46. Time To Say Goodbye, To The Earth And Now My Worthless Life

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"Uh man, I think you need to go help Gerard." Ryan said as he found Frank in the kitchen, sipping a cruiser.

Frank felt worry as he got up off the chair he was sitting on, "What's wrong?"

"Take a look for yourself. In your bathroom."

Frank rushed up the stairs, abandoning his drink with ease.

As he pushed the bathroom door open, his eyes widened.

There, passed out and snoring lightly, was his lover.

"Oh Gee, come on man. Why didn't you just go home." Frank groaned, moving closer to the passed out boy.

Much to Frank's disgust, he flushed the vomit-filled toilet, before leaning down and brushing the sweaty hair out of Gerard's face.

He frowns when he see's the peaceful look on Gerard's face.

"Why can't you be fixed? Why can't I fix you?" He sighed, getting up and pulling Gerard up.

He held the thin boy bridal style, frowning when he felt Gerard's bones.

Frank knew Gerard had been losing weight. It was clear. But he didn't realise how much he had lost until he felt Gerard's spine against his arm.

Laying Gerard in Frank's bed, Frank felt nauseous at the feeling of the latters bones. He gripped Gerard's t-shirt, slowly lifting it up and exposing the ribs of a starved body.

Frank's breath hitched at the sight. What had he done? He never should've left Gerard alone...

It was all Frank's fault.

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