Chapter 47

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Melissa's POV

I watched as the Physio worked on Chris's muscles. "How's your neck feeling are you able to move it?" The Physio questioned his patient.

"I can move it, and I can feel my face muscles move." Chris pointed out.

Both medical professionals looked at each other. "From an occupational therapist, I would like to see if its to do with nerve." Chris's occupational therapist explained

"Let's get you into an MRI and CT scan as soon as possible, so we can figure out what's going on," My fiancé's OT explained.

While they took Chris to his scan, I took a seat on the couch, taking out my phone, having some more downtime, to sit and finally call and tell his mum and my parents what's happened.

After long conversations with Chris's mum, hyperventilating, asking if he is ok, and what hospitable he is at so she can come to visit and help around the house.

I accepted her offer, knowing that she would love to spend time with her adopted Granddaughter. While my parents would drop around when Mrs Wood and I need that extra help around our house.

Soon after I finished the phone calls to let our friends know about Chris, I sat back on the couch, closing my eyes so I could rest them after a busy morning.

I didn't know how long I was out for, until I hear my daughter's voice, Opening my I look to see my loves looking at me.

"We didn't want to wake you," Chris smiled. "Abs, why don't you show mum what you made when you were with your friends," Chris asked, trying to turn his head towards me.

"I'll come over, so you don't have to strain your neck" I smiled getting up to sit next to Chris and Abby.

My daughter showed me what she made with her friend. We talked about the friends she made at the children's centre. Abby told me she wanted to come back even when she's out of the hospitable to spend time with them since they don't have many outsiders their age kids centre.

"Well, I think we can make that happen," I smiled. "Have you had your lunch? I have brought you a snack," Melissa smiled.

"Abby nodded her head. Did you want your snacks, babe?" I asked my father of my twins.

"Yes, please" Chris smiled. Getting up slowly, to unpack their favourite snacks, along with my healthy snacks, along with my unusual pregnancy snack cravings.

We eat at a family for the first time, and I would've liked it to be at our kitchen table. I am just happy that I can have lunch together.

As we finished our afternoon tea as a family, Chris felt tired, so I moved over to the other side of the bed so we could have a mother's daughter catch up.

"How are you going to?" I asked my daughter. She looked up from her iPad.

"Good, are you happy I made friends?" Abby asked me.

"Of course I am, I am even happy to drop you off while I come to spend some time with daddy," I smiled.

"yeah, but I want to spend time with him too," Abby smiled.

"I think he would love that." Smiling, I rub my daughter's arm. "Hey, Abs. How are you feeling about having siblings, because you are not going to be the only child anymore," I asked my daughter.

"Will I still be able to spend time with you?" Abby asked me earnestly.

"Of course, why would you think that?" I asked worriedly.

"You are going to have two other babies," Abby explained.

"I will always have time for my first-born baby, I will always have time for you," I told Abby cupping her face butterfly kissing her.

"Pinky swear?" Abby asked.

"Pinky Swear" I smiled, holding out my pinky with my thumb up. Abby copies as we blow a kiss onto our thumb, smiling at each other.

"Can we have a special day, just us to where we can get our nails done and spend time together, just us two?" Abby asked me.

"I would love that baby. Maybe after we see daddy in the hospitable, and you have seen your friends here, we can go get our nails done and have some ice-cream," I asked my first-born daughter.

"I like that idea," Abby smiled.


Authors POV

As Abby Spent her last night in, hospitable. Before she went to her new friends in the children's ward, the nurses took Her tubes and cannulas out before her, and her mum goes out on the girls' day.

While Abby went to see her friends, Melissa spent the time with Chris, not wanting to leave his side.

"I'm going to be fine, and I know you will be in tomorrow." Chris smiled. "It will also be good for you and Abby to have some girl time," Chris told Melissa that he would be fine. "Plus, I asked Grant to come in for a while, So I will have someone to talk to," Chris explained.

"Ok, well I am going to get Abby. I'll come back and get our bags then head home," Melissa explained, getting up kissing her fiancé.

Arriving at the children's hospitable, Melissa saw her daughter chatting with a boy and a few girls in the children's game centre.

"Hi baby, it's time to go" Melissa speaks to her daughter.

"Mummy, this is Tommy, Bella and Sarah," Abby smiles. "Well, hello, it's nice to meet you," Melissa greeted Abby's new friends. They waved. "Are you going to be coming back?" Bella asked.

"Yeah, when we come to visit my daddy, I'll come to see you," Abby smiled at her friends.

"Maybe your dad is out of hospitable our parents can meet up, and we can have a playdate?" Bella suggested.

"I think we can make that happen" Melissa smiled, Abby waved goodbye to her friends at the hospitable.

As Mother and daughter walked out of the children's play centre, Abby had a smile on her face. "I am so proud of you for making friends" Melissa spoke while waking.

"Thank you, and I really like them" Abby smiled, looking up at her mum. "And that boy, he's cute" Melissa teases her daughter.

Melissa and her daughter went back to see their fiancé and father.

"Daddy, when we come to see you tomorrow, Mummy said I could go see my friends I made," Abby smiled telling her dad her exciting news.

Melissa and Abby said goodbye to Chris, leaving him watching TV as he waits for his friend Grant.

The girls went home and had a shower and get the hospitable smell of them before going out on their girls to a pamper day with Chris's card.

The girls jumped into the car and headed off to the mall to have a much-needed mother-daughter day. Melissa wanted to surprise her daughter with a massage along with a manicure and pedicure.

Chris told Melissa that Abby deserved a toy for being brave in the white walls of the hospitable.

After their excellent massage, manicure and pedicure, Abby felt special having a girls' day with her mum, enjoying the special treat. "Abby. Daddy, also said because you were so brave in the hospitable, we decided you deserved. So, you have a $50 limit on getting a toy or something that you really want" Melissa told her daughter.

"Can I use it on my friends and get them something to take it to the hospitable?" Abby asked her mum.

"Of course" Melissa smiled, proud that her daughter would want to do that.

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