Peace is a Rarity (But With You That's Okay)

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Just some well-deserved quiet between all the craziness Storybrooke has to offer, lightly based on recent filming for 6x05, pure fluff that we all need after the literal hell that was season 5.

Emma would be the first to admit this wasn't the ideal time for a date. Storybrooke was currently under lockdown, there was yet another villain threatening the well-being of the town, however she knew she deserved a break, and so did Killian.

After much assurance from her family that they would handle whatever danger came their way that night, Killian managed to convince Emma to go on a date with him, their first since before Emma became the Dark One.

"You know I'm quite impressed that I managed to drag you away from saviour duty for the night, love," Killian teased as they walked hand in hand toward the docks. They'd decided to have a nice quiet dinner by the docks and spend the night on the Jolly Roger. Killian had insisted on it, saying there was no way they could be interrupted out on the water.

Emma wasn't about to decline that offer so they ordered takeout from the restaurant they went to for their first date, and Killian took the Jolly out, about half an hour from the port, while Emma set up their romantic dinner under the stars.

"This is beautiful," she admitted, sitting across from Killian at the old wooden table they had brought up from below deck, "Thank you for dragging me out here," she laughed.

Killian smiled warmly, "I'm glad I managed to. We've been back nearly a week and haven't once had time to just be alone. I was beginning to miss you."

"I'm sorry," Emma sighed.

"For what, Swan?"

"For getting you involved in my crazy life. I'm sorry you have to deal with a new villain every week."

"Hey, I chose to fall in love with you, you know I'd follow you through anything without complaint. Besides, what would we do without a new enemy every once in a while?" he replied, bringing their joined hands to his lips and kissing her's lightly.

Emma smiled in reply. She reached for the bottle of white wine, pouring a good amount into both their glasses. "To us... to true love,' she raised her glass, clinking it with Killian's.

"To true love," he replied lovingly, meeting her glass with his.

"Yeah, that gonna take some getting used to," Emma chuckled, taking a sip of her drink.

"Agreed. But I must admit, I do enjoy saying it."

"Me too," Emma said, flashing a grin.

After a delicious candlelit dinner under the stars, they sat on the rail of the ship, legs hanging above the water. Emma nuzzled close to Killian, her head on his shoulder, his arms tightly around her. They sat in comfortable silence for what felt like hours, just gazing at the stars, both of them happy and relaxed for the first time in months.

Neither of them could honestly remember the last time they felt so at peace. Neither of them wanted to. Instead they chose to live in the moment, completely forgetting the situation Storybrooke faced.

That night, they slept interruption-free, snuggled close together in Killian's tiny bed in the captain's quarters. They woke the next morning relaxed, happy, and stress-free. Seeing as though they hadn't received any emergency calls from Emma's parents, they decided to spend most of the next day sailing.

Emma had become a pretty avid sailor over the past six months they'd been dating. Killian watched on in pride as she steered most of the day. They enjoyed each other's company all day, and they just got to be together for the first time in so long.

When they finally returned to town late that night, they walked into their house to find new furniture waiting for them. The walls in the living room were painted a bright sky blue, something they had been meaning to but hadn't had time in the short week they'd owned the house together.

"Wow," Emma said in awe, as Killian picked up a card that sat on the coffee table.

"We knew you had a few more things to add to the house and figured it was the least we could do to welcome you back from hell. Enjoy! signed Granny, the dwarves and my crew," Killian laughed, shaking his head in disbelief.

Emma grinned, leaning into him. "Maybe we should disappear more often," she murmured into his chest.

"I'd much rather stay here with you, Swan," he whispered into her hair.

"Me too," she leaned her head up to meet his lips.

They didn't get peace and quiet very often, but moments like this made it worth everything they went through, because through it all they had each other.

True love indeed.

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