Part 8 - Asgard

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No ones POV...

They stood in a hall...a golden hall. Dexter felt bad for lying to Loki, but he had to, for now. Dexter, Invisible and Flexica went to 2 great doors and they opened. The three went inside and stood there infront of a person....Odin. Frigga came rushing inside.

"Where is Loki ? You promised us to capture him !", Odin yelled.

"The promise had never existed to bring him here, Odin. I am keeping Loki at my home. He is safe there.", Dexter answered.

"He doesn't need protection !! He needs punishment !!"

"ODIN !!", Frigga yelled.

He flinched and looked down. Frigga ran towards Dexter and grabbed him by his shoulders.

"What happened to Loki ? Is he alright ? Where is he right now ? How is he ?"

"Calm down please...Loki was somewhere and...I don't know...He had a terrible nightmare, but didn't tell us what had happened. Right now he is fine and a good boy, like he always used to be back here. He is at my mansion. I think Loki is traumatized. He came back with some weird scepter and talked like a lunatic about the Tesseract and how it opened his mind even more. My guess, why he acted like this ? Mindcontrol. As we locked the scepter away, Loki...changed. He changed from a murderous lunatic into a scared, broken, unstable, falling, dying, insecure man. He even fears that if he returns...he will still be hated and that even more now. He is scared of his punishment and he is scared that he will never see you, Frigga, ever again. He thinks that you don't love him now anymore, for all he did until now. He misses his stuff and you, but nothing else."

"Scepter ?", Frigga asked confused.

"He didn't leave with a scepter...", Odin said in thoughts.

"Well he came back with one. And he had blue eyes."

"Loki's eyecolor is green. I know that.", Frigga said.

"Then it was Mindcontrol, now his eyes are back to green. He must have been somewhere where he was treated badly and tortured. That is my only guess."

Frigga covered her mouth in shock and Odin's eyes went wide.

"You mean that he is innocent this time ?", Odin asked.

Dexter turned to Odin.

"Loki may be the God of Mischief, but that was even for him too far. He would have never done that. He is not the God of Death and Chaos, he is the God of Mischief.", Dexter said in a cold tone.

Odin nodded and leaned back. After some silence, Frigga took Dexter's hand and led him down some halls. As they stopped, they were at a huge door. Frigga opened it and they stepped inside.

"This is Loki's room.", she said.

"Thank you Frigga."

Dexter turned to his fellow members.

"Take everything I wrote down."

They nodded and did their work.

"Will you tell Thor ? Can we tell him where Loki is ?", Frigga asked.

"No. If we tell Thor, he would drag Loki back here and Loki is just starting to become his old self again. The last thing we need is Thor and the Avengers."

"Avengers ?"

"Thor is with weird Midgardian people. They have powers, fighting skills, or even armor with magic. Actually it is technology, but we can also call it magic. They are all after Loki and want to put him to justice. And the government in New York knows about Loki already. They will see Loki as their property and wouldn't let him be. I even fear that they would transport Loki to an evil organisation called HYDRA. If they get him...I won't be able to safe him in time."

Loving someone is hard, to keep them safe is even harder (Loki and Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now