11. I'll Be The Only Person That I Can Blame When You Desert Me

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I could hardly read the name on my phone as it begins ringing loudly. Frank looks curiously as I fish my pocket's for my damn phone.

"I-who isss it?" I slur.

Frank's eyes widen, "I can't read it." He burst's into a fit of laughter as I follow him through the backyard, to a quiet spot away from everyone.

It's now at least 1am.

"Answer it." He pushes as I bring the phone to my ear.

God, do I regret doing that.

"Gerard Arthur Way! Where on earth are you and Frank?!" I hear my dad yell into the phone, "-your mother and I are worried sick!"

I bite my lip.

"I-" My eyes look to Frank as he shrugs, not knowing what to say.

Suddenly, I feel a little more sober.

"Um, did-did I not uh, tell you" I try not to allow my words to slur.

I hear a sigh, "Tell me what?"

"We are staying over at a friend's house."

Frank smiles, nodding in approval of my lie.

"No, you didn't. For that reason, you and Frank are to be home in 15 minutes. Hurry up."

My blood runs cold, "No! W-We can't."

"Why?" Dad grows impatient.

I look at Frank as he bites his lip, worried. No, fuck this. Dad isn't going to stop me from finally doing what I want to do!

"Because I don't w-want to." My eyebrows furrow, looking at Frank as he tries not to show his shock.

I hear Dad let out a furious breath, "Gerard, get your ass home or there will be punishment!"

Him yelling into a phone won't stop me. I am free.

"No, I won't. Fuck you and your bullshit punishment!" I scream into my phone before hanging up.

Did I really just do that? Oh lord, I am gonna be a dead man...

Silence is casted over Frank and myself for a few minutes. My head spins and I need another damn drink. As my eyes meet Frank's, we burst out laughing.

"I can't believe you just said that! What happened to the good catholic boy?" Frank laughs, along with me.

He's right...what did happen to the old me? He must have died when I met Frank.

"I'm going to play beer-pong with Luke. Wanna come play?" Frank smiles as I shake my head.

"I'm gonna get another drink." I reply, allowing us to part ways for a moment.


I groan, smelling the stench of my own vomit all over the grass. Here I am, in the front lawn, kneeling over and puking my brains out. Why did I have so many drinks?

"There you a-Ew! Dude, are you okay?" Frank asks, seeming a lot more sober than me.

My vision spins and I think I have hit the point of no return. I feel my stomach clench as I dry-reach, making the vilest sound I ever thought I could make. Frank stands a distance away, watching in disgust.

"Yuck." He comments.

"Shut the fuck up!" I snap, feeling my body shake with pain.

He shows a shocked face as he hold's up his hands, "Sorry man..."

I shrug it off, stumbling to the steps at the front door. I sit heavily, looking up at the dark sky.

"What time is it?" I ask.

Frank comes over and sit's down.

"3am. We should probably get going. I don't think we should sleep over when you're like this. What if you puke in the dudes bed? I'll order an uber."

I rest my head in my hands, groaning at the weird feeling I feel. I can't even describe to you just how fucked up I feel.

"I don't wanna leave yet." I say.

The last thing I want to do is see my parents. They'll be so disappointed in me, their fuck-up son who kissed a boy and took way too many drugs in one night.

"I don't care, we are going. The uber will be here in 2 minutes" He sighs, tired.

I shake my head, "No, I'm not. I f-fucking won't go home to those-those...dickheads!"

He rolls his eyes, "They may be dickheads, but they're still your parents."

"I don't care. I don't want them to be my parent's. Nothing about them is caring." I protest.

Frank shows agitation as he check's where the uber is.

"Shut up." He spits.

My eyes widen and sudden anger fills me. Is it because of the alcohol? The drugs?

"Fuck you." I spit back.

He stands; face full of hurt and anger, "No Gerard, fuck you. Here you are, saying you don't want your fucking goddamn parents, when I am here with no fucking parent's! Ever thought about that? At least you have fucking parents!" He yells.

My wide eyes watch as he wipes the stray tear off his cheek. What the hell?

"Don't spin this conversation onto you like this is some pity party!" I say, standing up.


"I-I'm not gay." I say.

"Is that all you got from that? That I called you gay? And get a fucking grip - are you serious? What was our kiss then? A straight kiss?"

I shake my head, "It...I'm not gay. I didn't mean to kiss you back. It was...it was a mistake." I stumble over my words.

It was far from a mistake, but I shouldn't have kissed back. I can't be gay. My life would literally end if I came out as gay.

He shows a hurt expression as my eyes widen. Oh god, he actually meant the kiss...

"I didn't mean it l-"

"Shut up. Just shut the fuck up Gerard, I know exactly how you meant it and you know what, you can shove the excuses up your straight ass!" He sizzles with hurt and anger as he begins walking to the uber as it pulls up.

I watch as he opens the right side door.

"I honestly couldn't give a flying fuck if you stay here or what, but if you are coming home, fucking hurry up." And with that, he slides into the car, slamming the door shut.

Well I have really fucked this up...

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