Part 29 - HYDRA

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Easy training was over and now Loki trained on Dummies, or better programmed characters. At first just standing people, then moving ones. Illusions, energy beams, energy walls, lighting, darkness and more ! Loki was able to do everything with Black. It was amazing ! After 3 more hours training was over and Loki showed that he was pretty much ready to go, with Dexter tomorrow, to safe innocent kids from HYDRA.

"I am proud of you Loki. You did incredible with Black."

Loki smiled at Dexter.

"Today we cut it here. Tomorrow we will go to the HYDRA base and safe kids. I heard that tonight everyone makes Wraps for all of us."

"What are 'Wraps' ?"

"You will see. Come with me ! I will make you some !"

Dexter took Loki's hand and started running, pulling Loki with himself. They just stopped running as they were in the kitchen. Everything was already there.

" We have to make them ourselves. I think 8 are enough for us both. I eat 4 and you eat 4. If we are still hungry after that, we just make more. Okay ?", Dexter said.

Loki nodded. They both went next to each other on the countertop and Loki looked at Dexter unsure.

"Alright...First you take the round big circle there."

Dexter took one piece of the thin flatbread and put it on his plate. Loki did the same.

"Then you can pick the other stuff. The things you want to wrap in it. I always take radishes mixed with tomatos and cream cheese with a little bit salt and pepper. For that we need firstly spoons, to taste it, then we need bigger ones to put it on our flatbread."

Dexter gave Loki a little spoon and then a big spoon. Dexter showed Loki what to do again and Loki mimicked him. Loki hummed at the taste.

"Doesn't taste bad.", Loki said.

"Good. Now you take the big spoon and put on your flatbread 3 full spoons of it."

Dexter did it first and then Loki did the same.

"Then you spread it around, but you have to leave at least 1 centimeter space to the marge."

Dexter did it again and Loki did the same after watching him.

"Then I put on there some cheese and some chickensausage slices."

Dexter grabbed the plates with the items on it and then took a little bit of it. Loki did the same.

"You have to put it all over the place. Not in a row and not too much."

Dexter did again and Loki watched, before he did the same. As Loki was done, Dexter smiled.

"You are good. Now we have to finish it. You take the left and right side of the flatbread and fold it inside."

Loki watched Dexter doing it and then did the same.

"And now you just roll it together."

And they both did it.

"Now we can eat it and I will eat it now.", Dexter said and took a bite.

Dexter hummed in approval.

"This is heaven~", Dexter moaned out.

Loki blushed at that and took himself a bite. He was surprised at the taste. It was great.

"You are right. It is heaven.", Loki agreed.

And that is how the night worked itself away. Loki even tried other flavours, some were an absolute no and others were good. But Dexter's choice was the best.


The next day rolled on and Loki and Dexter were getting ready. Laufey and Frigga stood in the hallway and just waited. Soon they both went out of their own rooms. Frigga reached them first.

"Loki, Dexter, please take great care. I don't want you to get hurt."

"Do not worry Mother. I will be careful.", Loki said.

"So will I.", Dexter replied.

"I hope that you say the truth, you two. I will kill you Dexter, if you will not be careful.", Laufey threatened.

"Gee...Calm down old man.", Dexter mumbled.

Loki snickered at that.

'Hahahahahaha ! Get wrecked Laufey !!', Black wheezed out.

That was it. Loki fell down laughing.

"Was I that funny ?", Dexter asked.

"B-Black said something funny !", Loki wheezed out.


'Love you too, Black.'


After that they went to the jet that was ready for the mission. Not long after they took off and as 2 hours went by, they arrived.

"Alright. You all know the plan now go, go, GO !", Dexter said.

Everyone went out and soon there was shooting, screaming and dying. Loki fought with Black like no tomorrow. HYDRA was really a challenge...Loki underestimated this situation.

"LOKI !! BUILDING ! NOW !!", Dexter asked and ran inside.

Loki was hot on Dexter's tail. Loki and Dexter killed everyone they saw, no mercy. Until they arrived at the cells. Dexter hacked the database and every cell door opened. Screaming, crying, begging and whimpering was heard.


"I w-wanna g-go h-h-home !"

"MOM !!! DAD !!! HELP MEEEE !!"

It broke Loki's heart. What Monsters are the agents of HYDRA ? Seems like the worst. Soon the others came running inside and started their work. Putting everyone to sleep and carrying them out. Dexter and Loki were on their way back out as they heard screaming.

"HELP !! HELP ME !! AHHH !!!"

Dexter and Loki looked at one another, turned around and started sprinting down the hallway. Dexter broke open the door and what he saw shocked him...or better who he saw...A woman with green eyes, black long hair, red lips and thin body. She looked scared.

"M-Melanie ?", Dexter whispered.

Loki looked at Dexter in confusion.

"W-who a-are you ? H-how do you know m-my n-n-name ?"

Loki looked at her then at Dexter and then had a shocked expression. It was really Dexter's ex - lover !

"I am a friend...Now come. We have to get out, before more agents of HYDRA get here."

Dexter stretched out his hand to her and she shakily took it. Dexter pulled her up and all the three ran out of the building. As they arrived they stared at Melanie in pure shock, then hatret.

"We have to go, NOW !", Dexter yelled.

With that they took off and flew back. Loki looked at Melanie sharply. Something in his gut told him to kill her right here, right now. She screamed trouble.

'Be aware around her. I do not trust her and so should you.', Black growled.

'I don't trust her even more than you. She betrayed Dexter once. Wouldn't surprise me, if she tries that again.'

'Let's keep a close, sharp eye on her, eh ?'


Soon they arrived and brought the poor tortured souls into another room. Dexter brought Melanie to a room, where LION has his eyes always on her. He didn't tell her anything, but he felt that he slowly falls for her again. That is bad. What would Loki think of him, if he finds out that Dexter is slowly getting torn away from him by her again ? Loki would leave him ! He doesn't want that. He decided to get drunk this night, just to feel free for a few hours. And so he went into his room.

Loving someone is hard, to keep them safe is even harder (Loki and Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now