10. You're Beautiful - Now Shut Up and Kiss Me, You Animal

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"Sh-Shit." I slur, stumbling out what I am guessing to be the backyard.

I am what you would call absolutely fucked. Yep, I said that. I clearly am not filtering my mouth properly. Let's blame Molly. She's the real one to blame.

"Gee?" I hear as I turn my head, seeing a blurry Frank sitting with a few other guys.

I smile, stumbling my way over as I see Frank stand up.

"Shit dude, how much alcohol have you had." He giggles as I shrug.

"Don't know."

I feel Frank's hand pulling me over to the group sitting in a circle.

"What's this?" I ask.

Frank sit's with his leg's crossed on the grass before pulling me down to sit in his lap. For some reason, it just feels...right. I watch as they smoke weird looking cigarettes and taking a few pills.

"Drugs, Gee." Frank says, taking the weird looking cigarette from a guy to our right.

He smokes and I smell a disgusting smell.

"This is weed. Have some." He smiles as I willingly take it.

I effortlessly smoke, not coughing which in return, made Frank let out a low giggle.

"Such a good boy." He mumbles.

I turn, looking at his beautiful face. He looks even better through high eyes. Wow...he really is something, isn't he? I almost think I feel-

"Pass it on, man." I hear a guy say as I turn around, feeling my numb cheeks redden.

"S-Sorry." I mumble, handing the cigarette to the next guy.

"Want some?" Another guy offers a couple of different pills.

I cock an eyebrow, feeling like the scenery is spinning.

"Ketamine-" he points to one type of pill, "-and MDMA."

Wow, that was so fucking helpful...

"I'll have one of each man." Frank says.

Suddenly, I feel a hot breath at my ear, making chills go down my spine.

"This is the good shit, baby."

I bite my lip. That was hot to say the least. But why am I feeling this? I shouldn't feel like this about a boy...right?

"I-I'll have both too." I smile.

I take the pills, chasing them with a mouthful of Frank's beer.


After about an hour of drunken, drugged up conversation on the grass, I notice Frank wriggling around underneath me. Am I that heavy?!

"S-Sorry." I mumble to him, beginning to get up.

He quickly pulls me back down, making me look him in those damn beautiful eyes.

Why does he make me feel like this?

"It wasn't you, Gee. I just need to pee really fuckin' bad." He laughs as I smile wide.

"Then let's go pee." I say.

As soon as I stand up, I feel myself beginning to drop.

"Woah there, Babyboy." Frank catches me before I fall to the ground.

There he goes with another damn nickname...

He grips my hand, lacing our fingers and pulling me inside and to the bathroom.

We weave in between people, stumbling to the stairs.

"Shit." I mumble, struggling to make it up the stairs without falling backwards.

When we make it to the bathroom, Frank pulls us in, before locking the door.

"Do you care?" he asks, beginning to unzip his jeans, turning to the toilet.

"Nope." I pop the 'P' as I rock back and forth.

I notice just how drunk and high Frank must be, as he struggles to stay upright. He plant's one hand on the wall in front of him, steadying himself.

As he flushes and zips his jeans, I giggle.

"What?" He asks, washing his hands now.

I smile wide, "I feel...I feel weird. A good, weird. L-Like I'm a cloud." I close my eyes, "-light and fluffy."

As I open my eyes, Frank is standing in front of me with the biggest smile I have ever seen. His adoring eyes stare into mine and my god I want nothing more than to-

Before I know it, I feel soft lips on mine.

"Mmm." I hum, moving my lip's in sync with his as he deepens it.

I get pushed back, hitting the wall behind me as my hands move around his shoulders. I feel his tongue asking for entry into my mouth, to which I happily grant access to. His tongue explores every inch of my mouth and to say I was instantly turned on, would be an understatement.

"Ugh, umph." I make a low moan in the back of my throat, moment's before he pulls away.

His pupils are wide, and his lips are swollen. We both take a moment to catch our breaths.

"I-I..." He stares at me, allowing his mouth to stretch into a wide grin.

"Wow..." I whisper, smiling back.

That was long overdue...

"Come on." He says quietly, turning to the sink and pulling out a little bag containing white powder.

"Cocaine?" I remember him showing me when we first met.

He nods, sprinkling out a little, forming two lines.

"One for you, and one for me." He smiles, shutting the bag and putting it back into his jacket pocket.

He then pulls a $20 bill from his pocket and rolls it up.

"How do y-oh." I mumble, watching him snort the coke.

I take the rolled money and mimic his movements. I pull back after snorting it, "Ugh, fuck! That burns."

"Don't worry, you get used to it." He smiles, locking ocean eyes with mine.

"O-Okay..." I trail off, getting lost in his eyes.

Am I really falling this hard, headfirst into Frank's halo?

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