Part 13 - Weapon 20 8 1 14 15 19

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No ones POV...

The doors of the lift opened and Loki saw many masked people run around, ordering, pushing, inspecting, experimenting, you name it ! They had all their hands full of work. Loki's eyes were as wide as plates. It was a big ass room and there were so many people ! Probably 200...

"Loki !! Keep up !", Dexter yelled at him from a little further away.

Loki shook his head and stormed to Dexter's side.

"How many are here ?", Loki asked him in awe.

"Well...working in this section...400 people. The people who are right now here working...210. Usually it is not so full here, but I gave them many tasks and that is why today there are so many. Do not worry tho, they still get their breaks like everyone else. I am still fair. At night the other 190 people work. This section here, never sleeps."

Loki's mouth fell open.

"Why ? Why does it never sleep ?"

"Well...We have always stuff for them to do down here. If we would give them a break for a few days, it would be too much for them in the end and also they would need to shut everything down...which is fast but the turning on at everything, is taking hours. It would be a waste of time."

Loki nodded in understanding. He followed Dexter through everything and then saw a weapon, he held Dexters arm and he stopped.  Dexter looked at Loki.

"What is it ?"

"What is this for ?", Loki asked pointing at the weapon.

"Oh this...It was a failed prototype. Nothing to worry about. Tomorrow it shall be destroyed."

"What was its planned purpose ?"

"Destroying a whole HYDRA base, without killing the tortured children. It didn't kill the children, it was tested on one, and it destroyed a base, but if more children got hit with that beam, it melted their body's together. It was tested on two mice...Since then we abandoned that project. It was too risky to continue."

Loki gulped. They continued to walk.

"Boss !! Boss !!", someone called in a white doctor robe.

That person came running to them with a few papers.

"Maker...What is it ?", Dexter said.

Maker stopped, held his knees and huffed.

"I have very bad news..."

"May be ?"

"The weapon 20 8 1 14 15 19 is not working like it should. Something is either missing or it got sabotaged. We were sure that we built a blue and green wire with a black and red one inside the weapon, but green and blue are missing and we can not find them anywhere."

(20 8 1 14 15 19 is a little puzzle for you to solve, I bet you can find it out. Put it into the comments and let me know what you think the numbers mean !)

Dexter went stiff.

"Dexter...what is weapon 20 8 1 14 15 19 ?", Loki asked confused.

Dexter ignored him.

"I will get you new ones. And you are to 100% sure that you actually built them inside already ?"

"Yes we were. They were in no other weapon built and in our storage room was no trace of them too. Someone must have taken them."

"....Thank you Maker. I will take care of that...problem.", Dexter said in a monotone.

Maker nodded.

Loving someone is hard, to keep them safe is even harder (Loki and Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now