14. Five Years and Fucking Counting

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By the look that has been held on Frank's face all morning, I can tell he is having a bad day. It's been a few days since the kiss and to be honest, nothing has been the same since.

He sighs, walking with a heavy heart. I can't help but worry that he regret's telling me what he told me in the park...

Does he actually love me? Do I really love him?

"Can you fucking move?" He spits, trying to move past me to the doorway.

I raise an eyebrow, "What's wrong with you?"

I hear a low groan before he shoves me out of the way and walks out the bedroom door, disappearing into the abyss of anger. After the kiss, I thought thing's were going better. Frank seemed happier to be around me, Father John seemed to leave me alone for a bit, and my parents weren't nagging at me to be a perfect fucking angel.

What happened to the wonderful feeling of carelessness?

"Gerard, hurry up!" I hear mom call.

I roll my eyes, grabbing my phone before heading out the bedroom and down the stairs.

Frank ignores my smile I shoot him as we make our way to the car.

I bet he regret's kissing me...


"-Amen. Thank you for coming today. Have a wonderful week!" Dad smiled.

He is a whole other person on that stage. Calm and loving. Why isn't he like that at home?

"Finally." Frank mumbles before letting out an exaggerated yawn.

Mom sends a disapproving look which only sends Frank into a fit of snarky comment's, laced with a teasing smirk. I honestly can't think of any other reason other than the moment at the park, as to why he is so damn pissed off today. I've seen him angry, but only when he loses his temper. This is different. He seems angry but not out of control in a spiral of temper tantrums and hate.

Just as we all stand, ready to meet dad by the stage, an evil voice sound. I instantly feel sick as we all turn around.

"Hello guys."

My mind fuzzes over with disgust and fear. No, he wouldn't do anything. I am safe with mom right now.

"Hello Father." Mom smiled.

I look to Frank, seeing him glaring at the ugly old man. It's no secret that Frank hates him. Frank hates a lot of things, especially today.

"I was just wondering if Gerard, you could maybe stay back for a few hours? I need to clean the windows and by the look on your unhappy face Frank, I simply would hate to hear the response I'd get if I asked you." He chuckled as my eyes widened.

He's got to be shitting me...

"I-I've got a lot of h-homework." I lie.

Frank cocks an eyebrow in my direction. He knows all too well that the isn't any homework set for us this weekend.

"I'm sure you can manage your homework after helping out Gerard." Mom smiles at me.

I shake my head, feeling hopeless.

"N-No I um, I have a...a test coming up. I need t-to study." I try again.

Please God, don't let me be made stay here with this sick man.

"I'll help you study for it, if you'd like." Father John smiles as I almost choke on air.

"N-No." I say, causing them to notice just how fast I was at replying, "I mean, um, no thanks. I-I..." looking down, I let any hope I felt drift into nothingness, "Okay. I-I'll stay and help y-you."

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