Chapter 48

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Hey guys, so here is an update on why i haven't being able to update,  my computer has decided to be annoying and not work its taken three weeks and Apple still don't know whats wrong with it, so I did my best to edit it on my iPad :) Enjoy :)
Authors POV
After a pamper-fill and Abby picking out $50 worth of gifts for her new friends at the hospital, wanting to give them something that will make them smile.
A sleeping Abby sat slouched over in her car seat, tired from her day. Melissa smiled, getting out of the car, taking the shopping in first, before she came back out to collect Abby.
Melissa carried her first-born daughter onto the couch so she can sleep, while she sat on the couch having a rest herself.
When Abby woke, she saw her mum sleeping. Abby covered her mum with the rug that was coving her. Abby collected her arts and craft box, so she could make her dad a special card, and her friends.
Abby tried to be quiet as she could, sadly, when her tub full of coloured markers and pencils dropped. Melissa woke up startled.
"Sorry" Abby quickly picked up her pencils and markers.
"That's ok sweetie," Melissa yawned "what are you doing?" Melissa sat up, slowly dropping herself to the floor, picking the last remaining markers and pencils on the floor.
"I'm making a care for daddy, and my friends," Abby smiled. "Can you help write for my friends, I want to show my writing and spelling off to daddy," Abby smiled at her mother.
"I think that would cheer him up very much," Melissa smiled with her daughter.
The two spent the rest of the day on the floor colouring, and time outside, playing on in the backyard Abby always dreamed of.

"Mummy, will daddy be able to run around with us?" Abby asked her mum.
"He will because I know he will want to" Melissa smiled, helping her daughter down from the set of monkey bars.
"Hey mummy, when the twins are older can we get a doggy?" Abby asked her mother.
"We will see," Melissa told her daughter. She and Chris had been talking about getting a dog for her, now with the twins on the way they had put that on the back burner.
Melissa and Abby spent the rest of the day like they used to before Chris came into their lives.
"Mummy, are you going to go back to work?" Abby asked her mum while they sat on the grass.
"I don't know, maybe I will help dad in the offices or he might even let me run in a cafe, but it won't be after the twins are born," Melissa told her daughter, brushing her messy hair out of hair. "Why do you ask?"
"I like you not working, I get to spend more time with you," Abby smiled at her favourite person.
"Well, with the twins and you, I might not go back to work," Melissa smiling, playing with her daughter's hair.
"How about we go inside and cook some dinner?" Melissa asked her daughter.
"Yeah, can we sleep in the same bed tonight?" Abby asked.
"I'll do you one better, how about we have a movie night and sleep down here, but we will need some man muscles to move the bed down for us." Melissa smiled.
"Uncle Grant" Abby asked excitedly.
"Sounds like a good idea to me." Melissa smiled, taking her phone out, calling grant.

As Melissa talked on the phone to grant, Abby enjoyed colouring, and quietly listening to her mum's conversation with her uncle grant.
"Uncle grant will be over in half an hour and he's going to bring us dinner, and help with moving the mattress," Melissa smiled with her daughter.
Melissa didn't want to move any of the furniture and cause any stress to herself and the twins.
"Alright, how about we get you have a bath," Melissa asked, Abby jumped up with Melissa behind her.
Melissa made sure the water felt on the warmer side of Lukewarm fit for a child. As Melissa washed Abby, she splashed around, wetting her mum.
"Ok baby, that's enough, lets get you dry, and into your Pyjamas" As Abby tried very hard to put her Pyjamas on herself, the doorbell rang.
Melissa could see a dog barking at the door to let them know someone was at the door in case they didn't hear the doorbell.

