Chapter 30

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Abby's POV

While daddy Chris went to the bathroom, I sat at our booth, waiting for him. The strange man looks and comes toward me. He seems to look like the man mummy says to stay away from because he hurts her. I'm glad daddy Chris doesn't hurt her.

"Hey, Abby, do you remember me?" The man asks me; I shake my head.

"Good, now you will come with me and your not going to scream do you hear me" I looked at him scared, I nod my head and walk out of the shop without a word waving to the man that had been watching me talking to this scary man.

When I stopped walking, he picked me up and threw me over her shoulder. He laughed as if we were having fun; I wasn't, I tried to scream, but whenever I tried to scream out to Chris, he slapped by the butt.

I don't know where he took me, all I know is it's dark, I cried, I wanted mummy and my Dino.

Chris's POV

"SHIT" I curse "That's her biological father, I'm her soon to be adoptive father, he's an abusive father and partner, I'm so dead," I yell at myself.

"Hey dude it's ok, I'm Edward, let's call the cops and your partner, we will find your daughter." The male made Edward told me, giving me a Tap on the shoulder.

Edward and I went back to the retro cafe sitting in the same booth as Abby, and I sat in moments ago.

"Shit man, I need to call Mel," I tell Edward, he nods "I'll call the cops, we will stay here until the cops come," Edward tells me giving a friendly smile.

I call Mel, No answer, "Come on, Mel picks up, you will be so mad at me." I whisper as cops walk into the diner,

"Mr. Wood, is everything ok?" One cop asked me.

"Melissa's daughter someone took him, her Ex, Abby's father, the one that abused her." I explained.

"Jake? We put a tracker on him, so we definitely will find him if he took that off. We can track his phone." The police officer told me.

Authors POV

He took his daughter to a grim place; then, he captures the one he abused, taking her to a gloomy place blindfolded. He places the women and the young girl to a chair next to each other.

"WERE-AM I" screamed the women, the man took off the blindfold, "Oh baby are you ok?" The woman asked the girl, too scared to speak the Child who didn't move, tear stains on her cheeks.

"Jake, what are you doing?" The woman asked, "I abducted my daughter, and well I wanted you, I want us to be an actual family. And if this the only way, then I guess I have to keep you and Abby tied up; I will do it," Jake screamed.

Abby teared up; Jake screamed at them, "Abby, it's ok; I'm here," The women spoke to Abby. "Mummy, I'm scared," Abby spoke, "So am I, but we will get through this together, ok, and Chris will find us," Melissa tells Abby.

Melissa showed a slight smile, trying to move her hands so she could see her daughter's hands. "So this Chris guy has he been keeping you two safe. I must send something for keeping my girls safe," Jake chuckled.

"Jake, don't do this please, can I ate the least order some pizza?" Melissa asked. "Ok fine." He groaned, annoyed at her voice.

"Can I have my phone?" Melissa asked. He pulled it out of his pocket, throwing it at her face and falling on the floor.

"Can I have my hands untied?" Melissa asked Jake, looked at her, "Seriously, do you think I will get up and leave?" Melissa looked at him, rolling his eyes.

"What about her's she won't move, she's scared, can she sit on my lap?" Melissa asked Jake.

Groaning again, "geese woman, you're so bossy," Jake whined, untying the two girls, handing Melissa the knowledge.

Melissa pulled up the dominoes going down to the kid's menu, remembering how she'd gotten out of these situations before.

Clicking the number 911 cheese pizza on the notes, she added, 'call Chris 555-6521, my daughter, and they have abducted me, help down in the basement.'

"Hey babe, I need the address," Melissa asked Jake.

"It's 332 Ally way," Jake told Melissa the address, she typed keeping the phone well hidden. She just had to wait for domino's seeing her order and get in contact with the police and Chris.

"So Melissa, are we going to get the house Chris has?" Jake asked, chuckling.

"No, but I would rather have Abby, and I am living on the street." Melissa spits her words out.


Chris and his new friendship with Edward are at the police station, hoping that they could catch Jake.

As an officer who knows Jake and his crimes well, along with a detective and Jakes's social worker, we're sitting in a slightly lit room his phone vibrated. Picking it up, not looking at the ID.

"Hello, is this Chris?" A female voice spoke.

"Yes, this is he," pulling it away from his face and putting it on speaker, now all paying attention to the phone on speaking, the detective and officer place their index finger on their lips.

"Hi Chris, I have an order from a lady named Melissa, saying to call you, she ordered the 911. One of my younger workers pulled it up," the older women spoke.

"Hi this is officer Jerry, does this woman have a baby girl with her?" Officer Jerry asked.

"I believe so," She replied.

"Ok, here's what we will do; you're going to call the number back" Officer Jerry started.

"She didn't have the number, but she gave us the address," The older women spoke.

"Great, have the pizza order ready, and we will meet you there in 10 minutes; it doesn't matter what pizza; we just need to get there," Officer Jerry spoke.

"Rez gets a team ready to leave immediately," Jerry spoke. Rez nodded his head, going out of the room. "Can I have the address, and we will meet you there," Jerry asked

"Oh yes, it's; 332, Ally way," the woman spoke to the officer.

"Thank you, meet us there with any pizza; don't tell anyone else, ok," Officer Jerry spoke, hanging up Chris's phone.

"Mr. Wood, you're coming with us, Edward; it would be great if you can stay out of this from now; thank you so much for your help" Jerry spoke as he hurried out of the room with Chris behind him.


"Mummy, I'm Hungry" Abby whispered. "I know, I am too the pizza is on its way," Melissa tells her daughter, Abby nodded.

There is knocking at the door, "Pizza delivery," as the women spoke with police behind her.

"Leave it at the doorstep," Jake yelled, "I can't do that. You need to pay," the women shouted back.

"Baby go hide ok," Melissa told her daughter as she got up and ran. "You little brat," Jake said, pulling out a gun, Melissa horrified, got up as he pulled the trigger. BANG!


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