30. Go Slit Your Own Throat, Slit Your Own Throat

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The sun is setting and the science books in my backpack makes my spine twist and turn with pain. Fuck homework.

"-so that's why the bitch gave me detention!" Frank finishes as I smirk, looking to the boy I have shamefully fallen for.

"Well if you didn't tell the damn teacher to fuck off, then maybe you wouldn't have gotten it. How late are we?" I roll my hazel eyes, walking up the dreaded steps of the church.

Please god, make Father John be away tonight!

"Um" Frank looks at the time on his phone, "-almost an hour late."

I nod, acknowledging his response. There, on his knees, scrubbing the tiled floor, is Father John. His evil eyes flick up to Frank and I, and god I wish my prayer was answered.

Surely he wont do anything. He got a decent piece of my ass the other day in the alleyway.

"Hello boys." He smiles, standing up and taking the bucket of water and sponge into another room.

Frank and I don't reply. Fuck him. Well...not literally. I want nothing more than to not fuck him.

"Gerard, you will be helping me in my office tonight and Frank, you can lean the pews." Father John moves into the room again. "-and I don't want your excuses as to why you boys are late." He adds as my skin crawls.

"Seriously? Splitting us up again? Why do you always need Gerard to help you in your office? It's not like your office is the size of a football-field." Frank groans, moving towards the main room where the pews are.

Father John smiles, "This isn't for fun and games Frank. You are here for punishment. My office always needs a clean. I, unlike your father Gerard, can't keep my office clean for the life of me."

"Whatever. What do I use to clean?" Frank rolls his oblivious eyes as I swallow thickly.

"Gerard, go up and start the dishes. Frank, come with me." He replies.

As I move towards the stairs, I look back, seeing Father John and Frank moving away. Why can't Father John treat me like that? Like a normal fucking kid? There isn't anything special about me. I'm just plain old Gerard Way.

Making my way to the dish-filled sink, I let out a shaky breath. This is a good sign. He isn't asking me to do anything other than clean. I am fine. He wont hurt me tonight. Oh god please don't let him hurt me...


The plate I am currently drying almost slips out of my hand, as Father John storms into the room.

"Gotta be quick baby. Frank wont be busy for too long. Come on." He says as my eyebrows furrow in confusion.

He rolls his eyes, moving closer as I hold my breath. He smirks, grabbing the plate and tea-towel out of my hands. He then pulls me towards the uncomfortable, nightmare-filled couch.

"Move, slut. If you are lucky, I wont make you bleed like I did last time." He mumbles, pushing me down onto the leather, as tears already begin to fill my eyes.

"Sh-Shit." I cry out quietly as filth fills me.

So many times I've cried, but there's still rage inside. Somebody get me through this nightmare.

You'd think I'd be used to it and become accustom to this. Why am I still a crybaby? The only thing I am used to, is hiding the pain after he is done.

"Ugh" I hear his vile groans in my ear, as he coats me in disgust.

Hell is empty. The devil's here, and I'm gonna die.

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