Part 25 - Truth about Odin

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WARNING!: Mention of rape (Upcoming of Hela Godess of Death), Odin being the bad guy !!!

"Laufey ! Let my son go, now !", Frigga growled.

Everyone turned and stared at Laufey and Loki. Even Dexter.

"So you told him, Laufey ?", Dexter then asked.

"Yup, I did. Loki then showed himself to me. I finally found him, my long lost son.", Laufey said smiling.

Frigga stared at Laufey confused.

"He isn't your son anymore ! Not since you had left him all alone to die !"

Loki could see the anger in Laufey's eyes. Loki decided to talk.

"Mother...Laufey said the truth. He didn't abandon me. My mother was killed and Laufey left us both to defend his people.  I had to go through a process and no one could take me away from it, it could have killed me. Odin didn't safe me, he kidnapped me. He threatened Laufey with my life. I didn't detect a lie, therefore it is the truth.", he explained.

Frigga's eyes widened in pure shock and horror.

"It is true. Laufey and I talked about this many times to get him into a better position. He turned cold and mean as his son was gone, like his wife. He had no one.", Dexter agreed.

"And the attack on Midgard ?", Frigga asked.

"Never happened.", Laufey said shrugging.

"Then why did he...?"

"Attack us ? For being safe himself of course. We knew he was lying and abusing his powers on the throne. We wanted him gone. We were danger for him, also we had a very powerful artefact. Seriously Queen Frigga, you are married to this man and you have no idea what he did this whole time to every Realm here ? What a good wife..."

"What do you mean ?"

"Odin conquered every Realm. Caused havok and chaos. He started wars, stole, killed innocent and took artefacts from them. He even made women slaves and brought them back home. Odin is and was since forever the worst. Since Bor died he went totally out of control.", Laufey growled.

Frigga was looking at Laufey with determination.

"That is not true."

"Really ? Did you know that Odin raped a slave girl after you and him were married ? He had a daughter as firstborn. A Bastard child. Her name was Hela. Odin killed Hela's mother and then took her in. He raised her and she went out of control. He couldn't let you know that he ravished others, while you sit home all dolled up, Frigga. He lied to you that he adopted her and you fell for that old trick."

Frigga went pale and was looking very hurt. She looked tears near.

"W-what ?"

"He never loved you in the past, Frigga. Odin doesn't love anyone. He just wants everyone to shut the hell up and that is why he is sometimes reasonable. Believe me, I know what I am talking about. It would surprise me, if he suddeny fell in love with you. He is a pretender and a liar."

That did it. Frigga was crying now. Loki let Laufey go and rushed to her. He pulled her into a tight hug. She hugged him back.

"I am sorry that I said all this, but I had enough with Odin and lying to his own wife.", Laufey said softly.

"Mother...It doesn't matter if he loves you or not. Thor and I love you. We love you so much. Please don't be upset now.", Loki said softly.

"If you love someone, but that person is faking love to you, just to make you shut the fuck up, would you be happy when you find out, Loki ? Frigga loved Odin and he just backstabbed her. Would you like it, when someone does that to you ?", Dexter asked Loki coldly.

Loki turned around, looking at Dexter angered.

"Oh I know how that feels. I mean look at you ! I fucking love you and you suddenly push me away ! Who is feeling no remorse, Huh ?! I mean I wanted to talk to you and you turned your back on me ! Thank you for that, by the way ! Now you are asking me, how I would react ?! Well for the record I can't even sleep ! Thank you for asking !", Loki yelled outraged.

"YOU DID WHAT ?!", Fox yelled at Dexter.

"SILENCE !!!", Dexter screeched in an inhumanly way.

Everyone fell silent. Dexter took a sharp inhale. Frigga was still sobbing.

"For the record, Loki. I fucking love you too. I pushed you away, because I was having the feeling that you are depressed again. I smelled your negative emotions and I was thinking it was because of me, so I kept my distance. An Anti - Evil can smell your emotions also feel them, and we are feeding off of it.", Dexter told Loki calmly.

"There was also something else there, wasn't it ?!", Loki asked still mad.

"And what would that be ?", Dexter asked him back.

"The curse every Anti - Evil has to suffer through ! You gave up on fighting against your inner demons, didn't you ?!"

Dexter was silent. Loki was right and he knew it. They both did.

"From where do you know that ?"

"Laufey told me."

Dexter turned his head to Laufey.

"He was about to cut himself, I had to !", Laufey defended himself.

Again Dexter's head snapped to Loki.

"Again ?!"

Loki flinched at Dexter's outburst. Then he nodded.

"I thought I messed up our...releationship or whatever you call it. I thought you hated me, so I wanted to punish myself."

Dexter stormed to Loki and pulled him away from Frigga, harshly. Dexter grabbed Loki's arms and pulled up his sleeves and there he saw all the cuts he made. Loki couldn't see it, but Dexter's eyes went wide and watered.

'What have I done ?! I am making it worse...', Dexter thought.

Dexter held his hands over Loki's cuts and healed them up. He then looked Loki dead in the eyes.

"Never ever do such bullshit again, Loki. Cutting yourself will not solve anything. It makes you just addicted."

"Like you to wearing a mask to hide your face from everyone ?"

Dexter was taken aback by Loki's harsh reply. He sighed.

"Yes. At first it was just there for missions, but it soon ended up as my safe heaven. I started to hide my face from everything and everyone...Even my own people. The first 3 groups I saved from HYDRA saw my face, but all the rest ? They never saw. I saw myself as ugly in the mirror and I still do. The mask safes me from the horrible look."

Loki stared at Dexter in shock. He didn't expect him to reply. Dexter took another deep breath.

"You have a choice and please...think about it very clearly. You can either return with Frigga to Asgard and she will hide you away from Odin...or you stay here and wait until even Odin settled down a bit."

"That sounds like you actually made your mind up already.", Laufey said to Dexter.

"I did. I want Loki safe. And it surely is not with me around."

"In other words, you want him to leave.", Laufey mumbled.

"Like I said, I want him safe. And he can decide on his own."

"You wouldn't have given him that choice, if he wouldn't have let a rampage lose on you, like 5 minutes ago.", Laufey said.

"True, true."

"Now how about food ? I am hungry.", Laufey said.

"I also am hungry. Aren't you too, my son ?", Frigga asked Loki.

Loki nodded in agreement. And with that they went to the dining table.

Loving someone is hard, to keep them safe is even harder (Loki and Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now