25. Empty Bliss, Selfishness

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I'd be lying if I said that when I woke up at 11am, everything was fine and back to normal. The air was thick and sad. There was a depressing vibe and I felt it from the second I woke.

After rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I peer around the room, noticing no sight of Gerard. He's probably making himself lunch or a late breakfast.

I slowly get up, stretching and feeling like a pile of shit. My bones click as I stand, eyes searching for my phone.

When I turn it on, I see a message that makes me nervous.

'Thank you for last night. I am sorry, I know I treated you like shit. You don't deserve to be treated like that, and I guess you'd be happy to know I am staying somewhere else for a few days. Maybe a week? I don't know. Don't tell mom and dad. They will freak. I just wanted to tell you I am sorry you have to put up with someone so useless. Don't worry, I'll be out of your way in no time.'

Tears fill my eyes and bile rises up my throat. Is he going to...to kill himself?!

I try to find his contact through my blurry eyes, biting my lip almost tearing it apart.




"No, no, no!" I stress as I take the phone away from my ear.

I try to ring again, finding myself being met with his voicemail. Panicking, I call Mrs. Way.

"Hello? Frank?" I hear her cheerful voice.

"Have you gotten a message or anything from Gerard? A phone-call?" I try to keep my voice calm.

"Why would I? What's going on?" She questions as I kick the side of my bed.

Where the fuck is he?!

"Don't worry. I-he is in the kitchen. I w-was...it was a joke. Prank c-call. S-Sorry." I hang up, feeling lightheaded with worry.

I walk out of the bedroom, moving down the stairs a little quicker than I thought. Stumbling into the kitchen, I notice my hands shaking.

He wouldn't kill himself. He wouldn't. he wasn't suicidal as such, close to it, but not quite...right?

"Sh-Shit" I mumble, almost dropping my phone as it begins ringing in my trembling hands.

I look to the contact, seeing it is Gerard.

Oh my god.

"Gerard, I-I need you home. W-We can work through this. I don't w-want you gone." I stutter, not caring if I sound pathetic.

I hear the sound of shuffling from his end, before the clearing of a voice.

"Is this Frank?" a foreign voice sounds as my eyes widen.

"I-yes..." I shake with worry.

Is Gerard kidnapped?!

"Your brother is fine. He..." the clear voice says as I take a seat at the kitchen table.

"Where is he? Who the fuck are you?" I say a little harsher than I intended.

I hear more shuffling before the voice is back.

"I'm James. Gerard and I are in the same English class at school. He um, I found him this morning near my house passed out. Seemed to be on something. He was clenching an empty vodka bottle, but I think he took drugs too. Pills maybe? I didn't see any signs of shooting up or something." The guy sounds concerned as my eyebrows furrow.

"Is he okay?" I ask, feeling nervous.

"He is fine. I uh, took him to my house and let him sleep on my couch. He isn't awake yet, but I thought I'd ring you. I was at a party you both were at a little while ago and you made toast to your brother." He recalls as I sigh in relief.

"That fucking boy..." I groan, allowing my free hand to rub across my stressed face.

"Frank, I-he didn't seem okay. When I found him, he-" The guy pauses for a moment, clearing his throat, "-he um...he had blood on his pants...l-like...like on the back o-of his pants..."

I ignore the uncomfortable aura filling our conversation as I sit up with wide eyes.

"H-He did?! I-what time did you find him? And where?" I panic.

"I found him about an hour and a half ago? Just a few blocks from my house. He was passed out in an alleyway by the church."

I furrow my eyebrows once again. Surely someone didn't...abuse him...

"Message through your address. I'm about to leave." I say quickly.

"No worries man."

"Thank y-you. For finding him...I-I don't know what I'd do if he died or s-something..." I try not to think about it as I rush up the stairs.

"No need to thank me. I'm sure he would feel the same for you. I'll see you soon." He says before hanging up.

I'm sure he would feel the same for you...

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