Part 31 - A Solution

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(You know it ! Picture belongs to rightful owner I just borrowed it !!)

With that Loki left the meeting room and went to Dexter's room and office. He found Dexter in his office working on papers. Loki cleared his throat, but Dexter didn't react.

"Dexter ?"

Nothing. Loki went over to Dexter and wanted to touch his shoulder. But it just went right through him.

'What ? Where is Dexter ?'

Loki looked around in panic.

'Dexter is here. Let me make the illusion drop.', Black said.

'Please Black. Do it.'

Then with a green glow the illusion dropped and Loki saw many beer bottles on the ground, then a drunk Dexter on the bed, drinking another bottle.

"Dexter ?", Loki asked unsure.

Dexter looked at Loki and smiled for a second, then he frowned.

"Hey Loki...", Dexter mumbled drunkly.

"Why are you drunk ?"

"Because I suffer ! My boy !", Dexter cheered.

"Why do you suffer ?"

" 'Cuz M-hic ! - anie's buck !" (Because Melanie is back)

"You didn't had to take her back here."

"Me had ! Me pr-hic !- ised to do !" (I had to ! I promised to do so !)

"How much did you drink ?"

"Hic ! 20 !"

"Bottles ?!"

Dexter nodded drunkily. Loki stared at Dexter in shock and disappointment.

"Why did you do that ?"

" 'Cuz-hic !- love both ! Hic !", (Because I love you both.)

"Both ?"

"You-hic !- Melanie ! I-hic !-didn't want you to know ! Me-hic !-ashamed of-hic !-that !"

Loki went over to Dexter and took away his bottle. Dexter whimpered.

"Loki ! Give back !"

"No. You had enough tonight. Go to sleep."

Dexter crossed his arms, childishly.

"Nope !"

Loki huffed and glared at Dexter.

"Go. To. Sleep. Dexter."

"Make me."

Loki went over to Dexter and pushed him down. Dexter grabbed Loki's ass in the process. Loki yelped and Dexter chuckled.

"A Demon is very hard to get wasted, Loki. Always remember that.", Dexter whispered.

"You tricked me !"

"I did indeed. But I really was about to get wasted. Thank you for stopping me."

Loki was silent for a moment.

"Did you mean it ?"

"What ?"

"You love me and her ?"

Dexter sighed and looked at Loki.

"I will be honest. Yes, I mean it. I guess I never stopped loving her, what means that we have a problem..."

"I want you to stay away from her. She is bad vibes.", Loki growled.

"I can't, Loki. I am the Boss."

Loki looked at Dexter desperate. Then Loki had an idea.

"Fuck me."

Dexter looked at Loki, shocked.

"What ?"

"Fuck me. Everytime when we are alone, I want you to fuck me. Mark me. Remember us."


"No. No more backing out ! Fuck me, Dexter ! Just fucking do it !"

Loki straddled Dexter on the bed now.

"Loki, I can't do that to you ! I could kill you !!"

"What ?"

"I could kill you. If we have too much Sex, then there is a very high chance, that I could lose myself and kill you."

"Then be careful and cum outside ! Problem solved."

"It is not as easy as you think ! I could lose myself to the pleasure and totally lose my humanity to it ! I wouldn't care, what I'd do to you ! It is our nature ! Demon's are supposed to be with other Demons, because they then can have real Sex !! That little bit I go on you, is nothing compared to what I am capable of !! Don't you get it ?! I am dangerous ! I am a ticking time bomb, just waiting to explode !!"

"Oh yeah ?! What could your Demon side do to me, huh ?!"

"I could rip you apart ! I could fuck into you so hard and fast that I could destroy your organs inside of you ! I could cause you internal bleeding ! I could make you bleed out from the inside ! I could choke you to death !! I could accidently tear your limbs off of you, Loki !! You have no idea what a Demon in Sex does !!"

"I trust you, that you can control it. And I am not as weak as I look like to you ! I can take your Demon side ! Why don't you have a little bit faith in me ?!"


Now Loki fell silent. Totally silent. Dexter regretted saying that, but he had to. He knew that Loki knew that Dexter was right.

"If I am not careful enough with you, then I could take your life away and your soul. Loki, I can't do this to you ! I fucking love you ! And you know that I have nothing against you ! But you are mortal ! You live maybe 5 000 years and then you crumble away in my hands. Then you just turn to ashes and dust. I will have nothing of you left here, right beside me ! It hurts me to know that, but I can't change it, without you agreeing to become like me ! And now imagine that I lose myself one day, having Demon Sex with you and your MORTAL body ! I could never forgive myself, if I would ever hurt or even kill you ! I can't do this !!"

"Then show me !! Show me what a Demon can do by having Sex with a MORTAL body ! Get a mortal and show me !! Or you just fucking try to be careful and fuck me now !!"

"Loki, you don't want to face the real Demon inside of me. Right now we can avoid it, we can find another solu-"

"Damn it, Dexter just fuck me !"

"Why are you so god damn eager ?!", Dexter yelled at Loki annoyed.

Now Loki had tears in his eyes. He looked away, sobbing. Dexter now regretted his outbust of annoyance.

"Because she will take you away from me, if we do nothing against it ! I don't want to lose you, Dexter !"

Dexter stared at Loki in awe. He weighted the options and then had an idea, it was very risky but it was one, if he was feeling himself slip away, he will just stop and get away from Loki as fast as possible. That's it !!  Then he smiled, held Loki close to himself and switched places. Now Loki was bottom and Dexter was on top of Loki.

"Fine Babyboy~ I'll fuck you~"

Loki grabbed Dexter's face, pulled him down and kissed him. Dexter hummed in the kiss.

"I love you, Dexter.", Loki said as they broke apart.

"I love you too, Loki."

And they continued to kiss, touch one another and moan.

Loving someone is hard, to keep them safe is even harder (Loki and Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now