Chapter 25

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Melissa's POV

I went into the kitchen to grab a snack; I was craving pickles with Nutella. I dipped the pickle into Nutella and put it in my mouth, savoring the sour and sweet taste.

I saw Chris look at me, frowning; I smiled, putting the pickles back in the fridge, and went to get some chips and take them up to my room so I can unpack and hand my things up, making sure I have a place for everything.

Chris must have made space for me. I hung my clothes up and put them away in some spare draws. I pick up my box filled with makeup and toiletry items; I took the toilette items in our charming white bathroom, with two marble basins and silvers taps, and white doors that had a shiny finish, I have seen nothing more elegant than this; It's beautiful.

Once I put my toiletries away, I took my make up over to the vanity just outside the bathroom. As I was setting up my minimalistic makeup, I saw Chris walk in.

"Abby is a having a nap," Chris told me, walking around me, hugging me from the back.

"You don't need this," He told me, looking at the makeup.

"Oh, but I do," I replied to Chris. He looked at me with a smile, I like you without the makeup, but if it helps you, that's fine," he told me, kissing me on the neck.

"Thank you, now are you going to unpack your things?" I asked Chris.

"Hmm, but I want to do something else" Chris continued to kiss me.

"Babe tonight," I tell me, he smirk's

"Ok, well, for you, I will put everything away, and maybe for Abby, we could make some house rules?" Chris suggested

"Sounds like an excellent idea," I replied, smiling at him.

Once Chris had roughly put his clothes away, he and I sat down on the bed with some paper so we could write up some rules for Abby.

I told him the rules I had in place, which included; limited screen time 1-2 hours a day, we respect everyone; we are honest; we are kind; we don't talk back.

"What about no jumping on furniture?" Chris suggested. I nodded, looking at him. "One of my sisters has no using nasty words, and if you do, you get less of something or no dessert?" Chris suggested again.

"That's an excellent one," I tell him. "What about use kind words, please, and thank you," I tell Chris.

"Yes, oh going off that, don't scream when you want something, ask nicely, and say excuse me," I suggested. Chris nodded, smiling.

"When she wakes up, we should tell her these and get her to help with making a poster, so it feels like she is making the rules up too and not just us," Chris explains.

"Yes, especially its rules," I explain. "I will get some art supplies, and when she gets up, we can make a poster?" I continue smiling, "Sounds good, now, can I kiss?" Chris asked me, and I nodded, kissing him.


Authors POV

Chris and Melissa Sat on the couch watching some TV when Abby came down, rubbing her eyes.

"Mummy," Abby called out; Melissa looked "Yes, honey, are you feeling better," Melissa asked her daughter, Abby nodded her head and came and sat in-between her and Chris.

Abby looked down to see all her art supplies. She pointed at them, "Chris and I were thinking we could do a project this afternoon that involves all of us." Melissa tells her daughter.

"What is it?" Abby asked her mum.

"Well, Chris and I thought you could do; Chore, rule and reward board, so you have some chores like making your bed, helping to set the table, and a reward like a sticker and with however many stickers you get, it will build up to a reward, and you can keep the stickers for as long as you want to the best reward comes up" Melissa explains.

"What rules?" Abby asked, hoping she can get away with rules she and her mother had in at the old home.

"Well, how about we read the rules we made up, and you can add, or we can talk about the rules?" Melissa suggested

Abby nodded as they sat around the table, Melissa read out the rules here, and Chris made up.

"So the rules we have are:"

- In this house, we are loving, respectful and honest and caring

- We don't talk back.

- No jumping on furniture. 

- We don't yell, scream, or use nasty words.

- We say, excuse me, please, and thank you. 

- We knock when Entering the room before talking. 

- Scream time; 1- 2 hours a day, We can meet in the middle," Melissa started as Abby listen carefully.

"I like those rules, and they are easy," Abby speak up.

"Well, that's good do you want to add anything?" Melissa asked,

Abby tapped her chin while she thought.

"Do I need to make my bed in the morning?" Abby asked.

"Yes, so that can be a Chore. Can you think of any more rules?" Melissa asked.

Abby shook her head, "Ok, well should we make a chore list? Then after that, we can start on making all the posters, and we can find a place in the house where everyone can see it?" Melissa suggests.

Abby nodded. The three sat down at the coffee table. Chris wrote out the rules, while Melissa and Abby wrote a chore list out, Abby also added glitter to her core and reward board.

Abby's chore and reward board;

making her bed.

Set the table with place mates, plates, knives, and forks. 

I need to Picking up after playing with MY TOYS. Help with dirty laundry. 

Sweep up the house after dinner.

Abby, Melissa, and Chris came back together and decided on rewards; they came back with;

an extra 30 minutes for screen time.Money $1 to put in her piggy bank. A choice of a new toy (if you complete at the end of the week) A memorable day out (kidsChoice)

"So how do you think you should get these rewards? Should we have stickers or cotton balls?" Melissa asked

"Both, maybe stickers could be for good behavior, and cotton balls could be for the chores?" Abby suggested.

"Oh, you are a smart baby girl. I like that idea, looks like tomorrow we will need to go to the shops again?" Melissa told Abby. The two girls smiled.

"we will think about that one out because I have to work and get the new cafe my dad and your mum will run," Chris told Abby smiled.

"Ok now that we have the posters made; should we find a place for these" Melissa asked her daughter, they all got up and walk around finding that the wall next to the fridge is the best place for all the posters, one large poster with all the rules and two small posters with Abby's chores and rules. 

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