48. Welcome Home

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"Are you sure you wanna do this?"

"Yes I'm sure."

The look of nerves on Frank's face made Gerard think otherwise.

"Well, here we go..."

The doorbell rang, and Frank never looked more nervous in his life. Gerard tried comforting him, but it wasn't working too well.

As the door creaked open, Mrs. Way's tired face came in view.

"Gerard!" She sighed in relief before realising the other boy at the door, "Oh, Frank..."

"Hi Mrs. Way" Frank smiled softly as she returned the smile.

"Come in boys." She opened the door wide, allowing the boys to follow her inside.

As they walk in, Frank felt at home once again. He didn't realise how much he missed this house until now.

Gerard on the pother hand, seemed uncomfortable in this house. Nowhere felt home to Gerard. Perhaps the grave would feel like 'home'...

"So, what are you doing here Frank?" Mrs. Way cocked an eyebrow as they all take a seat at the dining table.

Frank glanced at Gerard, before looking back at the woman.

"I was um, wondering if I-I could uh, if I could move back in?"

Mrs. Way nodded slowly, thinking carefully as Gerard looked down at his bitten nails. He was far too tired for this conversation.

"Sure." She smiled, and Frank sighed in relief, "but-" Mrs. Way continued, "If you bring any drugs, alcohol, or sinful behaviour back into this house you are out. We are trying to get Gerard back on track and healed, and the last thing we, or he needs is temptation."

"Yes ma'am." Frank nodded.

He glanced at Gerard, and instantly their eyes meet. What was it about Gerard's eyes that made Frank so melted?

"Welcome home." Gerard smiled, pulling Frank in for a hug as Mrs. Way got up to pour some tea.

"I missed you." Gerard whispered in Frank's ear.

"I missed you too, Gee." Frank whispered back.

He never wanted to leave Gerard's warm embrace.

"I fucking love you." Gerard sniffed.

"I love you too."


I'm back bitches!! I'm so sorry this chapter has taken so long to upload. Life has been crazy, but anyway, enjoy :) - Sammy

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