Part 27 - Plans and Problems

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"So how long will you stay, Laufey ?"

"Maybe one week, then I have to go back to my kingdom."

Dexter nodded in understanding.

"How are the teleporters I gave you ? Making any problems ?"

"Nope. They are working just fine."

"Good. Great."

"The red smoke is a little bit worrying me tho."

Dexter chuckled.

"It is just to cover you from Heimdall's all seeing eyes. It is not toxic."

"I know it is anyways sometimes worrying me."

"You don't have to worry about it, Laufey. Really it is very safe."

Laufey nodded.

"So, what interesting news do you have ?", Laufey then asked Dexter.

Dexter put his silverware down and looked at Laufey.

"20 8 1 14 15 19 will soon make a move themselves. I need your open eyes, to see them. You would see them faster than I."

"Alright. I will do that and my people too. They owe you."

"Then I got shocking news from Wellcare and Hellbrook. Wellcare informed me that Odin is getting a little bit restless. He is searching for something and that isn't Loki. Hellbrook got word from me about that and he thinks that he is maybe searching the same thing 20 8 1 14 15 19 searches."

Laufey's eyes widened in shock. Then he clenched his jaw and inhaled deeply.

"Fuck.", he said.

"Same opinion here. I need also eyes on that. Maybe you can smuggle some spy inside Odin's walls ?"

"He would notice because of Heimdall the all seer.", Laufey sneered.

"We need to do something and know all his steps. If Odin is really after them then he could erase us faster then we can say 'Fuck' and you know that.", Dexter told Laufey.

"I will do it. I am almost all the time with Odin anyway.", Frigga said.

"Mother no !", Loki pleaded.

"Loki. It is alright. It's time I help somewhere."

"If he finds out he can kill you ! I don't want that !", Loki said panicking.

Frigga stroked Loki's cheek. Dexter cleared his throat and they both looked at him.

"I wouldn't let that happen, Loki. Frigga will be equipped with many things to escape at any second when it gets serious. I would teach her now and she would know everything she needs to know."

Loki looked again at his mother in worry. She just smiled at him.

"I will be fine, Loki."

Loki looked down and then at Dexter.

"Don't you dare letting her die. I swear I will make you regret it. You right now promised nothing bad will happen to her, I count on that.", Loki warned.

"You have my word, love.", Dexter said.

"Cross your heart and hope to die ?", Loki asked.

"Cross my heart and hope to die, Loki.", Dexter said and made the motions.

The promise got sealed. Loki nodded.

"Did you teach me any of the things, Mother has to learn, too ?", Loki asked.

Loving someone is hard, to keep them safe is even harder (Loki and Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now