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This is absolute garbage. I wrote this at 1:30 am, I don't even know what this is, I'm half asleep, but I haven't updated in a few days, so please enjoy whatever this is...

In the week since Emma had returned from Camelot, from the darkness, Storybrooke had been relatively peaceful. The biggest problem had been a drunken Will Scarlet, but the town had grown accustomed to that by now.

It had been a week and Emma had spent the entirety of it working.

"I'm the saviour again, I don't get a day off."

"I still have a job. It's selfish not to do it just because I was gone for a few weeks."

"I'm fine."

Those were just a few of her many excuses. Everyone knew she was avoiding the inevitable.

Emma and Killian hadn't had time to speak about what had happened a week ago in Camelot, when him and her family had found her. They'd hardly even had a conversation. They both knew one was overdue, considering they'd shared True Love's Kiss last week, but the days had fallen into a pattern.

Emma met Killian and Henry for breakfast at Granny's every morning before Henry left for school and she left for work. Killian brought her lunch and ate with her and David most afternoons. There had t been time for discussions, let alone time for just the two of them.

Nine days after their return, Killian had had enough.

While Emma had returned, his Swan hadn't and he missed her. That night, he headed to the Sheriff's Station, where he knew Emma would be. She'd been working the late shifts, allowing David time for his wife and young son.

Killian knew that Emma valued her time alone, not being watched by her father, her mother, her son or even Regina, not having people being careful around her because of he sacrifice. He knew it gave her time to reflect, but he missed his girlfriend, and so he walked to the station to find her.

When he walked in, she sat at her desk with a pile of paperwork.

Killian pulled David's chair over to her desk to sit beside her.

"Hey," she said absentmindedly, not taking her eyes off her work.

"Hello, Love," Killian replied, the room falling into silence. "What are you doing?" He asked after a few moments.

"Closing a missing person's case," Emma muttered.

Killian frowned when he realized that the case was about her. "Alright, come on. We're going for a walk," he stated, standing up and offering her his hand.

Emma looked at Killian's hand, then back up at him before slowly taking it.

Killian led Emma down to the docks and they sat down on a bench by the water.

"I know what this is," Emma said before Killian could say anything, "And nothing has changed," She took his hand again.

"You've been so distant lately, Swan. I've missed you. I thought you weren't okay with what happened, I-"

Emma didn't let him finish. Instead, she leaned forward, pressing her lips to Killian's, in a tender assurance that she was there and that they were okay.nit was their first kiss since the curse was broken, and Emma seemed to have missed this just as much as Killian had, judging from how she was now sitting on his lap, sucking his lower lip.

It took all the self control that he had, but Killian pushed Emma away after a moment.

"Emma... Not here. Not now," he breathed, "We... We have to... To talk," he struggled to complete his sentence, still out of breath.

"I want to know if you're really okay. We haven't spoken about what happened. I want to know if you're okay with the fact that this," he gestured between them, "Us, we're more than we thought,"

Emma looked baffled. "You didn't know we're True Love?" She laughed for the first time since she'd left. "Killian, of course I'm okay with it. I've suspected if for a while now and I wasn't surprised when you kissed me and it worked. I love you."

Killian smiled, his adoration for this woman reaching a new high.

"I love you too," he said, wrapping an arm around her waist.

She leaned her head on his shoulder and smiled down at her. She returned his grin and leaned up, connecting their lips once again. God, he'd missed this.

Maybe everything would be okay. Maybe she just needed time. If that was the case, then Killian had all the time in the world... Unless another monster -or Emma's father- appeared and killed him first.

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