22. I Think I'm Happier Now, Up From The Down

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Concern isn't even a strong enough word for how I feel right now, watching the man I love standing on top of a fucking coffee-table swinging his hips and having all these disgusting guy's all over him. It's like he just doesn't give a fuck anymore. Like he genuinely gives up on himself. 

He normally would hate people touching him and trying to crawl their way into his pants, but right now, weather it is due to the alcohol or the crazy amount of drugs in his skeletal body, he is letting guys touch him like his body is something anyone can use and abuse.

He's given up on himself and I need to know why. I need to know what has happened, that has caused this poor catholic boy to give up.

"Woohoo!" Gerard screams, holing his drink as it spills, up to the roof.

He dances like nobody is watching. Where did the boy I love go?


Shit, shit, shit!

Okay, maybe I'd rather watch Gerard dancing on tables, than fucking losing him in the sea of drunken teenagers!

Where the fuck is he?!

Worry takes over as I rush through the dancefloor, trying to find the beautiful face of Gee. Maybe he is out the back, having a smoke?

"Gerard?" I call, running through the house and out the back yard.

I know I seem overprotective, but after that dude quite literally trying to rape my best friend, how can I not be overprotective?

I have a strong feeling something bad is going to happen if I don't get to him soon.

"Guy's, have you seen Gerard?" I ask a group of teenagers, smoking weed.

They shrug, "Who?"

"The guy that was dancing on tables a few hours ago?" I desperately push the words out.

One girls face lights up, "Oh god, he was so funny! Um, last I saw, he was on his way to the upstairs bathroom. He was staggering up the stairs so I helped him before he fell." She smiles as I nod, turning and rushing through the door and into the house again.

Okay Frank, he is probably just taking a well needed pee. We all do that. No shame. It's not like he has left the party with someone, or something.

I try calming down, as I skip a few steps when going up the staircase.

"Gerard?" I call, getting hit with silence.

Moving to the bathroom, I take a deep breath, before slamming the door open.

Well, fuck.

As the door swings open, hitting the wall with a bang, I see the sight of a petrified couple. Two very flustered and speechless guys.

"I-sorry guys." I mumble, quickly shutting the door and allowing them to go back to whatever the fuck they were doing.

I stand at the door, taking a moment to breathe. Gerard is fine. Im sure he has already pissed and is getting another drink or something...

"Ah!" I hear a loud, muffled squiel come from the room two doors over.

Slowly, I make my way to the door. Swallowing the growing concern, I crack the door open slightly, peering in and-


There, laying and panting, is Gerard, getting absolutely pounded by the guy from the bathroom earlier. The guy's face as dried up blood from my fists.

"Fuck, ugh, s-such a slut" The guy groans as he holds Gerard down on the bed, using his body.

Bile almost comes out as I notice Gerard don't fighting back. Is he liking this?!

Gerard turns his head to the other side, showing a flushed face, drenched with tears and miserable eyes. He scrunches his eyes shut, seeming in pain, as the guy runs his vile hands over Gerard's shaking body.

I need to stop this!

Slamming the door and scaring the ever-living-shit out of both Gerard and this dickhead, I barge in.

"Get the fuck off him!" I yell.

The guy stops moving, showing a drunken taken-aback look.

"What? Why?" he questions as Gerard gasps of air.

"You cant f-fucking rape my-my...my best friend!" I yell as I notice Gerard letting tears spill.

"F-Frank-" Gerard's rough and weak voice get's cut off by the disgusting man.

"He fucking came to me, asking for it. I am not raping him! How about you fuck off before I knock you the fuck out?" The guy, enraged, spits as my eyes widen.

"H-He asked you to fuck him?" I backtrack, confused and concerned.

Gerard would never.


"Yes, he came to me, first he was like sad or something, but then he started begging me to fuck him and use him. He said something about making him forget or something? I don't know, he is so high it's not funny." The guy replies as Gerard clears his throat, looking nervous yet still very fucking high.

"D-Did you really?" I ask in confusion.

Gerard, high and way too drunk to answer questions, bites his lip.

No fucking way...

"See? I'm not fucking raping him. Now, can you fucking leave us alone?" The guy spits.

"Frank I-"

"There is no way he actually begged y-"

"FRANK!" Gerard's voice tears through my ears.

I look at him, shocked and slightly fearful.

"F-Frank, l-leave. I-I will meet you out the f-front." He slurs.

I am left flabbergasted. This is not Gerard. This is someone totally different. I don't know who the fuck broke him, but this just confirms my thoughts of Gerard not giving an actual fuck about himself.


"Go" he pushes as I stagger out the door.

What the fuck happened to Gerard and why has be given up?!

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