40. I Will Break

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Two weeks passed and neither one of the boys had spoken to each other.

Frank was in with the popular crowd, whilst Gerard was...well he was a mess really.

Although Frank's friends continued to beat up and bully Gerard, he could help but feel the rising concern for his love.

He knew Gerard wasn't coping. He never could deal with his mess of a life.

"Get the fuck up." Brendon growled, leaning over Gerard.

Frank watched, wrapped up in the fact that once again, Gerard started having bruised wrists and marks all over himself.

He watched as Brendon pulled Gerard to his wobbly feet.

Gerard clearly had lost weight in the last two weeks. He was far too skinny. Was he eating?

Seeing the love of his life getting beaten wasn't the worst part. It was moments like this, where their eyes meet, and Frank see's the pure pain in Gerard's, that makes Frank feel sick.

Gerard stares helplessly at Frank, pleading for it all to stop.

"Gerard, to the principles office. I repeat, Gerard to the principal's office." The speakers sounded through the halls.

Brendon smirked, "Better get going faggot-boy."

Gerard and Frank had one last glance, before Gerard turned, limping away.

He could hardly walk straight. He needed to get away from this damn school. From this goddamn life.

"Come in." the sound of the principles voice shouted as Gerard knocked at the door.

As the thin boy walks in, he see's his parents, along with a police officer.

Fuck, fuck, FUCK!

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