Chapter 37

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Hey guys sorry for not upsteing last week, i just wanted to take a break, I think I am going to start doing that as I am feeling the pressure for this story, as I want to make it the best I can, so you can enjoy reading it as i enjoy writing it :) Please al so pray for those in bayroute who have past for the families who have lost family member and those who are injured. 


Authors POV

The rest of the week went well. Melissa's OT and physical therapist came around together. They helped with some more exercises to strengthen her leg to she eventually go down to one crutch. When Friday came around, Melissa and Chris dropped Abby off to school together so they could talk to her teacher to see how they can extend her learning. Abby's teacher explained that it might be why Abby was getting bored and not able to make friends easily.

Mrs Day Abby's teacher suggested getting her tested for ASD (Autism spectrum disorder). At the same time, she makes a learning plan for Abby and a few of the other students that needed a little more stimulation other than finger painting and other kinder activities. Melissa and Chris also let Mrs Day know that Abby would go home with Caymron for a playdate.

During the day, Edward came around, so they worked on their IDONTMIND campaign together. They worked on designs for their first set of 'IDONTMIND' apparel with different writing styles of IDONTMIND

 that will go on t-shirt hoodies, sweatshirts, hats, and the colours that go with them.

Chris and Edward talked to many therapists, the dressmakers and other people willing to help spread the word about their IDONTMIND campaign. Chris and Edward launch the Instagram account and Facebook page, so their new cause can be shared around and into the public and ready for their followers to use.

While the men worked, Melissa took her time and slowly did her exercises. Melissa used the bars her therapist leant her so she could try to walk by herself along with making lunch by sitting down on a stool at the counter.

Edward and Chris registered IDONTMIND and started an Instagram account along with a Facebook page. They looked up inspirational quotes adding the person who spoke the quote at the bottom until they could post their own original content.


As Chris and Edward finished up, Edward told his best friend that he is dating a lady with a child and his new boo's daughter is going to have a friend over, and he had to help get ready. It surprised Chris that he was going to a lady who's already got a kid, though he's done the same with Melissa.

"Look at you man, you are basically Abby's father" Edward smiled. "I'm trying, but I just don't want to overstep," Chris replied.

"Has Melissa said something?" Edward asked Chris shook his head. 

"No completely the opposite. Melissa doesn't mind if I add something on, I'm worried if I'm a father to Abby, I need to be tough. I don't want to be too tough because I don't want to ruin the relationship I have now with Abby." Chris explained, Edward patted him on the back, "I'll see you later, we can continue to work on everything. Ask grant to see if some of his celebrity friends can help." Edward smiled as they walk towards the door, saying goodbye to one of his best friends.


Melissa and Chris headed off to their play date with sally, as Chris was driving, he took his attention off the road for 1 second and looked at Melissa.

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