October 23rd

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Takes place shortly after Emma's return from the darkness.

October 23rd. For 31 years now, Emma had despised that day. She'd dreaded it and its cruel reminder that her family didn't want to celebrate it with her, that they had abandoned her on that day.

Until exactly three years ago, when a young boy of ten years old showed up at her door, claiming to be her son, and brought her to the town of Storybrooke.

Looking back, that seemed like such a long time ago. That Emma Swan had no love in her life, no joy. This Emma had her son, her parents, her brother, her friends and her pirate.

Her pirate, who's birthday she realized she didn't know.

When Killian came by the loft that morning, bearing breakfast from Granny's for her and her family, she managed to drag him upstairs to her room for five minutes.

"Happy Birthday, Swan," he sat down next to her on her bed and kissed her cheek.

"Thanks. Out of curiosity, when's yours? You know, just so that I can surprise you with breakfast too," she laughed, playing with the buttons on his shirt, holding her face close to his.

Killian hesitated for a moment. "I... Don't recall. It's been so many years and-"

Emma shut him up with a kiss.

"No. You're lying, you know when it is. Spill," she smiled playfully.

"October 23rd," Killian mumbled.

Emma raised an eyebrow. "And you didn't tell me this because...?"

"Because I wanted today to be about you," Killian admitted.

Emma burst out laughing and pressed her lips to his again.

"I've always hated my Birthday. The fact that I share a Birthday with my True Love is a reason not to hate is as much. Happy Birthday, Killian," she said, kissing him again.

After a few minutes of making out like teenagers on Emma's bed, she pulled away.

"Wait, how old are you?" She laughed, "Hold on! 900? 1 300 472?" Emma started guessing in a teasing tone.

"389," Killian sighed.

Emma burst out laughing again. Killian rolled his eyes, smiling. The fact that her parents were the same age as her, but her boyfriend was nearly four hundred years old was pretty damn creepy is you asked her.

"Okay, well I'm 31, which makes you... 358 years older than me... You're allowed to be 33. Happy 33rd Birthday, Killian!" Emma laughed.

"Sounds good to me, love," Killian said, leaning forward to kiss her.

When the couple finally made their way back downstairs, Mary Margaret was putting the breakfast that Killian brought over onto plates for everyone.

"So that's where you two went!" Emma's mother said. Killian walked over to sit with Henry and David on the couch.

"Get in some birthday sex?" Snow asked.

"Mom!" Emma exclaimed, horrified, throwing the piece of bacon that she had picked up at her mother.

"Just a question," Mary Margaret laughed, handing Emma a plate with an innocent smile.

Emma huffed and took it, joining the boys in the living room.

Killian was watching a basketball game with David, baby Neal and Henry and he stood up when he saw her, stealing a bite of eggs from her plate.

"Happy Birthday, Emma!" David said, getting up to kiss her forehead, shooting a glare at Killian as he did so.

"Yeah, Happy Birthday, Swan," Killian said, pulling her into a kiss too long and passionate for the company of her parents then, smiling smugly at David, he returned to the couch.

Emma laughed at their rivalry.

"Killian, you should tell my dad that it's your birthday too and see if you get a kiss from him!" Emma said.

"What?!?" Snow exclaimed from the kitchen. "Now we have to add his name to the cake and redo the decorations at Granny's and- I wasn't supposed to say anything about Granny's damnit!"

Killian smiled at Emma from the couch, gesturing for her to join him. She sat on his lap, listening to her mother rant for the next ten minutes about wanting a three week's notice for everyone's birthdays and 'Well, thank goodness that house is for both of them- NOT AGAIN!'

Emma laughed, leaning against Killian. With her family here and her loving boyfriend by her side, sharing this day with her, she kind of enjoyed her birthday for the first time in her entire life.

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