At a Glance

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From the first moment he laid eyes on her he knew.

This Emma Swan, this woman who too no shit from no one, he was in love with her.

Killian had never believed in love at first sight, but after meeting Emma, he knew it was real. And somehow... He was okay with being in love.

Emma Swan brought light into his life where nothing but revenge existed before.

After their adventure on the beanstalk he was sure of it. Emma Swan was it. She was the love of his life.

He tried to hide it. He made the fight at Lake Nostos look legit, like she really did beat him, like he really was unconscious, but eventually, he gave in.

He returned on the Jolly Roger to return the bean. To take her to Neverland to get her son back.

She kissed him there. He was more sure than ever before that he was in love.

When he lost her to Pan's curse, he believed that love just wasn't for him.

That entire year, Killian was a wreck. That's why he didn't hesitate for a moment when the opportunity to get her back arose. He took it, in turn giving up his ship, his home, in the faint hope that she could be his new home.

When she remembered, his heart filled with pride.

When she wanted to leave Storybrooke he was filled with dread.

Neal died and he was positive that she would never open her heart up to love again.

Their time travelling adventure brought them closer and when they danced, Killian felt whole for the first time in centuries.

She kissed him outside the diner.

She kissed him again in the forest, a promising "be patient," whispered.

With every kiss, he fell more in love with her than he knew possible.

She asked him out and he damn well nearly passed out. Killian had no idea where that dart went.

Through all the time when he didn't have his heart, he never loved Emma less. She was still his sunshine, his light, his life, his everything. It was simply faint, dull, not as pronounced. Never less.

"Just be gentl-umph!!!"

All the feelings came rushing into his heart and he couldn't do anything less that gently guide her over to the nearest wall and kiss her senseless, cutting off whatever she was rambling about.

When the words were finally uttered after they finally shared a true love's kiss -because it was Killian's turn to save Emma, apparently- Killian showed her just how much he loved her.

It had taken four curses, a year and a half, several deaths and a whole lot of tears, but Emma Swan loved Killian.

How, he didn't know. A year and a half ago, he never would have seen himself beside her, fighting off villains, being a hero... Being in love. But he was. And he couldn't be happier.

This one's for ouatpjhoomaddi for asking for another one shot today. Because otherwise, I probably wouldn't have written it.

Check out my new book, Shatter! It's my first original story, I'd love for you guys to read it!

Thanks for reading!❤️

~Emily (Jillchair8e)

(Yep, that's my name. Not Jill. Lol)

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