Part 19 - Daniel Drow ? What ?

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No ones POV...

Not long after Loki was dressed, someone knocked at his door. Loki went to his door and opened it, seeing Dexter. Loki's jaw dropped open at the sight of Dexter, without his mask and in a suit. The suit was black with a little bit of gold on it. His tie was golden and his dress shirt was black. Dexter looked so handsome.

 Dexter looked so handsome

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(suit and tie)

(suit and tie)

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(Dress shirt)

Dexter stood there, with one hand in his suit's pockets and smiled at him.

"You look handsome Loki. I guess I picked the right thing, eh ?", Dexter chuckled.

"You look ravishing.", Loki breathed out, blushing in the process.

Dexter laughed softly. He took Loki's hand and then pulled him out of his room.

"Follow me. I have a surprise for you in the blacksmith~"

"You have a blacksmith in here ?", Loki asked amazed.

Dexter chuckled and nodded. They went down the stairs and soon entered a room, that was right now not active. Loki looked around amazed. Then he saw something green glowing and went in that direction, Dexter hot on his tail. As soon as Loki was there, he saw a scepter. The same one he had before, just in his colours. Loki picked it up and admired it.

"Is this for me ?", Loki asked unsure.

Dexter took the scepter out of Loki's hands and chuckled.

"Yes. It is for you. But it is not finished yet..."

A dark glow appeared and went inside the scepter. It showed a black aura around the object and as it fanished, he gave Loki the scepter back. Loki felt secured, powerful and...great.

"What did you just do to it ?", Loki asked.

"I gave it life, magic and power. But you will have to practice with me, to learn how to control it and how to use it correctly."

"Will you teach me now ?", Loki asked excited.

"No. But tomorrow."

Loki smiled a small smile and nodded. Then he pulled Dexter into a tight hug.

"Thank you."

"Not a problem at all Loki. Now we should probably head outside. We will need some fresh air, before we have to behave."

Loki nodded and with that they went outside, taking the scepter to Loki's room. As the time almost arrived a bright beam happened and hit the gardens grass. Dexter and Loki looked up and at the light.

"What the heck is going on here ? Can't anything go ever like I had planned ?!", Dexter groaned.

Loki hid behind Dexter in fear.

"That is the Bifrost. Heimdall found me and now Odin sent his guards and son here to get me..."

Then the light was gone and there stood a woman. She came closer and Dexter smiled at her, pointing behind him.

"Loki ?!", Frigga's voice called.

"I am alone. Heimdall told me and just me."

"She speaks the truth. It is only her.", Dexter told the scared God.

Loki slowly and carefully peaked over Dexter's shoulder. As he saw Frigga he slowly stepped out from behind Dexter.

"M-Mother ?", Loki stuttered.

Frigga turned to look at Loki and smiled. She put her hands over her chest.

"Oh, Loki. I am so glad that you are alive. I was so worried."

Loki ran to her and hugged her, crying softly.

"Mother !"

Frigga hugged him back and stroked his hair. She looked at Dexter and he gave her his thumbs up.

"My son.", she whispered relieved.

"I missed you so much ! I am so sorry that I didn't return ! I am sorry that I killed innocent people ! I never wanted that ! I swear !", he sobbed out.

Loki just broke down at that moment. He fell on his knees and Frigga with him. She hugged him tighter.

"It is alright, my son. I will always believe and listen to you, before I judge you. You know that, do you ?"

Dexter went over to them.

"He was thinking that now even you would hate and abandon him. He was so desperate and...sad that he mourned as if you died."

Frigga pulled away from Loki and cupped his tears covered face in her hands. She wiped his tears away and kissed his forehead, then his cheeks and then his nose. She smiled at him with love and care.

"I would never hate you, my son. I will always let you explain yourself."

At first Loki stopped crying and stared at her, then he broke out into tears and hugged her tightly again, hiding his face in her shoulder. He never showed this vulnerable side to anyone since he became 18 years old, not even Frigga anymore. But now he needed her. Frigga stroked his hair and hummed a song, she always sang to Loki as he was a little stressed out child. He calmed slowly and regained his strength again. Soon he recovered fully and pulled away, smiling at her brightly.

"I am so glad that you are here, mo-Frigga..."

Frigga lost her smile and lifted his chin, so he looked at her.

"My son...You are still my child. No matter what. I cared for you, I raised you. You aren't just some object. You are a person and my son. You can still call me mother."

Loki looked deep into her eyes, then he nodded.

"Okay, mother."

They both smiled now and Dexter ? He was happy in the inside, but also heartbroken. His face was blank of any emotion.

'My parents were never like that...'

Soon they both let go and stood up. Loki walked over to Dexter, holding his mother's hand and bringing her with himself.

"Mother, that is my friend, D-"

"Daniel. Daniel Drow. Nice to meet you Queen Frigga of Asgard."

Loki looked at Dexter in confusion. He gave Loki a hard stare, telling him to shut up. Loki did.

"It is nice to meet you Daniel. Call me just Frigga, please."

Dexter smiled at her.

"My pleasure. Shall we go to the others ?"


With that they walked to the rest of Dexter's people.

Loving someone is hard, to keep them safe is even harder (Loki and Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now