Part 30 - Planning

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Everyone was sitting in the meeting room, besides Dexter. At first just the ticking sound of the clock was heard, That was until Fox slammed his fist on the table in anger. Loki jumped at that.

"I thought he killed her !", Fox yelled outraged.

"Why is she still alive ?!", Flexica yelled also angered.

Loki lifted his hand to speak. Everyone looked at the shy and scared Loki now.

"If I may...I believe I know why she still lives...", Loki said carefully.

"Go on...", Fox said a bit on edge.

"Dexter never stopped loving her. He couldn't kill her, so he erased her memories and let her go. She is his weakness. And now she has a family."

The angered face of Fox vanished and was replaced by shock. Everyone else followed Fox's reaction. (Masks duh ! Loki couldn't see their faces.)

"You mean he let her go and she has now a Husband and children ?", Flexica asked.

Loki nodded.

"And none of the children are Dexter's. And the Husband is also not Dexter or one of you."

"Shit...", Fox mumbled.

Loki looked at Fox worried.

"She could have gained her memories back. And she could do all of this, because HYDRA maybe has her family hostage. That is bad. She will pull Dexter again into her charm, if she didn't already !"

"What do you all mean by that ?"

"Dexter will fall for her again, if she runs into him again, maybe it already started !", Laufey said on edge.

Fox turned to Loki and looked him dead in the eyes.

"No matter what Dexter does and says against us or even you. It is not real. Dexter needs you the most now, to fight against Melanie's charm. Not even I could safe him the last time from heartbreak. And if it happens again..."

"He will never love again. Not even you, Loki. It is now or never. Proof to him that you really love him and don't buy any of his bullshit, that is supposed to hurt you.", Laufey told Loki.

"We know what we are talking about. She changed him once for the worst, this time it will be the same game again, just that we have now a trumph card in our sleeve. And that is you Loki. You are Dexter's last hope.", Fox finished.

Loki looked at them scared and very insecure.

"But I mostly ruin everything.", Loki whimpered.

"Then focus everything on Melanie and ruin her. Even if you have to kill her. Show her that Dexter is your property and not hers. Show her that you and Dexter don't care about her. She will try to bat her eyelashes, to make Dexter follow her again. Do not let it happen. Slap her, insult her. Do everything to keep her away and get your point across. Dexter belongs to you and you belong to him.", Laufey told Loki.

'They are right. He is yours and you are his. No one is allowed to tear you both apart, not even that filthy Bitch.', Black agreed.

'But I mess up everything !'

'With me on your side and the others, you won't. Trust me.'


Loki took a deep breath and then nodded.

"Alright...I will try. But I will need your help too."

Everyone nodded.

"We are always available. Just ask LION where we are and come to us.", Fox said.

Loki nodded.

"I will come more often.", Frigga said.

"I will do the same.", Laufey said.

'See ? They will help you too !'

'I hope I can safe him...'

'You will Loki. With our help, what can go wrong ?'

Loki smiled a small smile.

"What is it, Loki ?"

Loki looked at Fox and the others.

"Dexter made me a weapon and a friend at the same time. That sceper is not just some object. It is a he. The scepter is a living being. And his name is Black. We always talk with one another in the mindscape. He agreed with you and said that I do not have to do this alone."

Everyone stared at Loki in awe and then smiled.

"Black is right then ! We won't let you do it all alone ! We will always help you if you need us."

"Okay...then I need some people, that are gonna try and find Melanie's family. If they really got capured then Dexter will probably be the price to pay her family free. I want you to try and track them down then safe them and bring them to safety. It doesn't matter where, but it can't be here. The rest stays and will need to help me."

"I have an idea who will go !", Fox said.

"Who ?"

"How about...Nightowl, Wolf, Black Fox, Invisible, Light, Life and Drone ? They are always active. All night and all day long. They only take naps once a month. And they just slept yesterday."

Loki thought about it and then nodded.

"Okay. But tell them to hide and spy first. If they got seen then they come back instantly and we plan another plan. I don't want to let Dexter know that we do this, without his permission. If he finds out, just blame it on me. I will deal with the consequences. Okay ?"

Everyone looked at Loki worried.

"Are you sure ? You would be marked as a traitor."

Loki took a deep breath.

"I am sure."

"Okay...then we understood..."

"Good. Now tell the persons what to do and send them out. We have work to do and it won't be pleasant."

Everyone nodded and scramed. Frigga and Laufey looked at Loki.

"The consequences ? What are they ?", Frigga asked worried.

"Torture and probably death.", Laufey said.

Frigga gasped. Loki looked down.

"I saw the room, Loki. Are you sure you can handle this ?"

"It wouldn't be the first time that I get tortured, Laufey. Everything for Dexter..."

"Oh my son, please be very careful, Loki.", Frigga said with tears in her eyes.

Loki looked up at them, tears streaming down his face.

"I am so scared. I am scared of losing him, I am scared of him finding out, I am scared that I can't safe him. Why am I scared ?!"

"Because you love, Loki.", Laufey said softly.

Laufey transformed into a human looking form and hugged Loki, Frigga soon joined and carefully hugged Loki too.

"It is alright to be scared. That makes it worth fighting harder than ever.", Laufey told them.

Shit is about to GO DOWN !

Loving someone is hard, to keep them safe is even harder (Loki and Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now