Chapter 24

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Another chapter I hope you are all well and coping :) P.S if you didn't see my post on the conversations have a look and let me know what you think and if I should do it?

Authors POV

Once Chris got breakfast, they sat down on the grass. Abby sat in front of Chris and her mother. Melissa set out Abby's meal out in front of her. Melissa wanted to get her started before they told her.

"So Ab, Chris, and I want to tell you something," Melissa started. Abby looked up to see Chris's hand placed on her upper thigh.

"Chris and I will start going out officially, we going to Strat telling people," Melissa told her daughter, who was now smiling.

"Is that why you are sleeping in the same bed as him?" Abby asked her mother. Melissa nodded.

"Can I call him daddy?" Abby asked. Melissa looked at Chris, who nodded his head.

"You can call me anything you want," Chris explained. Abby got up and sat in his lap, hugging him. The two adults and Abby ate their breakfast happily now that they all felt comfortable about the decision that Melissa and Chris made, to make it officially and also Abby wanting to Call Chris her dad.


Once they finished their breakfast, they jumped into the car again and headed to the shops so three could buy food that they desperately needed.

When the family reached the shopping center, they got out of the car, Chris went to get the shopping cart while Melissa took Abby out of the car seat. She placed Abby into the sit in the shopping cart, while I pushed, she wrapped her arm around my arm; I smiled as we walked towards the grocery store.

"Ok, Abby, no treats today," Melissa tells her daughter, "Mel, if she gets one treat, is that ok, plus we need to start from scratch," Chris said Melissa.

"Ok, I just don't want to have her high on sugar," Melissa spoke.

"I know, how about we collect a bunch of candy and make a box, and she can have liked one or two with dessert or afternoon tea?" Chris asked, not understanding that it's a bad idea to do that.

"We can do that but, she won't be having it right before bed," Melissa speaks.

Chris chuckled as they walk into the store. "Ok, veggies first, Abby, hold the bag and count how many apples I put in the bag, ok," Melissa tells her daughter. Abby nods and counts 5 Apples.

The family gets more fruits and vegetables and walks around the store to get protein, meat, eggs, and Milk. They put snacks in the shopping cart for Abby and themselves, along with juice and other items they would usually get.

When they reached the candy aisle, Abby pointed at things she wanted, chips, candy, chocolate. "Abby, you can't have it all ok," Melissa stated, so Abby screamed, people looked.

"Abigail, please, no screaming," Melissa spoke. "I want chocolate," Abby screamed again, now kicking her legs, kicking Melissa.

"Abby that hurt," Melissa spoke rubbing. Chris picked up a muesli bar packet, shaking it.

"No, she has just had breakfast," Melissa told Chris. He nodded. "Please," she whined. Melissa sighed, "Half ok, but you have to be good to get a treat when we get home."

Abby nodded and Chris one from the box and broke it in half, while they got walked out of the candy isle with a few packets of candy and chocolate.

They got a few frozen meals, toiletry items, canned foods, snd other necessary household items.

When they reached the checkout, the young lady ogled Chris and Melissa. "Hi," Chris spoke, while he unpacked the shopping cart with Melissa.

"Hi," she whispered in shock. "How are you?" Chris asked casually, "G G Good," she whispered, shocked that he was standing in front of her.

The girl scanned the items while the bag handler packed their bags, Melissa pushed the trolly though and packed the already reusable bags back into the cart.

"Hey, babe, can you please get the rest of the muesli bar," Melissa asked Chris; he nodded, getting it out, handing the rest of the muesli bar to Abby walking over to Melissa putting his arm around her waist kissing her on the cheek.

"You're so lucky to have him as your husband home come I haven't seen you at any events?" The young girls asked Melissa, and Chris frowned.

"We have a daughter, and we don't want to take her or have anyone else looks after her" Melissa spoke.

"Why doesn't she come?" The young girl asked. The bag boy looked up and shook his head.

"She's 4" Chris spoke looking at Abby. "She is very cute," the boy spoke.

"Thank you," Chris spoke to the boy while the girl continued to ask questions.

"Is she always like this?" Melissa asked the boy while Chris paid.

"Yes," The boy spoke, getting something out from his apron pocket.

"Is she allowed a lollypop?" The boy asked Melissa nodded.

"You are very good with kids," Melissa spoke.

"Thank you; I love kids." He said.

"Here, this is our number, well my number, call us we might need a babysitter" Melissa told the boy called Cole.

"Thank you," he spoke, smiling.

The boy Cole helped Melissa pack the bags into the shopping cart.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Wood, for coming to my register" The young girl spoke, Chris nodded shaking Coles hand on his way out, putting his arm around Melissa.

They both chuckled, "Crazed fans" Chris spoke, Melissa nodded. "I don't want Abby to get full of herself."

"She won't I will make her doesn't," Chris told Melissa.

"Thank you" Melissa spoke.

"No worries" Chris replied.


Chris packed the shopping into the car while Melissa strapped Abby in. Melissa got into the car while Chris put the cart back when he hopped in, Melissa smiled. "Thank you for telling the crazed fan we're married," Melissa spoke.

"No worries," Chris replied by kissing her hand. Melissa blushed, "Daddy, why was that girl going crazy?" Abby asked.

Chris chuckled, "I don't know."

"She was crazy" Abby spoke, nodding her head."

"She was," Melissa giggled.


When they got home, Melissa went to get paper and crayons so she could draw while she and Chris could put everything away.

"She's gone quiet, is she ok?" Chris asked.

"She's probably tired," Melissa spoke, looking over at her daughter, who was quietly coloring along with her teddies, which she brought down from her room.

"She's entertaining herself with her teddies she's brought down from her room," Melissa told Chris he nodded,

"So I will show you where everything is," Chris told Melissa, She nodded as he showed her where all the pots, pans, plates, containers and utensils are.

Chris then showed Melissa where everything else was in the house, like the washing machine, dryer, and all the other household items where.

"Hey, I think I will get something to eat and then go set my things up in our room?" Melissa told Chris. He nodded, "I'll keep Abby entertained." Chris said Melissa, Melissa smiled, going into the kitchen.

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