Chapter 4

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Hey guys, so I promissed you that every chapter I would write a note but i didn't. I am sorry. 

While readying this story if you have had uneasy feelings or are triggered please call you local hotline or kids help line there are people that are here to help and listen. 

this story is purly fiction, but I am trying to do research to bring my realistic facts into teh story, if you find these facts aren't right please let me know and I will take it out and chnage it as soon as possible. 

Also I love that you love this story, but i have a life and am trying to juggle all my appoinments during the week which is very trying.  if i can't update i am sorry but I have a life out side of watpad as weird as it sounds :) 

Melissa's POV

Where am I. Darkness consumes me. Did I die. I don't want Abby to go to that maniac. Wait did Chris see what happened. Did Abby call him. If he can make sure she doesn't go with him I would be his guardian angle. I suddenly hear a familiar voice. "Mum. Help me! Where am I? MUM." I Call out, No answer. I tried tried my hardest to get her attention, but I couldn't then I heard him. "Chris! Help me why can't you hear me. CHRIS!" Yell. Why is no one listening me to me, why can't they hear me. I hear the door open and close again, foot steps, and then a hand on mine.

"Melissa I should of taken you with me. I'm so sorry this happened to you." I heard him say in his soft voice. "It's ok Chris, don't be sorry. It's not your fault. It's mine for not moving from when he found of where I live" I say softly to the black air.

I try my best to open my eyes, squeeze my hands but nothing. "WHY! Why won't my eyes open. WHY won't my Brian, body let me squeeze my hand to let him know that he is there next to me. Thanking him for looking after Abby.


I don't know how long its been, or what day it is but I hear beeping. I its still dark but I feel as though I can see lights in the Hospitable? "Chris whats going on?" I try to speak. I try my best to move anything. Then... YESSSS!!! I moved a finger. "Chris did you see that I moved a finger" I tried to speak. But he didn't reply. How can I move one finger but not speak. I can feel his hand on mine so I try to move my finger again.

"Melissa?" I hear him.

"Chris, did you feel me?" I asked, I heard nothing back. Crap he still can't hear me

"Melissa can you hear me, move your finger if you can" he tells me.

"Yes of course I can hear you!" I yell but nothing in return. Move my finger. Yes I will do that! I moved my finger

"Melissa wake up please Abby needs you!" He tells me. Abby.. She needs me. WAKE UP MELISSA WAKE UP!! I yell at myself.

"I'm going to get a doctor" I hear Chris say.

"Wait Chris, don't leave me." I call out.

Blackness fills the air, the sounds of the machines beep keeping me alive somehow calms me. I hear the door. "Chris, I miss you" I say to the darkness. I feel a hand slap across my face, I feel knuckles, in my abdomen.

Stop.... Stop... No...

"HEY STOP THAT!!! SECURITY!!!" I hear faintly then again. NOTHING.


Authors POV

He walked into her room unnoticed. Not even wearing a disguise, just his plain self. No one noticed, he simply walked into her room and started to beat her. The doctors and nurses only noticed until her machines started to beep and go crazy.

Chris raced in bumping into him. "Sir if you do that I can take you away too," The security guard spoke, Chris handed him over to the security guard. Chris tried to walk back in but one of the doctors pushed him out.


Hours later Chris sat in one of the seats out side of Melissa's room. "Chris" a women speaks, Chris opened his eyes. "Hmm" he mumbled. "It's 9 am you can go home, while we stay here with Melissa" Melissa's mum spoke. "Where is Abby" He asked. "She is with your mum" She spoke, Chris sat up. "Hum" Chris started "He came again he berated her while she was in her bed. They've had to put her on life support" Chris started, Melissa mother nodded "We know, are you ok?" She asked him, Chris nodded, rubbing his eyes.

"go home and get some rest, we will message you if anything changes.Your mum gave us your number if that's ok?" Melissa mum spoke. "thank you Mrs Benoist" Chris replied "please call me Julie" Julie told Chris. He nodded shaking their hands.

Chris walked out of the hospitable head down and tired, and stiff from sitting in the chair out side of Melissas room last night.

Chris went back to his mothers home so he could be with Abby but also to have a much needed sleep in a proper bed. His child hood bed.

"Mr Chris" Abby yelled racing towards him. "Hi Abby" He replied picking her up. "Hi Mummy ok?" She asked him. "Yes." He lied. "No she's not. Somethings wrong" Abby said worriedly, Chris looked at his mum. "They said it was ok to tell her, apparently she's seen worse" His mother told Chris.

Chris took Abby over to the couch, sitting down with her on his lap.

"She need to be in a coma to make her better," Chris told Abby. "Grammy said that he came again." Abby asked. I looked at my mother, she knows what her grandparents told her. "He did honey that's why they had to put her in a coma, but if we go see her and she hears your voice that might give her a kick, to wake up." My mum said. Abby nodded with a smile.

"Why don't we let Chris have a sleep and we can work on your present for your mum," My mum said helping me get away and up to my bed.


After a good sleep Chris went down to see His mum and Abby on the couch.

She's having a nap, I think yesterday scared her. Chris's mum spoke. He nodded "Father good looks good on you, I know you've only known her for a day but you're fantastic with her daughter" his mum said. Chris smiled at this comment. He always wanted to be a father just never really found the right person to do that. Yeah he slept around, but he realises a year ago that he wanted to settle down. Meeting Melissa made it more possible.

"When she wakes up, I'll take her to see her mum." Chris told his mother. "Um, thank for letting her parents stay here," Chris told his mother. "It's ok Chris, we had a lovely dinner with them last night. Even though there divorced they are thrilled." His mother explained to her son. Chris nodded. "Can you sit with her, I need to go to the bathroom?" Her mothers asked him. Chris nodded replacing her mother with him.

An Hour past, and Abby started to stir. She looked up at him smiling "Chris," she said happily. "Abby are you feeling better?" Chris asked Abby. "Yeah your mum made me some nice soup and said it would make me feel better," Abby said wiping away snot from her nose. "Chicken soup with crotons?" Chris asked, Abby nodded with a smile, coughing. Chris felt her head. "You still feel a little warm, how about we get you into a bath and we can go see your mum," he suggested to Abby. "I don't have new clothes," She pouted, looking up at Chris. "It's ok, my niece keeps a few clothes here so you can wear them, I'm sure she won't mind you borrowing them," Chris told Abby, who nodded. "When are we going to get our things?" Abby asked, Chris sighed picking her up taking her up to the bath. "Well, if my mum looks after you tomorrow. Your grandma and granddad can go to your apartment with me so we get all your things," Chris told Abby who smiled.

"Ok" Abby replied.

After a nice warm and refreshing bath, Chris showed Abby where his nice and Nephew and gets new clothes out. As he was helping Abby into new clothes. Abby cupped his face. "I hope mummy likes you as much as I do" Abby told Chris who smiled. "She'd like this scruff beard too." Abby said rubbing it.

"Hmm ok, Come one we need to get to the hospitable before visiting hours end," Chris tells Abby. 

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