41. (Truth Be Told) Time Take's Us All

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"Is it true?" Mom looks desperately at me, silently pleading for this situation to be some fucked up misunderstanding.

I look down. What do I say?

"Gerard, do you understand the significance of this situation? Yesterday, you not only brought drugs onto school premises, but a student saw you in the bathroom taking them. You then proceeded to lay on the ground, high, talking nonsense to the roof." Principle Quinn states.

Mom's cries sounded through the office as Principle Quinn sighs, trying to get me to understand the situation.

"Mom, I-" I begin, getting cut off by dad.

He is beyond pissed.

"I can't believe you would do such a thing. Gerard, what the hell were you thinking?!" Dad's voice bellows through the room.

I look down, remembering how good I felt, high in the bathroom yesterday.

"Where did you get the drugs from Gerard?" Principle Quinn asks, glancing at the disappointed looking police officer.

I shrug, "From a stranger on the streets."

Deciding to leave out the fact that I stole the money from my parents to get the LSD.

"Why? Why would you take drugs?" Mom cries.

I swallow the bile, feeling exhausted.

"I-I don't know." I lie.

"Yes you do. Tell us. Now." Dad growls, "Is it Frank? Did he force you to take them?"

My eyebrows furrow.

"No. He has nothing to do with it." I spit, feeling frustrated, "He hates me. Hates me so much, that he lives with Ryan."

"Then why?!" Dad raises his voice.

"You can tell us baby. We just want to know and help you."

Tears fall as I look down.


"Why? Gerard, you have so much to live for."

My cold and dark eyes finally lock with his, burning evil through them.

"So much to live for? Really? I hate school, people fucking despise me for simply living, my parent's think I am some fucked up no-hope with a miserable future, you fucking betrayed me when I needed you most, we get sent to the fucking church to do chores for a fucking man I loathe, and Father John won't stop f-" I cut my pitiful moment off, before I let out stuff I'll regret.

"He what? What is wrong with Father John? I know he is annoying, but like...why bring him into it? What won't he stop doing?"

I look away, desperately filling my lungs with smoke.

"Baby, we can help you. Just tell us what's going on with you. Your grades are slipping, you constantly have marks and bruises on you, and you're acting way out of character." Mom softly speaks, making me cry harder.

I'm so fucking tired. I can't do this anymore. I'm done.

"We all care about you." She adds, making me lose my mind.

"Bullshit. If you cared about me, you'd actually help me. I-I can't cope with this shit any longer mom! The constant pain, I-I..." I pause, seeing mom's worried eyes, "I feel like my life is falling apart." I cry.

"What is causing you to feel like that though? There must be a reason."

I look away, feeling ashamed.

"You can tell us. I promise." Dad adds.

Anger pools in the pit of my stomach as I look dad dead in the eyes. I get up, moving to stand in front of him, inches away from his face.

"Really Dad? I can tell you?"

Dad's eyebrows furrow as he looks uncomfortable. Nonetheless he nods for me to continue.

"Okay, well, I feel like I can't live anymore. I am beyond suicidal. Sometimes I stare at the knives in the kitchen, tempted to slit my wrists. I smoke. I drink. I take drugs. They make me feel numb. They take me away from this hell." I pause, letting tears blur my vision and coat my cheeks.

"Gerard I-" Mom tries to but in, but I talk over the top of her.

"I think I'm gay, but I know you'd disown me if I came out." I continue, seeing shock in my father's eyes, "And Frank hates me because he found me getting fucked by Father John-" My voice is chillingly cold and daring for a moment, before escalating to heartbroken screams, "-who might I fucking add, WON'T STOP FUCKING ME!"

I hear the shocked gasps of the adults in the room. Dad's eyes narrow.

"You...You had sex with Father John?" Dad's shocked voice tries to understand.

"Yes. For years now. Every time he gets a chance to hold me down and fuck me, he does. He likes to see me in pain. Screaming out for him to stop. He gets off to me passing out too. I don't think you understand how hard he fucks me." I spit, my voice still terrifyingly cold, "So yes, I am spiraling out of control, but that's what I deserve, right? I'm a faggot. A sinner."

I step back, glancing at everyone's shocked faces.

"What? Didn't expect me to tell you that?" I spit, taking a seat again.

Fuck everyone. They're assholes and I hate them.

"So Frank was right...someone was abusing you?"

I shrug, "Yep."

"Uh, well um..." Principle Quinn is speechless.

"Am I going to prison for bringing drugs to school? Honestly take me away. At least I can get away from the creep at church." I say to the policeman.

The guy clears his throat.

"Kid, I will deal with Father John. He won't be abusing you any longer. As for the drugs, take this as a warning." He smiles softly, turning to my parents, "I'll be in touch with you after I gather more information."

"Thank you officer..." Mom's quiet voice mumbles.

"We have a wonderful counselor here, but I also suggest taking Gerard to a psychiatrist outside of school."

Mom nods as Principle Quinn talks to her about the counselor.

"Gerard, I know this is a hard question, but when was the last time you got sexually abused by Father John?" The officer asks.

I clear my throat. What the fuck have I done?!

"Last night."

"Mr. and Mrs. Way, Gerard will need to be taken to the hospital. They will run tests and check he is okay and has no STI's or anything."

Dad and mom look at each other, still in shock.

"Gerard, who do you want to take you? Me or your parents?" The officer asks, making me look down.


I can't stand to see my parents so shocked and disgusted.

"We will discuss with the counsellor further action if you'd like."

Mom nods, looking at me with sad eyes.

"Baby, I am so sorry. I-" She pauses, sobbing, "Are you sure you don't want us to come to the hospital?"

I nod, giving a fake smile.

"I'm f-fine." My voice proves I'm lying.

I get up, following the officer out the door. As we walk out of the office, I see Frank and Brendon, with a few others, staring in shock and confusion at the fact that I am leaving school with a policeman.

"Gerard?" Frank mumbles as I give him a sad smile, before following the policeman out the doors of the school.

"Everything's going to be okay, kid."

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