"Abb's walking down the stairs" Melissa called out, holding on to the rail, slowing coming down. Melissa could see Grant standing there, hands in his pockets, threw the glass door.
Melissa's daughter waited at the bottom of the stairs for her mother, Melissa unlatched the light brown wooden door that had the stained glass arches in the middle, opening it to reveal Grant.
Catching each other's gazes, smiling, Abby got up quickly, racing to the now unlatched and opened the wired door.
"Uncle grant" Abby smiled, running towards him.
"Hey Abb's, you look very cute, did you get changed yourself," Grant asked, Abby, smiled.
"Grant, do you mind looking after Abs while I have a shower?" Melissa asked her friend.
"Sure, take all the time you need, did you want me to take Abby to get her and your dinner?" Grant asked.
"She would love that," Melissa smiled, holding her growing belly.
"Alright AB's Grant is going to take you to get our dinner," Melissa told her daughter taking one of her coats from the coats rack. But first, she readjusted Abby's shirt, before cuddling her up in the coat
"Let's go Ab, I have a spare seat in my boot," Grant started
"When that's all sorted we can you and your mum dinner, then set up a mattress for you too" Grant and Abby smiled. He picked her up, taking her out to the car. "Grant, you will need the keys" Melissa took the keys off the secret hook she and Chris had.
Melissa latched the wire door and front door, before heading upstairs to have a shower once again alone. Melissa's happy that she could have alone time before the twins came along since it would be the last time for many years to come.
Grant and Abby arrived at a small boutique restaurant that does takeaway meals, that Grant knows Melissa will love. "Alright Abby, have a look at the menu, to see what," Grant Told Abby as they sat down at a table.
"Can I have the kids' sandwich?" Abby asked.
"Sure, did you watch fries?" Grant asked, Abby, nodded, smiling.
"Ok, I think your mum might have the same, but I'll get a salad as well, and while they are making it, we can go across the street to get a treat for you and your mum," Grant suggested. Abby smiled, glad to spend time with her only uncle.
Grant put in their order, before picking up his niece and taking her across the street to a small shop that had the basics, for a night in or if they needed milk or sugar instead of going to their neighbours to get it and interact with other people.
Grant grabbed a basket walking with Abby down to the confectionery aisle. Abby pointed out what she wanted, though he knew Melissa wouldn't want her daughter to be high on sugar before bed, having a treat she would allow.
Grant and Abby picked out Melissa's favourite treat, along with Abby's then they went to find ice cream and juice for drinks before heading back to the boutique restaurant top pick up their dinner, and head home to sort out the bed situation.
Grant and Abby picked up their breakfast and headed back to Melissa and Abby's house.
Arriving back, Chris saw Melissa setting up rugs on the couch.
"No need to get a mattress down, I think this one will fall asleep, so we will just sleep in our bed upstairs," Melissa smiled.
"Sorry I made you take her to get our dinner," Melissa replied.
"It's no problem, I was going to suggest you take a shower while I look after Abby," Grant smiled.
"Ok Abby, go sit down so we can have our dinner. Did you want to stay?" Mellissa asked her friend.
"No, it's ok me and LA are going to have a special night for our anniversary," Grant smiled.
"I'll see you later, be good Abby," Grant smiled.

The mother and daughter duo sat down by the flat-screen TV with their food, drinks and special treats. Grant had helped by buying for them.

Melissa put on Abby's favourite movie 'Snow white' Melissa sat back and watched her daughter eat her food while mesmerised with the old-time movie making.
Melissa ate her dinner while Abby engulfed in her food and Snow White.
Once Abby finished her dinner, and Melissa finished her salad, she saved the club sandwich for another day or even for Chris not wanting to risk it with her babies.
Melissa took their dinner into the adjoining kitchen, leaving the remains to take out to the trash later, or in the morning.
Coming back with their popcorn and Ice-cream, Melissa left the chocolate-coated confectionery raspberries for the next day.
"Ok, babe here is our ice cream and popcorn" Melissa smiled handing Abby her ice-cream on a stick.
As predicted, Abby ate her ice-cream and fell asleep in her mother's arms, with her arms wrapped around her 20-week belly.

Melissa picked her daughter up, taking Abby to their bed for the night, so she could clean up a little. It was only 7 pm, and she didn't feel tired

Once a sleeping Abby now tucked in, Melissa walked downstairs, cleaning up the mess Abby made with her ice-cream, before giving Chris a good night call.

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