evil and the angelic part is good ?

'I know you are watching us.', said a dark voice in Loki's mind.

Loki's eyes widened. He peeked around the corner but they both faced their backs towards Loki.

'W-what ? Who are you ?', Loki asked in his mind.

'The shadow. Silly.'

'But you have your back towards me... How did you know I was here and listening ?'

'I saw you awake in the Bedroom and you can't fool a Demon THAT easily, Loki...'

'Don't tell Dexter, please.'

'Nah, I won't tell him anything. Now...let us talk, shall we ?'

'About what ?'

'Your obvious plan. Let us sharpen it up a bit, yes ?'

'You think it needs that ?'

'I know Daniel and Dex. Daniel is right now not himself and would most likely try anything to part you and Dex. Also as soon as you would return with him for the Spell that can undo all of this, Melanie's Power over Daniel will be 100 times stronger, which means...'

'He would control Dexter and kill us in the worst scenario...'

'Exactly. You would have to chain him up, so Daniel can't escape and Dex will be used to make you free him. Don't listen to him.'


'No buts. Daniel is NOT Dexter. Daniel is a player. And I know what you were thinking...'

'What did I think ?'

'You were questioning yourself why I am the good guy and Daniel the bad guy.'

Now Loki sweat dropped.


'We are both good. Daniel is just enchanted. I was bad once, led by anger, pain, betrayal and rage. Daniel was too and Dexter too, but soon both of them realized that this is not worth it and tried to make me let go. After that, we went to Hell and trained my Powers, so Dexter could control me for the next time I lose it.'

Loving someone is hard, to keep them safe is even harder (Loki and Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now