Chapter 45

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HELLO EVERYONE!!!!! This will be my last chapter for the year. I am continuing to write this over the new year period and hopefully have a few chapters up my sleeve :) 

I hope you all have an amazing holiday period this year. I know this holiday period is going to be different to everyone one, remember that there are people who may not have homes, or have lost family members to this horrible virus. Try and spend as much quality time with your family as you can. 

Thank you for the support you have given me for this book. I have loved writing it :) I will see you next year :) 


Melissa's POV

Abby is now sleeping, which means I can spend some time talking to Chris, hoping he will wake up tonight.

"Abby's awake. She misses you. I miss you" I tell Chris, kissing him on his dry lips. "Your lips are cracking, you need some chapstick," I whispered to Chris, sounding like I was talking to myself. Getting up, I walked over to my bag, pulling out my chapstick that I always keep in there, so my lips don't get dry.

Once I covered Chris lips with chapstick, I kissed him, wishing him a good night's sleep. I kiss my daughter before getting changed into my PJ'S and heading to bed myself.

Authors POV

Chris's doctor walked in, checking his vitals, hearing a moan, the doctor walking towards Chris.

"Mr Wood, you're in the hospital, if you can feel my hands and hear me squeeze my hands," His doctor asked quietly.

Chris responded, squeezing the doctor's hands. Chris's eyes flutter open. "Did you want me to wake your fiancé up? Squeeze my hand if you want me to" The doctor asked. Chris didn't squeeze his hand; he looked at his doctor, confused.

"It's ok; I will come back in half an hour and see how you're doing. We will not take the breathing tube out just yet." His night doctor explained.

Chris blinked, his doctor smiled in response.

Half an hour later, his doctor came back in, checking in on him. "Chris, we are going to take you out of the room so we can do some test on you, and so we don't wake your daughter and fiancé."

Before the nurses and his nighttime doctor took him through to the MRI room, they wanted him to have his breathing tube taken out to see if he could breathe on his own.

Chocking as they took the tube out, Chris continued to dry reach minutes after. "Now Chris, we are going to put this over your head, and these bags over you so you can't move if you feel claustrophobic squeeze this balloon and we will come in. But you won't be in there for that long," A nurse in the imaging room spoke as Chris continued to cough the nurse encouraged him to drink water before they place him in the MRI machine.

Chris tried to nod his head, it hurt, so he did the best he could to give them a thumbs up on his non-broken arm.

"1,2,3" three nurses spoke, carefully moving Chris from his bed to the MRI table. A nurse took the bed away, taking this opportunity to change his sheets.

They usually use night time MRI for emergencies only. The medical imaging team stood around with no emergencies patients coming in for incident inside or outside of the hospitable. This meant his doctor could take him down for a scan, so all the results were available first thing in the morning for his doctor, and fiance.

After the scan, they rolled him back to his room, where Melissa slept soundly, and Abby is being checked over another night time nurse.

"A nurse will be in later to check in on you, get some rest" Spoke the night doctor. Trying to smile, allowing the doctor to know that he understood.

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