34. Day's Go By, And We'll Die, But I Must Try

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Fuck, fuck, FUCK!

I wish I never agreed to getting help. Frank, Mom, Dad, and I sit at the kitchen table for dinner.

"Eat up Gerard." Dad mumbles through a mouthful of food.

My hands shakes as I pick up my fork.

I need to tell them. For Frank. For me.

"How was your day Fra-"

"Father John." I blurt out, cutting mom's soft voice off.

All eyes go to me, as I look to Frank's wide eyes.

"Gee-" Frank starts but I shake my head.

"What about him?" Dad questions.

Anxiety fills my forever decaying body as I glance at Frank. Fuck, I wish I never said a word. I wish Frank never walked in on Father John and me. I wish...fuck, I wish everything would just stop and let me breathe.

My throat begins to close as I feel a panic attack coming on. I quickly look away, trying to regulate my breathing. I need to say it. I have to now.

"I-" The words won't come out.

"Spit it out, baby." Mom smiles softly as I begin shaking.

"Gee, calm down." Frank mumbles.

I feel a hand rest gently on my thigh. For a touch that should've been comforting, it provided anything but.

"S-Sorry, um...don't w-worry. I-I forgot." I breathe out, looking at my untouched food.

Frank's hand leaves my thigh, making me look over at him. I see his disappointed and slightly pissed off expression. Doesn't he understand that this isn't really something I can just easily go around telling people? Especially my parents?!

"I-I'm done. Can I be excused?" I shakily say.

Mom looks worried as she points to my plate, "You haven't eaten though."

"I'm not h-hungry." I say quickly, getting up and moving from the table.

I run up the stairs, hearing someone follow me.

As I walk into my bedroom, I let out a shaky breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"What happened?" I hear a pissed off and disappointed voice.

I turn to Frank, seeing concerned eyes. Fuck I hate when he is anything but happy.

"I couldn't do it. I-they-I'm sorry." I stumble to my bed, taking a seat heavily.

Frank sits on his bed, looking at me with sad eyes.

"Aright. I um...okay. Do it when you uh, when you can." He says, shocking me.

I honestly was expecting him to lecture me about staying strong or some shit.

"I-uh-right." I look down.

My breathing soon becomes fine and I am left with my thoughts, and a disappointed Frank.

"Wanna go to the park and smoke?" He suggests as I look up at him.

I nod, "Fuck I need a cigarette."

"Let's go"

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