Part 28 - Loki's new Scepter

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Frigga had decided to stay for 3 days, then to go back home. Dexter gave her, her own room, like Laufey. The next day soon arrived and Dexter was with Loki in his personal training room. His pure white room.

"What is your favourite place, Loki ?", Dexter asked Loki.

"Well, in Asgard I have my own secret garden. That is one of my favourite places. Another is my own room and for reading outside it is in my mothers garden. Somewhere in her garden is standing an old tree and I always sit under it and read. The tree was there before even I was born. Why are you asking ?"

"Where do you want to be right now ?"

Dexter ignored Loki's question totally. Loki just shrugged mentally and then was deep in thought.

"In my garden...", Loki answered softly.

"Describe it to me and close your eyes. What for flowers ? How did it look ? What sounds ? How looked the flowers ? Everything Loki. Don't leave anything out. No matter how unimportant, tell me everything and do not open your eyes."

And so Loki did. He closed his eyes and described the most beautiful garden, Dexter ever heard and imagined himself. LION recorded everything and secretly created Loki's garden. As Loki was finished he let his eyes closed.

"Why did you want to know ?", Loki still asked.

Suddenly there was a sound of twittering. Birds. Then the sound of the wind blowing softly through leaves and grass. Water splashing of the waterfall, Loki had described. It was like he was there right now. Even the air smelled like freedom. Like he really was there and not with Dexter.

"Open your eyes slowly, Loki.", Dexter said gently.

Loki did as told and gasped in shock and awe. He was in HIS OWN garden ! He saw the birds he described, the trees, the flowers, the waterfall and pond, the grass, just...everything ! Loki looked around, everything was right and in the right place. He turned to Dexter looking at him in awe.

"That is why I cared. LION was given the mission to create one of your most favourite places. He can create everything, just describe it. Now ! Sit down, crossed legs."

Loki did as told.

"Put the new weapon of yours into your lap."

Loki put his new scepter in his lap.

"And now meditate. Try to enter the scepter. Imagine you were in the scepter. I want you to meet someone and you can only meet them, when you meditate and call to the scepter. You understand ?"

Loki nodded slowly.

"Good. That is your first lesson in understanding your own weapon. Whoever you will meet, will decide if you can use the scepter. Come with them to terms and be nice."

Loki nodded again slowly.

"I will tell you when to come back. Listen to my voice and you will find back from the subconsciousness. Okay ?"

Loki again nodded.

"Okay. Your time starts now."

With that Loki closed his eyes. He listened to the sounds of his garden and slowly felt himself slipping into the subconsciousness, thinking about just the scepter. After what felt like seconds he felt himself floating, downwards. Suddenly he landed softly on ground. The darkness went away and there was a room in Loki's colours. He walked around.

"Hello ? Is anyone here ?", Loki asked in the room.

Suddenly he heard soft footsteps. Then there appeared a man. He had black hair with a golden and green stripe in it, pale skin, and one eye was green, while the other was gold. His body was slim and a little bit muscly. He wore black clothes and he carried two teacups.

Loving someone is hard, to keep them safe is even harder (Loki and Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now