Chapter 6

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Melissa's POV

After an awkward quiet dinner with Chris mum I took Abby to have a bath and get her settled ready for bed so I could use her iPad to look for new cheap apartments. Once again, the cheapest apartments are one bed room one bathroom.

I sat on the couch in the living area; I threw the iPad to the side and rubbed my face. "Everything ok?" I heard a male voice. Jumping, I looked to see it was Chris. "Your home early, I thought the play boy Chris Wood would sleep with nurse Chloe" Melissa snarled at Chris.

"Um yeah, she's bitchy and talks too much," he said, sitting on the couch next to me. "What couldn't get a word or your tong down her throat," she asked looking at him.

"yeah plus she's not my type." Chris replied, I nodded as he looked at the iPad.

"You've already started looking for a new place?" He questioned me.

"Yeah, I don't want to be in your way." I told him.

"You're not, plus I think mum is actually happy to have a daughter and granddaughter like figure around. Libby and her daughter aren't here that often," Chris explained to me. I nodded my head.

We stood up at the same time inches away from each other's faces, lips. I wanted to kiss those pink lips. Our eyes met, staring into each other's eyes. I coughed speaking, hoping to get out of the uncomfortable situation. "I'm going to bed. "

"Me to." Chris replied. "To my bed not yours, because you have a child in your bed," he strutted.

I chuckled. "OK, good night" I replied reaching to get the iPad from the couch. Chris waited for me so we walk up stair together. He walked me to my door and out of the blue he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Good night Melissa" he replied with a smile walking to his bedroom leaving me there.

He kisses me.. smiling I touched my face where he kissed me and walked into a slightly lit up room.

I take off my clothes and get changed into my Pyjamas. As I was putting my shirt on, I heard a quiet knock on the door. I turned to see Abby still asleep. I walk to the door to see Chris on the other side of the door.

"Hi" is all I could say before her grabbed my face at which a flinched at, so he pulled me in by the waist and kissed me, not a peck on the lips kiss, but an actual kiss, that for me was more passionate the Jake ever kissed me.

I leaned into the kiss as did he I tapped him on his shoulder Looking at him in his eyes. We both gave each other goofy smiles.

"Thank you" is all I could say going back into the room Abby and I shared.

I felt my lips tingle, smiling I slipped into bed, I kissed my daughter good night again and rolled over falling asleep quickly.


Authors POV

The next morning Melissa work Abby up and they walked downstairs to see Chris, his mother and father. "Good morning, Melissa and Abby. Would you like breakfast?" Mrs Wood asked. "We can get it, if you tell us where everything is" Melissa replied

"Oh, Melissa your our guest please let us serve you," Mrs Wood told Melissa. Who smiled and sat Abby two chairs down next to Chris while She sat her self next to Chris who gave he a smile. She smiled back. "Morning" he whispered smiling.

"I'm going to the big office today with my father, and then head out to some cafes, did you want to come?" He asked Melissa.

"I have Abby," Melissa replied "Relax honey, I will take care of her. I have to run a few errands, but I don't mind taking her with me," Mrs Wood told Melissa. "Thank you" Melissa replied with a smile. She's never had a lot of the help, or willing to help, other than when her parents want to, or can come up.

Melissa had a shower and helped Abby get ready while Chris looked after Abby, so his mum could have a shower. When she came back down, Chris raced upstairs so he could get ready himself. Him and Mrs Wood came down at the same time. Mrs Wood dresses much more casually than I've seen her jeans and a button up top.

"Abby's bag is all packed. Let me know if she gets fussy," Melissa told Mrs Wood "It's ok Melissa," she told Melissa with a smile. "Ready to go?" Mrs Wood asked Abby.

Abby smiled happily as Mrs Wood picked her up and took to the car while I wanted for Chris with Mr Wood senior.

"Melissa I am sorry about what happened. If you like we can give you another job in a different cafe." Mr Wood asked.

"Um thank you. I think I would look for a new job and care. That would be closer to a house that I will get," Melissa told Mr Wood senior.

"Oh, no that won't be happening. " Mr Wood senior spoke with a chuckle, freaking Melissa out. She tensed up looking at him.

"Not like that Melissa, I have seen you in action, you are the most confident and capable person for this job. You're more than capable for a high position," Mr Wood senior states.

"Thank you sir, that much appreciated, but the job I have now is perfect," Melissas tells him.

Mr Wood senior sighs, folding the paper in his hands in half not wanting to take no for an answer. Mr Wood was right Melissa was a good employee, a great one, and no one to lose. "What did you want to do when you got older, Melissa?" He asked:

"Me, when I was younger, before I got pregnant and leave school, not getting my high school diploma?" Melissa asked confused he nodded.

"I wanted to be a palaeontologist, work with dinosaurs" Melissa said with a bright smile on her face. It was rare for anyone to ask her that, so when someone did it put a smile on her face.

"Oh very nice, I would have thought an actress," he replied with a smile. She chuckles. "Hmm, I think the actress is my daughter." She replies with a smile.

"Melissa please think about it, while you are out with us today, I don't expect an answer right away" Mr Wood senior told her going back to reading the paper. Melissa nods her head and waits for Chris to come down to they could all head out to the big corporate office.


Melissa's POV

We walked into the corporate office of 'Cup half full. "Nick show Miss Benoist around I need to do some work before we head out," his father told us.

"No worries dad, is there anything else we can do?" Chris asked him. "Convince here to take a better position. We can't lose her" Mr Wood senior told us, Chris nodded as he showed me around the building and how they do and work with the cafe soon going round to new locations.

As we were walking around, we came up to an office, I took a glimpse at it and it read on the door, 'Mr Chris wood'.

Chris pulled me into the office and closed the door behind us, pushing me up against the door and kissing me.

At first I tried to pull away but I melted into the kiss, not feeling like this ever, not even with Jake. He pulled away from me as we both breathed out air we desperately needed.

"I'm so sorry I needed that" he told me. I shook my head not caring, pulling him back in for a kiss, that I now wanted. We kissed moving away from the door, over to the couch was near the large window with a blind on it, I think it must have being one of the electrical high class blinds where you can see out, but no one can see in.

We laid on the couch kissing each other, when he moved his hands down my body, I flinched and got up as fast as I could. "What?" He asked, coming towards me. I huddled up into a ball, rocking back and forth. I heard nothing after that.

Chris's POV

One minute we were making out on the couch then the next she is on the floor huddled in a ball rocking back and forth.

"Melissa?" I whisper. Sitting down in front of her. I want to hold her and tell her everything is all right, but I remember mum talking about a patient with PTSD she let them be, but it's not the same with everyone that has PTSD.

I sat there with Melissa telling her she was safe and that I wasn't trying to harm her. She occasionally looked up at me. I slowly moved close to her, telling her I was going to you touch her but every time I tried to touch her on the arm around the waist she would flinch and move back, to where she was up against the glass that sealed the office to everyone else. 

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