15. Alive but Not Living, Lifeless but Not Dead

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I make a bee-line for through the corridor, feeling beyond pissed off. I don't think I've felt quite so uneasy, in a long time.

When I push through the heavy doors, out to the back of the school, I see a sight that makes me want to tear Brendon Urie's head off.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM!" I scream as I see Brendon, straddling Gerard and beating him to nothing.

A few of Brendon's dickhead friends are cheering him on as Gerard seems almost unconscious.

Brendon's evil eyes flick up to me, smirking. He nods at his friends and they begin walking towards me.

"Fuck off!" I yell as they quickly grip my arms, holding me. I try to get out of their grips, as I see Brendon stand up and walk towards me.

Sadness fills me as I eye Gerard. He sobs, rolling over onto his stomach. His milky flesh isn't the usual color now; painted red and torn apart.

"Hello Frankie-boy." Brendon's sick words flow as I feel the overwhelming urge to slit his throat.

"What the fuck did you do to him?!" I spit.

He glances at the sobbing Gerard. Gerard coughs up blood as Brendon chuckles. Fucking chuckles.

"Made him understand that next time he tries to get in between my fist and your ugly face, is the day he dies."

My head spins with anger as I try pulling my arms free.

"He is kind of weak, I must say. Didn't even try to fight back. Almost like a fucking fat rag-doll." Brendon continues as I groan, feeling the hands around my arms tighten.

"Get the fuck off me!" I say.

I hear laughs as my eyes lock with Gerard's cold ones. He looks destroyed as he tries to get up.

"Fucking pussy. How did you even know we were out here with your precious boyfriend?"

"He's my fucking brother dude. And I fucking heard people talking about you wankers beating him up." That earned me a kick to the balls from none other than the dickhead with a massive forehead.

"You know, I would've never guessed you to be the type that likes incest..." Brendon takes joy in my pained expression.

If it wasn't for the idiots holding me up, I'd be a mess of pain on the ground. He kicked fucking hard. My eyes widen as I see Gerard silently trying to get up. Is he seriously going to try and help me, when he is clearly half conscious?

"Poor little Frankie. Wasn't it enough pain, having to move to another family? Why didn't you just kill yourself? Or...Or did you?" Brendon laughed, "You did, didn't you!"

Gerard stumbles to his feet, shocking wide and rage-filled eyes.

"Did you try cutting? What about hanging yourself? I can imagine you'd be the type to slit your wrist." Brendon taunts, but I hardly hear his words.

I am far too focused on Gerard, who is now holding a very fucking sharp stick. He looks terrifying, to be honest.

"What a shame, even death didn't want you." As soon as those words hit my ears, I was done.

I swing my body in positions I never thought I could, doing whatever I could to get out of the tight grips. It worked for a moment, but it was as if, as soon as the hands let go, they held back on. Angry tears fall as I scream, "LET GO!"

"Poor little F-" Before Brendon could finish his sentence, one of the guys holding me screams for him to move.

He didn't move in time, that's for sure. As he turns around, Gerard slams the stick into the side of his leg. Brendon falls to the ground, spitting curse words as Gerard drops the stick, looking petrified and angry.

I watch in shock as Gerard pounces on Brendon, laying his fist into Brendon's face, hard. I never knew Gerard could be so strong...

Concern fills me as one of the guy's lets go of my right arm, rushing over to the bleeding boy's. The guy pulls Gerard off, holding his beaten body on his back, and allowing his fist to slam into his stomach.

"AH!" Gerard screams out in pain.

My wide eyes look to Brendon, who stands up, wiping his bloody nose, before stumbling over to Gerard, who now is sobbing.

"Move." Brendon pushes his friend out of the way before straddling Gerard's almost limp body.

"Look at you, trying to be anything but the gay piece of shit you are. Pathetic." He spits at Gerard before bringing his hands around Gerard's throat.

"I-I c-c-can't brea-breathe!" Gerard struggles as I begin freaking out.

"STOP IT BRENDON, YOU'RE GONNA KILL HIM!" I scream, praying he actually listens.

Gerard's wide and scared eyes bulge as he begins going blue. Brendon does look like he is going to stop any time soon.

"Make sure little Frankie-boy is watching his boyfriend."

That's when the guy who pushed Gerard to the ground, comes to me, holding my head to watch the whole thing.

"H-Help" I hear Gerard choke as tears fill my terrified eyes.

I can't lose him. I can't. He is...he is the best thing that's ever happened to me...

"STOP! PLEASE! YOU WIN, YOU CAN FUCKING BEAT ME, JUST STOP! YOU'RE KILLING HIM!" I tear through my voice-box as tears stream down my face.

"About time he dies." Brendon laughs as I watch Gerard slip in and out of consciousness.

His blue face looks cold and void of life as his purple lips are perfectly parted and split. He has bruises and blood filling his skin. He looks like a fucking corpse.

"I-I...p-p-please..." I cry, trying to look away from the horrible sight.

He is dying and I can't do anything about it...

"Keep watching, fag." Brendon's friend spits as I scrunch my eyes.

I feel cold fingers pull my eyes open, forcing me to watch as Gerard makes choking sounds, clearly trying to get at least a little bit of oxygen.

Brendon giggles as Gerard's body goes limp, showing an unconscious and corpse-like body.

"Finally. He's a little fighter, isn't he Frankie!" He giggles, getting off Gerard and moving towards me.

I cry, looking anywhere but my poor Gerard.

"Better go give him a final kiss, Frankie-boy..." And with that, Brendon walks off.

The dickheads let me go and my god, my leg's feel like jelly as I hit the hard ground, feeling sick as my head spins.

Is he dead?!

Crawling, I make my way to Gerard.

"O-Oh my g-g-god..." I tremble, bringing my shaking hands to his still body.

I feel for a pulse, praying for other than death. Tears stream as I take in his lifeless looking face. Bruises are already forming around his neck, and his skin is pale, as white as milk; blood mixed with tears are washed over his cold skin.

I can't believe Brendon went this far...

"P-Please d-d-don't go" I tremble, trying to find a pulse.

My vision becomes blurred with tears as I move my shaking hands around his neck, searching for any sign of life.

Suddenly, as if my prayers and pleads are answered, I find a pulse.

That's when I burst into loud and uncontrollable sobs. Where are the fucking teachers in this fucked up school?! Do they even realize they could've stopped this shit from happening?

Anger fills me as I look at Gerard, unconscious but not dead.

He is alive...

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