9. Molly

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I sip the vodka and coke mix, scrunching my face at the taste. It is so foul.

"I'm going to say hi to a few guys, I'll see you 'round, yeah?" Frank questions, chugging a beer.

I nervously nod, trying to hide the panic at the thought of being alone here. People are scary to say the least. They are dancing on tables, having sex on the couches and just being crazy.

"Don't worry, I'll come and find you soon. Drink up!" He calls out, walking away into the sea of people.

I nod, turning my attention to the full up in my hand.

Here's to drinking my life away!

Bringing the foul liquid to my lips, I begin swallowing big gulps of it. I feel it wanting to come back up my throat, but I ignore that.

"Dude, who pissed you off?" I hear a voice from beside me as I move the almost empty cup from my mouth.

I see a guy with an afro smirking at me. He stands, wearing an Nirvana top. He seems pretty cool. He looks at my cup and nods.

"Let me guess, Vodka?"

I smile nervously, "Yep."

He laughs, "And I'm guessing you're the guy Frank has told me about? Wait- Gerard? Is your name Gerard?"

Nodding, "Yeah."

"So, this is your first party and you're stuck drinking Vodka? Here, try this." He holds out his red cup.

I bite my lip, taking it and having a mouthful. I guess he is nice enough to accept a drink from.

"Mmm, this is nice. What's in it?" I ask.

He smiles, taking the vodka and turning, placing it on the kitchen bench. I watch as he begins making another drink.

"Drink the rest. It'll loosen you up. It is Jack Daniels and coke, all perfectly put together with my friend Molly."

I smile, taking another big gulp. I notice Frank walking back into the kitchen, probably getting another drink.

"Molly makes great drinks!" I say, making the afro-guy turn sharply.

He stares wide-eyed with worry. It makes me worry as he cautiously comes over to me. Frank watches with a smirk.

"Y-You...oh god. Man, I am so sorry!" He stresses as my eyebrows furrow.

"What are you sorry about?" I ask.

"Uh, I didn't even think and...well...well that drink has Molly in it."

I shrug, "Who?"

Frank snorts at that, laughing from the fridge as he pulls out another beer.

Then it clicks, afro-guy is talking about a drug of some sort.


"I-I'm sorry!" He says as I look at the cup.

I look to Frank, seeing him beginning to chug the beer.

"Don't you want to have fun on the wild side?"

Stuff it.

"It's okay. I don't care." I decide as he sighs in relief.

I notice Frank almost choke on his drink as he flicks his eyes to me.

"Oh, thank god." The guy says, moving back to making his drink.

I continue drinking the drugged drink, feeling the same careless freedom I felt when I smoked with Frank a week and a half ago.

"Uh, you know that Molly is a drug, yeah?" Frank mumbles to me as he comes over, standing in front of me.

I smile, a genuine smile.

"Yeah." I say confidently as his eyes widen and his smile grows.

"Fuck yeah. That's the Gerard I was hoping to see!" Frank hold's his drink and cheering.

He turns, "EVERYONE!"

My eyes widen as he turns, gripping my arm and pulling me over to the kitchen table. People begin looking as he climbs up, motioning for me to do the same.

As I get up, Frank yells "LISTEN UP!"

Surprising me, it actually works. The music is cut and all eyes are on us.


As he screams, all the drunk people hold their drinks up, cheering. Frank motions me to do the same. I stand, holding my drink high to the roof with Frank and everyone else.


Everyone cheers and screams. My eyes are wide as whistles and 'cheer's' is sounded.

Frank just called me his...his brother!

"Come on." He helps me down off the table as the music start's pumping again.

Once our feet are on the ground, he smiles wide.

"Welcome to the wild side."

For some reason, I feel an overwhelming need to kiss him. But I can't. No, I'm not gay. No.

"Thank you, Frankie." I give him a nickname.

His eyes flick down to my lips for a second. They linger at my bitten lips, before meeting my eyes again.

"Uh...Um, yeah. No worries Gee." He shoot's a nickname right back at me.

"Don't go overdosing." He smirks, jokingly as he walks away.

I am left with my drink and a feeling I have never felt before.

Could it be...love?

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