Chapter 43

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Hey everyone, sorry haven't been active lately. Been super busy, I am starting to go back into a work routine - FINALLY. Its been almost a year and a half since I have been able to work, so please be patient as I am finding it hard to find time to write and make the best possible chapters. 

enjoy :) 

Authors POV

Melissa sat in an uncomfortable blue chair. "Here" Grant smiled, handing Melissa water.

"Thank you," Melissa smiled. "Have you heard anything?" Grant asked Melissa shook her head.

Melissa stared into space, thinking and hoping that her daughter and future husband are going to be ok. Melissa's mind thought of possible situations, where she's going to have to take care of their children all by herself. Grant looked at his friend.

"I'm thankful that Eddie was there. He saved Ari," Grant took his friend's hand. Melissa nodded.

"They are going to be ok" Grant smiled, looking up to see the officers were on the scene first.

"Ms Benoist, I'm officer Peralta, and not my name isn't Jake. I have the same last name as him," Officer Peralta stated. Melissa chuckled.

"Now, the family court has notified me about your unique situation." Officer Peralta started.

"Because you and Chris are Abby's official parents and Jake didn't sign any of her birth papers, both of you can put in a restraining order." Peralta started.

"He's been charging him with aggravated assault and domestic violence charges against a minor, he'll be incarcerated for is 12 months." Peralta started.

"If he is out on good behaviour. Mr Bennie won't be able to go anywhere near yourself, Abby. If Mr Wood puts a restraining order him, Mr Bennie won't be able to come near him either" Peralta continued.

"I know I want to, however, I would like to wait for Chris to be awake to decide," Melissa explained. Officer Peralta smiled nodding.

"It's up to you, he will be in custody, until both Mr Wood and Abby are awake, and well enough to make their own decision." Peralta smiled.

"Miss Benoist, I do not understand what you are going through. I will do everything in my power to help you and your family," Peralta explained.

"Thank you" Melissa smiled with hopefulness.

"Do you know if she can see her daughter and fiancé?" Grant asked the officer.

"Ask the doctors," Peralta explained. "I'll go ask, officer, do you mind staying with her?" Grant asked. "Sure," Officer Peralta smiled.

Grant walked around, asking where Abby and Chris's doctors were, to see if Melissa could see her fiancé and daughter. When he found one of them, Grant took him to Melissa.

"Miss Benoist, I am your Daughter and Fiancé's doctor, how can I help you?" Chris and Abby's doctor asked.

"Am I able to see my daughter and Fiancé?" Melissa questioned. Their doctor sighed, looking into the folder. "We can organise that. Is there anything we can help with?" The doctor asked

"Are we able to put them in the same room?" Melissa questioned.

"We can make that happen, I will get our nurses to that right away," Their doctor smiled.

Abby and Chris were settling into their room together so that Melissa could see both of them at the same time.

"I will give you a minute" their doctor smiled walking out of the room. Melissa placed her back on the couch. Walking over to her daughter. The mother kissed her forehead.

"Hi baby, I'm here now" Melissa caressed her daughters faced.

Melissa moved to her fiancée, kissing him on his pale lips. "Hi babe, thank you for doing what you did. You're our saviour" Melissa smiled, brushing his black hair, moving down to his scruffy beard.

Melissa sat down in the chair in between their two beds. She looked at her daughter and her fiancé starting to cry.

The door clicked open. "Oh, sorry" one nurse smiled, checking Abby's vitals.

"We can get you a bed" Young Childs nurse asked Melissa.

"I'm allowed to stay?" Melissa asked. The young nurse smiled, nodding. "Since the other adult is out and not yet responding, we allow your daughter, one conscious parent, in the room," She explained.

"How about this, Go home, have a shower and come back and bring something for your daughter and partner?" Their day nurse smiled, continuing, "And your friend can watch them while you're gone?" The child's nurse questioned.

Melissa yawned, "Ok, thank you" walking out of the hospitable with her bag over her shoulder.

Arriving home, Melissa dumped her bag on the couch, sighing she wanted to sit down on the couch. Maybe just a minute, Melissa thought. She sighed. In the shower, or a bath. Yes, a bath.

Melissa sat in the bath, relaxing from an end to a stressful day. Staying for a little while longer before she needed to get Abby's favourite toy and blanket. Then Melissa wanted to get Chris's pillow.

Packing a bag filled with Abby's toy and blanket, a change of clothes for both Abby and Chris along with herself.


Arriving back at the hospitable, Melissa slowly walked through the clean disinfected hospitable with her rolling bag. Walking up to the desk. "Can I help you?" The nurse asks, sitting at the desk, drinking a freshly made coffee. "My daughter and fiancé I was told I could stay the night. I have a few things off her's" Melissa babbled.

"Miss Benoist, right?" The nursed asked. Melissa nodded. "Come with me. Did you want us to help with your bags?" The nurse stood up to take Melissa's bag, helping her too, to Abby and Chris's room.

"I will bring their night nurse here," The front desk nurse smiled.

"Thank you" smiling, Melissa sighed, placing the plain grey bag near the couch, before walking over to the chair between her daughter and fiancé. Sighing, she looked at the two loves in their cold white bed, tubes in their nose, needles pinched into the bag of their hands, along with machines keeping them alive.

"Hey baby girl mummy's here" Melissa kissed her daughter on the forehead. Before paying attention to her fiancé. "Hey babe, thank you for doing what you did, you truly are our saviour." Melissa kissed Chris's forehead, moving her hands, threw his hair, down threw his scruffy beard.

"I love you" Melissa kissed his nose. The door clicked open, "Miss Benoist" A male voice quietly questioned. Melissa smiled, "I am nurse Mike their for the night, would you like an update?" The mike the nurse asked, Melissa, nodded.

He walked over, checking Abby's vitals. "He has a minor concussion, she will be fine, we are going to run tests, with being a child she will definitely recover," Mike smiled.

"What about Chris?" Melissa asked Mike. The nurse sighed. "He is going to be fine. However, the prep punched and pushed to the ground hitting his head quite hard; he may have a little loss of memory. Still, with lost of work and brain training he will go back to the man you know and love, he has a fractured arm and broken a rib on impacted, he will heal, it will take time. I will be in threw out the night. If Abigail wakes up, would you like me to wake you up?" Nurse mike asked with a genuine smile.

"Yes, please," Melissa smiled. "No worries, and please get some rest, I don't want to be taking care of three members of the same family," He joked.

"Thank you. I am just going to get changed" Melissa smiled getting her maternity leggings and lightweight top out of their bag. Melissa took them into the bathroom of their private room.

Walking back out into their room, Melissa pulled out Abby's blanket and placed it over her to make her feel more comfortable. "Good night, baby, I love you" Melissa kissed her daughter's forehead.

Melissa then placed one of her shirts near his shoulders, so he had her with him. 

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