Chapter 33

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Hey guys sorry for the late update, enjoy. 

Authors POV

She thrashed in bed, screaming, sweating next to a worried partner, trying to wake her.

"Mel, it's ok you're safe," he whispered, trying to calm her down so she wouldn't wake up the rest of the house.

He cradled her as she calmed down, wiping away the sweat from her forehead as she came out of her traumatic dream.

As she came to, Chris, whipped the sweat coming from her forehead. "What happened?" She asked her partner.

"You had one of your frightful dreams," Chris explained, "Do you remember it?" He asked, helping her sit up.

"Him, the gun, Abby. Is she safe?" Melissa asked.

"She's safe too, was at home, and he can't get you," Chris explained. Melissa nodded her head, "come on, let's lay down, try to get some rest" Chris whispers as he helps her lay back down.


Melissa slept through the rest of the night, Chris got up early even though he had a rough night sleep too, he let Melissa have a nap in hopes that he could have some shut-in during the day.

Chris sat on the couch with a cup of coffee and waffles, thanks to his mum. "How is she?" Chris's mum asked her son.

"I think after her little nightmare, she calmed down, I just hope I can get some sleep during the day," Chris tells his mum.

"You will I have asked Libby to come over to help." His mum explained.

"Oh, thank you, mum," appreciation coming out in Chris's voice.

"No worries, now what do you think, well would like for breakfast?" I asked myself.

"Probably this she loves her waffles," smiling at his mum.


Screams came from their room with everyone else downstairs, the only person who could hear Melissa was her mum. She raced in to see her daughter thrashing.

"Melissa, hey honey, you're ok" Her mum whispered, holding her down.

"Your safe baby, it's mum, hey think of Abby, not that horrible man," coddling her daughter.

Melissa stopped shaking and came too. Melissa's mum waited for her daughters thrashing Mrs. Benoist, waiting for her to open her eyes so she could help sit her up.

"What happened?" Melissa asked

"you were thrashing and having a bad dream," her mother explained.

"Where's Chris?" Melissa asked

"He's downstairs, do you want me to get him?" Mel's mum smiled, walking out of the room, leaving Melissa in the smile dark room, with the bright sunlight coming through the gaps of the curtains.

Chris came bursting into them to see Melissa in tears. "Hey, hey, hey, you're ok?" Chris whispered, cradling his partner. "You're with me; we're in our bed," he continued brushing away Melissa's damp hair from her face.

She looked up at him, see the beautiful eyes she fell for. Her breath softened as he held her in his arms.

"Would you like breakfast?" he asked Melissa, she nodded, "Ok," Chris replied, helping Melissa out of bed. Melissa's mum carried her chair downstairs while Chris carried her.

Arriving downstairs, Chris placed Mel down in her chair, wheeling her over to the table where all the kids were sitting having their breakfast.

"Mummy," Abby smiled, wheeling beside her. 

"Hey Ab, did you sleep well?" Melissa asked, Abby, nodded, chomping down on her breakfast waffles.

"Aunty Jess said we could see the fishes" Abby smiled, Melissa looked at her sister who smiled.

"We thought it would be a wonderful idea if we all let you get some rest," Melissa's mum explained. Melissa nodded.

She hadn't had time alone since Abby was born when she wasn't working, so it would be nice, though it would have been good to have time off when she isn't in pain or injured.

Once the families left, taking Abby with them to see the marine animals. "So while they are out, what would you like to do?" Chris asked Melissa.

"Watch a movie with no interruptions," Melissa asked enthusiastically.

"Is that it?" Chris asked, confused.

"Yes, an adult movie, not a movie with cartoons," she explained. Chris nodded, smiling. "Well, how about we get you showered and dressed and we can pop some popcorn, and we can watch a movie" Chris smiled.

He helped Melissa to the shower. "Do you want to join me?" Melissa asked with a smirk on face, smiling back. Chris joined Melissa in the shower.

When they finished having their shower and changed, they headed downstairs to watch a movie uninterrupted.

Chris helped set Melissa up while he got the popcorn along with their drink.

"So what are we watching? Fifty shade of grey?" Chris asked Melissa

"Harry Potter," Melissa, excited voice came out. "But that's a kids' movie?" He questioned

"Well, yes, but to Abby, it isn't, and I haven't seen it in a long time," Melissa whined. Chris chuckled, walking over with their drinks. "Sure the popcorn is almost ready, you can start it if you wish" Chris kissed her forehead then waking back into the kitchen to get the finished popcorn from the beeping microwave.

Chris walked back over to Melissa one legs up on the couch, he lifts her bandaged leg first carefully, then lifting the other so he could sit down.

Chris placed the popcorn in Melissa's lap as the pair watched Harry Potter.

The two lovers got threw the whole movie happily and easily with no disruptions.

"Did you enjoy the movie?" Chris asked a smiling Melissa.

"It was so good to watch it without whining, or changing it to a Disney Original movie because Abby's too scared," Melissa chuckled.

"That's good, the kids won't be home for another hour, what did you want to do?" Chris asked Melissa.

"Take a nap if that's ok?" Melissa asked.

"Sure, I will do some work at the table," Chris replied, placing a blanket over her so she could get some rest. He went to get his computer so he could do some work, though he wanted to have some shut eye himself, before these children and parents got home.

Chris brought his laptop over to the couch next to Melissa. So if he fell asleep while doing work, at least he would be partly comfortable.


Chris POV

I must have fallen asleep cause the next thing I hear was screaming, and I knew it wasn't a child scream, it was a high pitch screeching, her voice screaming, not to hurt our children.

"Stop. No. Don't hurt them!" She screeched, I kneeled down beside her. Trying to stop her from hurting herself more. I heard it, the scream, high pitch curdling scream rang through the room.

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