Part 16 - No one is related by blood...

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No ones POV...

Loki and Dexter went back inside after that. They were in Dexter's room.

"Why do they call each other brother and sister ? They aren't related by blood, none of them are.", Loki asked confused.

"They grew up together. They played together, trained, built, saved each other. They did everything together. Nobody was being ignored. Nobody was hated. They all loved one another as a sibling. That is why."

Loki looked at the floor, very interested.

"But...I do not understand...", Loki mumbled.

Dexter sighed.

"Look Loki, it is pretty simple. It doesn't matter if you and Thor grew up in the same womb, like the DNA, the looks or your activities. It doesn't matter what you really are. It doesn't matter which line of blood you have running in your veins. The past matters. Did you and Thor get along, did you love him, did he love you, did you safe each other, etc... The good and the bad things count. How you grew up. Did you grow up in a close brothership and parted after some events, or did you always grow up parted. If you both grew up with a close relationship, then you are brothers, even if you now parted ways. You will eventually find back together. It is typical brothers."

Loki looked at Dexter.

"And mostly it matters of what you want to become. Do you want to become a Frost Giant or do you still want to be Loki. The knowledge of your true heritage, doesn't change anything about who you are. It is a part of you, like everything else. Embrace it and accept it in your heart. When you know more about yourself, you could have never known on your own, it can make you stronger. Acceptence is one of the hardest things to do, but it is a strength you always have to own. If you never accept your Frost Giant side, then you will never become the person - the God -, you always should have been. The Frost Giant part of you, is a missing part of you and if you don't accept it in your will never be whole and at peace."

"You speak wisely...Like you went through the same...", Loki said.

"Loki...I went through worse. A Demon is not very easy to accept. I never wanted to accept it. I refused and denied it myself a long time, until I just gave up and accepted it. It took me 5 years, until I accepted myself. And as I did...I felt at peace...I felt whole. Like the demon part was a piece of me that I needed. I experimented on myself, learned how to control my powers and lastly learned how to control myself. If I would have never accepted it...I would still be out of control out there."

"Isn't a Frost Giant worse than a Demon ?"

"No. A Frost Giant is a blanket compared to a demon. A demon can rip a Frost Giant in pieces, torment them, make them kill themselves. Every living being has a soul and emotions, but demons lost that a long time ago...Most of the demons shed their soul and emotions like a snake sheds its skin. And then things get really dark."

"Like ?"

"You don't want to know."

Then dinner arrived and they all went to eat in the dining room. After they were all ready, Loki was already on his way back to Dexter's room, but Dexter stopped him.

"Loki ?!"

Loki stopped and turned around.

"Yes ?"

"Come with me. I have to show you something."

Dexter grabbed Loki's hand and went with him to Loki's door. Dexter opened it and then went inside, covering Loki's eyes. He brought him to the bedroom and then shoved him into his bed. Loki yelped in surprise and as he landed on the bed, Dexter laughed.

Loving someone is hard, to keep them safe is even harder (Loki and Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now