Part 42 - Telling the truth

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(A/N: I know...two Uploads at the same week and that a day after one Chapter got published, of this book, just yesterday ? Is it Christmas or my Birthday ? The answer is no. I was just done with it quickly and concentrated more on this book, than the rest... Don't ask me why, I have no idea... Today is such a day, where I am very random... Not often happening...

ANYWAY !!! Story time, not talking about myself time. Here we go ! End of A/N)

WARNING!: Sad Loki, mentions of suicide, depression and...I would say rejection multiple times, Odin's A+ parenting, mental damaged Loki, mention of the purple grape,  distrusted, insecure Loki and...abuse, torture ? (I didn't mention any hitting, beating, blood, too dark thoughts etc. but I rather warn here, in case something actually counts to abuse or torture. Better safe than sorry.)


Dexter and Loki were out of New York City and right then and there drove on a very quite Road. Loki looked out of his window and stared at the Landscape, they passed.

His eyes sparkled as he saw a few beautiful flowers here and there. It was beautiful.

Suddenly Loki frowned, as he saw a big field, that was brown with no grass, flowers and trees.

"Hey, Dexter ?", he asked.

"Hmm ?", Dexter responded.

"Why are some parts empty ?", He asked Dexter as they passed a second brown, empty field.

"Those are fields. They got bought and people, that love to grow things and have the job for it, grow there vegetables, different kinds of corn and some fruits, that are not growing on trees. These are almost everywhere around here. There are so many, because all the food they grow is for the whole world. Every country has many of these. That is how humans survive.", Dexter explained, eyes still on the Road.

Loki stared in awe at the fields. They were very big in his opinion.

"All of that must take years to grow, plant and harvest all of these big fields."

"Not really. The Planting takes hours to days. One field a day, I believe... The Growing itself is taking months. And the Harvestation will take hours to days too. That is what some people have as job and they get very little Credit for it. The money they get is some times really a joke. They use almost all of the money for the next food growing, leaving them almost poor and if one day a big heat happens, with everything destroyed and burned down, then we would be the first ones to wail and starve."

Loki stared at Dexter in shock. Then he looked sad and guilty.

"They use Machines to be faster in their work and finish it on time. These aren't very cheap as well and everything you need to do for the fields, before you grow things there. They practically waste their whole time for just others.", Dexter added.

"Asir don't use Machines. They do everything with their own bare hands...", Loki mumbled.

Dexter wasn't really surprised at that.

"The Royals and Nobles take half of every farming Family away, that grows food, leaving them almost nothing for themselves. They starve while we live carefree. And we aren't paying them for it. They are forced to pay us in that way."

"Like in the Dark Ages then.", Dexter grimly chuckled out.

"Most of the times, the food growing is going bad. There is very little for everyone that farms our food and still no one cares. I was also one of them. Now...that I see this...I realized how wrong that is... I always saw it as naturally, what they did and incompetent when they had less food farmed than the year before..."

Loving someone is hard, to keep them safe is even harder (Loki and Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now